Space and positioning considerations
The MCS 5042 is larger (and, when fully populated, heavier) than a standard 19-inch equipment
rack. Therefore, space required for maneuvering, operating, and servicing the MCS 5042 is greater
than standard-sized racks.
Delivery space requirements
You must ensure the facility has adequate space to receive and remove the MCS 5042 from the
shipping pallet. When unloading the MCS 5042, take into consideration the following:
• Forklifts must enter and transport the shipping pallet from the side.
• Delivery plans must include the possible removal of walls or door.
• A total length of approximately 6.1 m (20 feet) must be allowed to safely remove the MCS 5042
from the shipping pallet down the provided ramps.
• The packaged dimensions of the MCS 5042 preconfigured with a single IT rack are (including
shock pallet and cartons):
2285 mm (90 inches) height x 1219 mm (48 inches) width x 1829 mm (72 inches) depth
Maneuvering space requirements
When maneuvering the MCS 5042, use the following guidelines:
• Racks with casters must be moved with care. Sudden stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces
might cause the product to overturn.
• Both the cooling unit and the IT rack have casters that are fixed at the front and swivel in the back
due to stability and safety concerns. Therefore it is easier to move the MCS 5042with the back as
the leading edge.
• For long, straight distances roll the MCS 5042 with the front, fixed casters leading. For better
mobility lead with the rear, swiveling casters.
• When rolling the MCS 5042, push firmly on the front doors frame and not the door mesh of the IT
rack. The points on where to push the MCS 5042 are marked by factory.
• Make sure the rooms and doors are large enough to accommodate the movement of the MCS
5042 cabinet into the data center.
• When transporting the MCS 5042 to a different building floor, be sure elevators have adequate
load capacity, floor space, and door clearance to accommodate the rack. The MCS 5042 pallet
can only be moved with forklifts from the side, which has a length of 1829 mm (72 inches).
• When transporting the MCS 5042 within a building, be sure that doorway thresholds are adequate
to hold the rack. HP does not recommend that you lift or transport the MCS 5042 by eyebolts that
are attached to the upper corners of the cabinet.
To reduce risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, a single
person must not attempt to move equipment racks alone. Obtain adequate
assistance to stabilize the rack during movement or hire professional
equipment riggers.