topor grill.
i To Set Controls J
• Since the controls are a push-turn type, they must be pushed down before turn-
ing. To set (from the OFF position), push down on control knob and turn in either
direction to desired setting.
• When the control is in any position, other than OFF, it may be turned in any direc-
tion without pushing down.
• The red lightbar (in front of the control knob area) willglow when any control knob
is ON.
......................, ii i !
1. Leftrear element (rear Energy-Saveror Standardgrill)
2. Leftfront element (frontEnergy-Saver)
3. Rightfront element (frontEnergy-Saver orStandardgrill)
4. Rightrear element (rearEnergy-Saver)
Note: For model CVE4370, the rightbay isfor
J , .......................
NOTE:The =Energy-Saver' grillelement (right) isincludedwithsome cook-
tops or may be purchasedas an optionfor most models. This permits
utilizingonly halfof the grillarea, if desired,or usingdifferentcontrolset-
tingsfor the front and rear positionof the element. When usingthisele-
ment, bothcooktopcontrols,front and rear,must be turnedon in orderto
usethe fultgrillarea. FormodelCVE4180, the standardgdllwas included.
See directionsabove. ............................., ..................
(Suggested Control Settings for Surface Elements !
The size and type of cookware used and the amount and type of food being cooked will
influence the setting needed for best cooking results. Electrical line voltage may also
vary, which willaffect the needed control setting. The setting indicated should serve as
a guide while you become familiar with your cooktop.
Hi Afast heattostartcookingquickly,tobringliquidstoa boil,topreheatoilfordeepfat frying.
Usedfor mostgrilling.
7-10 (MediumHigh)Forfastfryingorbrowningfoods,tomaintainrapidboiloflargeamountsoffood,
tomaintainoiltemperaturefor deepfatfrying.
5-6 (Medium) Forfoods cookedinadoubleboiler,saut6ing,slowboiloflargeamounts offood, and
3-4 (Medium Lo) Tocontinuecookingfoods startedon higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures offoods, simmeringfoods, melting butterorchocolate.
The controlsofferflexibility insetting selection. On settings other than Hi, you may adjust
the controls above or below the numbered setting for best results. This applies to
settings when using cooktop cartridges or when using the grillorany ofthe accessories.
Suggested settings are provided as general guidelines.