Campomatic DW214C Owner's manual

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Toreviewthe sectiononTroubleshootingTips
willhelpyoutosolve somecommonproblems
by yourse lf .
Dear Cu s to m er ,
Pl eas e ca ref u ll y r ead ing i t b ef or e us in g t he d is hw ash er
will help youtouseandmaintainthedishwasherproperly.
Pas siton toanysubsequ ento wne rof theappliance.
Thismanual contains sectionsof SafetyInstructions,
OperatingInstructions,Installation Instructionsand
Troubleshooting Tips,etc.
The m anufacture r, follo wing a p olicy ofcon stant
develo pmenta ndu pdati ng of the product ,may
make modifi cations witho ut gi ving prior not ic e.
Keep it to r efer to a ta la te r d ate.
Ifyou c annot reso lve t he tr oublesb yyo ur self ,
please ask f orthe help o f p rofe ssiona l techn ician s.
Di shw as h er Fe at u re s.. . ... .. ..... .. . ... .. ... . .. ...... ... . .. 3
At tentio n b efor e o rafte r loading the D ish wa sh er
FilteringSystem. .................... ......... .......... .....13
Car ing for the Di shw asher. ................... . ....... ..14.
A Loadi ng the S alt in tot heSoftener.......... ...... .5
B Fill theRinseAid Dispenser...... ...................5
C FunctionofDetergent . ................................6
Load ingt he Ba sket ...... ...... ... .... ..... ...... ... ...... ... .8
WashCycleTable............................. ..............11
Turning on theAppliance................ ................11
Change the Programme.............. ....... ......... 12....
At the End of the Wash Cycle............ ......... ......12
PositioningtheAppliance...... ............. ..........16..
Wate r C o nnec ti on. ... . ..... ...... .... ...... ..... . .. ..... ..16.
A bout P o wer Conne c tion. . .. ... .... .. . ... ... .... .... ... 1 6.
Connection ofDrainHoses..................... .......17.
St art of dishwasher............................. .. ......18.. ..
Beforecal ling for servi ce.... .... ................... .....19.
Errorcodes.................................... ..............20.
Technical information...... ............. ........... .....21..
Control Panel...................................................3
When load bigger Dinner Plates.....................10
T hi sa p pli anc e i s i nt en d ed t ob e us e din househ old
andsimilar ap plicationssuchas:
-staffkitchen areasinshops,office san dot her
worki ngenvironments ;
-f a rm house s;
-by clients inh otels,motelsan dotherresid ential
typee nvironments;
-bedandbreakfas ttyp eenviro nments.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
mal function or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of electric shock by providing a path of
least resistan ce of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance with
all local code s and ordinances.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away fromthe open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eo nly det ergent and rins eadditiv es
design ed for an aut oma tic dishwash er.
Ne ver u ses oap,laun dryde terg ent, orh and
wa shin gdetergent in you r d ishwash er.Keep
these produ cts out of t he re ach of chi ldren.
During installation,the powersupply mustnot
be excessively ordangerouslybentorflattened.
Thedoorshouldnot be left intheopenposition
sincethiscould present atrippinghazards.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not place any heavy objects of stand on the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
When lo ad in g ite ms to be wa sh ed :
1)Locate sharp itemssothat theyarenot likely
todamagethedoor seal;
2 Warning: Kni ves and other u te nsil swith
sha rp p oin ts mu st be l oa ded in t he bask et
w it h their points d own or p lace di n a
When using you rdishw asher, yo ushould
preve ntplastic items fro mcomin gint oco ntact
withheatingelement.(Thisinstruction isonly
applica ble to m achines with a visual h eating
ele ment.)
I fthe s upply cord i sdam aged , it must be replace d
by the m anu facturer or its se rvic eagent or a
si mi larly qual ifi ed pers on in orderto a void a
hazar d.
Pl ease d is pose of pack ing mater ials proper ly.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Dishwasher deterge nts are s tro ngly a lka line, they
can be extre melyda nge rou s ifsw allo wed.Avoid
contactwithskin and eyesandkeep children away
from th e di shwa she rwh en t hedoor isopen.
Ch eck that the dete rgent re cept ib le is empty
aft er compl etio no f thewash cycle.
The app lian cei s to b econne cted to t he water
mainsusing new hosesets andthat oldhose-sets
shoul d n o t be r eused .
The maximumpermissibleinletwaterpressureis
1Mpa .
The minimumpermissibleinlet water pressureis
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been gi ven supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When usin g y our dis hwas he r, fol low t he pr ecaut ions lis t ed b el ow:
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there i s a risk of water squirting out.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor canresult in a riskof electric shock.
C heck with a qualified electrician or servic e
representative if you are in d oubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it is not fit for
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
The maximumsizeof thedishes is260mm.
D ispo se o fthe d is hwas herpackaging m ater ial c orrectly.
All pa ckaging mate rials ca nbe r ec y cled .
Pl ast ic parts a remark edwith t hestand ard int ernat i onal a bbr eviations:
PE fo r pol yet hylen e,e .g. s hee t wra pping m ater ial
PS for polystyrene,e.g.paddingmaterial
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opy lene ,e.g. Salt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri leB utad iene Sty rene, e. g.Contro l Pa nel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerous for children!
Fo rdispos ing of pa ckage a nd thea ppl iance ple ase go to a r ecycling cen tre. The refore cut
off the powersupplycable and mak ethe doorclosin gdevice unusable.
Cardboard packaging ismanufactured from recycledpaperand shouldbe disposedinthe
w aste p ap erc ollect ion for re cy cling .
By en sur ingth isprodu ctis dispo se d of corr ect ly, you will help pr event po tentialn egative
con seque nces f or the e nvi r onment and human h eal th,w hic h cou ldotherw ise be c aused
byinappropriatewaste handling of thisproduct.
Fo rmor ed etail ed informat iona bou t rec ycling o f this pro duc t, please c on tact your loca l
ci tyoffice and your hou seh old w aste dis posalser vi ce.
DISPOSAL :Do no t dispose th is pr odu ct as unsorte dmunicip alwaste .Collect ion of such
waste separ ately for spe cial t reatment is n eces sary.
beforeusingit forthe firsttim e.
To getthe best performance fromyourdishwasher,read all operatinginstructions
Front view
Back View
Fi l ter asse mbl yDete rg ent Di spenser
Cup Shelf
Cutl ery Bas ket
Ri nse Aid Disp en ser
Inle tpipe conne cto r
Sp ra yArm s
Bas ket
Salt Con tainer
2 4
7 8
9 10
Power B utton: Tot ur n o n/ of f the p owe r supply.
Po wer Light:To be on when the ON/OFF Button is
Pre sseddown.
WashingProgram Selector:Topress the buttont o
sele ct was h cy cl es .
Start/Reset Button:Pressthisbutton tostart or
3in1function Button:To press thebutton When
(On ly forprogram :Intensive/Normal/Eco.)
Del ayBut ton Topress t he but ton to de lay t im e
( 0~24hou rs)
Child lockfunction:Topress3in1function
button and de lay butt onat t he same t ime.
Display: Toshowdelay time,saltwarming,
r in se-aid w arming, countdow nof washi ng
c ycl e's ti me, program what y ous electe d,chi ld
lock f unction, 3in1 fu ncti on and so on.
nor mal fo r a s mall a mount o f water t o come out of th e sal t con ta i ner.Itis
1.The sal tcon tai ne r must only be refil ledwhen t he salt warning l ight in t he cont rol panel comes on.
Depend ing on how ful ly t he salt dissol ves,the sa ltwarnin glight m ay sti llbe on even tho ugh th e
salt container is filled .
If there i sno sa ltw ar ning li ght i n the con tr olpanel (Fo rsome Models) ,you can j udge wh en t o loa d
the s altinto the so ftene rby th e cycles that the di shwasher had r un.
2. If there a re spill s o ft he salt ,a soa kor a rapid pro gram s hould be ru nto re move t he excesss alt.
Alw aysuse salt inten ded fo r use with dishw asher.
The salt c ont ain er is l ocated ben eath the ba sketand shoul dbe f illed as fo llows:
Only use salt spe cifi ca lly designe dforu se in dis hwashers!A llother type s of
salt n ot speci ficallyde sig ned fo rusein a dishw as her, e speciall y table s al t, will
damage the w at ersof tener. I n caseof d ama ges caused b ythe use o funsuitab le
salt t he ma nuf acture rdoes notgi ve any wa rranty nor is liabl e for a ny cause d
damage s.
Only fill wi thsal tjustb efore sta rting one o ftheco mp lete wa shingp ro gr ammes.
This wi ll p revent any g rains of s alt or sa lty wate r, w hi ch may have b een s plit,
remain ing of the b ottom of t he ma chin efor any per iod of time, which may cause
c o rr os ion.
Th er i nse aid is rel ea se dd u ri ngthe final ri nse to pr event wat er f rom for mi ng d roplets o ny o ur dis hes.Th at can l eave
spots ands treaks. It also improve sd ryi ngby allow ing water t o sheet off t he dish es.You r dishw ash er isdes ign ed to
usel iquid r ins ea ids.The rin se a iddi spense rislocated inside t hedoor nex t to the detergent d ispenser. To fill th e
dispenser,openthecapandpourthe rinseaidintothe dispenseruntil thelevel indicatorturnscompletelyblack.
Thevol umeof the r ins eai d container is about 110ml.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally added d uring th elast r inse, ensur ing th orough rin sing, and spo tan dst reak f ree dryi ng.
A Remo ve the baske t and t hen uns crew a nd re move t he cap f rom t he salt c ontainer.
B Befo re fir stwas h, ad d1lt. o f w at er in t he salt co ntaine r o f y our mac hine.
C Place th eend of the f unnel (su pplied) in to the ho le and i ntroduce abou t 1kg of sal t .
D Af terf il li ng th econt ainer , sc rew th ecap t ightly back clockwise .
E Usually, t he salt war ning light wi ll be cea se to be illu minated w ithi n2 -6 daysaft erthe salt container has been f il le d w ith
sal t.
F Immedi at ely a ft erfil lin gthe s alt into the sa lt co ntain er, a was hing progr amme should be started
Otherwisefiltersystem,pumpor other important parts ofthemachinemay be damagedby salty
water. Itisoutofwarranty.
If yourm odel have water softe ner, youmay skip thissect
To op enthe d i spen ser,turn the cap tothe " ope n" ( left) ar row a nd l ift it o ut.
Po ur t he ri nse ai d int o th e dis pen ser, be ing ca refu l n ot to o ver fill .
Replace the cap b y inserting i ta ligned w ith "open" arrow and turning i t to t heclosed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseAid Di spenser
The rins e aid dispe ns er has six or four s ett ings.Always sta rt wi th the d ispens er
set o n "4". I f spots and poor dryin gare prob lem s, i ncreas ethe amoun t of rins e
aid d ispensed b y removin g the d ispens erli dand rot ating t he d ial to "5". If the
dishes st il l are notdr yi ng prope rlyo rare spotte d, ad just thed ial to th e next
highe r number until yo ur dis hes are s pot- fre e.The re commended s et tingi s"4".
(Factory valueis"4".)
Increasethedose if thereare drops of waterorlimespotsonthe dishes afterwashing.
Reduce itifthere aresticky whitis hstains on yourdishesorabluishfilm on glasswareor
knife blades.
As th erinse aid d iminishe s, t hesiz eo f th e black dot
ontherinse aidlevel indicatorchanges,asillustratedbelow.
1/4 full- Should refillto eliminate spotting
Em pt y
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth ereis no r ins e-aid war ning ligh t in thec ont rolpanel ,you can jud geth eam ou nt of r inse- ai d by t hecolor
oftheopticallevelindicator located nextto thecap. Whentherinse-aidcontainer isfull,the whole
indicato rwill be dark .As t herinse -aid dimini sh es, th es ize o fthe dark dot de creases. You shou ldneve rlet
durin gthe nex tw ash.
Don' tforget t ore plac et hecap be fore you clos edis hwa sherd oor.
Clean u p an y rinse aid split du ri ng f illing wit h a n ab so rbe nt c lot h t o avoid ex cessi v e foamin g
Deterge nts w ith its chem ic al ingred ients a rene cessary to r emov e dirt ,crus hdirt an d trans port it o ut of the di shw as her.
M ost of com m er cial quality d eterg ents are su i tab le f o r thi s pur pos e.
Onlyuse branded rinseaidfor dishwasher.Neverfill therinseaid dispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleani ng ag ent, liqu id dete rge nt ).Th is would dam age t he app lian ce .
The re ar e 3 s orts of dete rge nt s
1.Withphosphate andwithchlorine
2.With phosph ate andwithout c hlorine
3.Wit hou tph osphate and with out chlo ride
Amountof Detergent toUse
Based on their chemi cal compo sit ion, dishw asher can be s plit i n two ba sic types :
Detergent tabletsofdifferent brandsdissolve atdifferent speeds.Forthisreasonsome
dete rgen ttablets ca nnot dissolve and dev el op the irf ull cl eanin gpower dur ing s ho rt
programmes.Therefore pleaseuselong programmes whenusingdetergenttablets,to
ensur e the com pl ete re moval of det er g e nt re si du als .
The disp ensermust b ere fi lled be fore th e star t of e ach was hcyclef ollowing the instructi ons
provided i nthe Wash CycleTable .Your di shw ashe r us es l essdete rgent a ndrin se a idthen
conventionaldishwasher.Generally, only onetablespoon of detergent isneededfor
anor mal was hload.Also, mo re h ea vilyso iled items ne ed more det erge nt .Alwa ysa ddth e
dete rgen tj ust before star tin g the dis h was her, oth erw ise it coul dg e tda mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e pr operly.
Concentrated Detergent
Always a dd the d etergent j us t b efore start ing ea chwash cycl e.
Onlyuse branded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If the lid is cl osed: press rele asebutton.T helid spring sop en.
co nventi onal, alkal ined ete rgentsw ithcaus ticcomp onents
low alkalin eco ncentrat ed d etergen ts wit hnatural enzymes
Normally ne w pu lverised dete rgent is wi th out phos ph ate.Thewat erso ftener fu nction o f
phosph ate is no t gi ve n. I n th i s c a se w e r e com me nd to fi l l sa lt in t h e sa lt co nta i ner e ven whe n
thehardnessofwateris only 6 dH.Ifdetergentswithout phosphatewereusedincase ofhardwater
often wh itespots app ear at d ishe sandgla sse s. In this cas ep lease add mo re de ter gent tore ach
better r esu l ts . De t e r gents w i tho ut chlori n e do only bleach a lit t le. Stro ngand c ol o u red spo t s w i ll no t
r emov e d co mple t ely. I n t his case plea s e cho ose a pr ogra m m e with h i g her Te mper a tur e .
Detergent tablet
De tergen t pow der
Detergenttablets are only for the modelswith 3 in1 functionor 3in 1 program.
Fillt hede ter gent disp enserw ith d etergen t.
Th e m ark i ng in d icates th e dos i ng leve l s , as
illustrate don righ t:
Th ep la ceo f main wash cyc ledeterg ent placed.
Th ep laceof pr e- wash c ycle det er ge nt p laced.
Pleaseo bse rvethem anufactur er s dosing and storage
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
C l ose the li d a nd pr e ss unt il it l oc ks in plac e .
I f t h e di sh es are heavil y so il ed , pl ace an ad di ti o nal
detergen tdo sein the pre-w as h det er gent cham be r. Th isd eter gent will take effec td uring the pre -washp has e.
Fillin detergent
You fi ndin for mation ab out the a mo unt o fdet erg ent for th es ingle pro gram me ont he l astpage .
Pl ea seaw ar e, tha t accord ing t othe lev elsoiling and the spec ific har dnes sof waterd iffer ence sa repossib le.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer's recommendationsonthe de tergentpackaging.
C utler ywi th w ood en, horn china or
m ot her-o f-p earl h andles
P lastici tems t ha t are n ot
Older c u tl ery w ith glued p arts t ha t isn ot
te mperature resist ant
Bond ed c utl eryite ms or di shes
Pewteror cooperitems
c rysta l g la ss
S tee l i te ms s ubj e ct to r ust ing
Wood en p latters
It ems made f rom s ynt het ic fibres
heat resistant
Some typesofglassescanbecome
dull afteralargenumber ofwashes
Silveran daluminium partshavea
t e nde ncy t o disc o lou r during was h ing
G laz e d p a ttern s m ay fade i fm achin e
w ashed freq u ent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Don't putpowder detergentintothedispenser untilyou're readytowashdishes .
U se onl y dete r gent spe c if ic a ll y made f or us e i n di sh w a s her s. Keep your de ter g ent fres h a n d dry.
Prop erU se o fDeterg ent
Dishwash erdetergen t is co rrosive! Ta kecare to keepi t out of reach ofc hildren.
U sea mil ddet erg ent th at is de scribed as'k ind ofdi shes'.If n ecessa ry, s eek f ur ther
i nfo r matio n f rom d ete r ge nt manufa ctur er s.
For p art icular items,s elec t ap rogramme w itha sl owa te mp erat ure.
Topreven tda ma ge,d ono ttake gla ssa ndc utle ry o utof the dish washer immedia tely
Consi de r bu yi ng ut ens i ls w h i ch a r e identif ie d as dis hwa sh er -p r oof .
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside one another, or cover each other.
To avoid damage to glasses, they must not touch.
Load large items which are most difficult to clean into the basket.
Long bladed knives stored in an upright position are a potential hazard!
Long and/or sharp items of cutlery such as carving knives must be positioned
horizontally in the basket.
Load hollow items such as cups, glasses, pans etc. With the opening downwards so that
water cannot collect in the container or a deep base.
(For best performance of the dishwasher, follow these loading guidelines.
Features and appearance of baskets and cutlery baskets may vary from your model.)
Scrape off any large amounts of leftover food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans
It is not necessary to rinse the dishes under running water.
Place objects in the dishwasher in following way:
1.Items such as cups, glasses, pots/pans, etc. are face down.
2.Curved items, or those with recesses, should be loaded at a slant so that water can run off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All utensils are placed in the way that the spray arms can rotated freely during washing.
Very small items should not be washed in the dishwasher as they could easily fall out of the basket.
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher BasketsAttention before or after loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Please do not overload your dishwasher.
Position the dishes and cookware so that they will not get moved by the spray of water.
Loading the BasketLoading the Basket
Medium serving bowl
Oval platter
Dinner plates
Soup plates
Dessert dishes
Cutlery basket
Cutlery s hould be pla ced in th e cut lery basket with handl es atth ebot to m.If the rack has side bas kets, the spoon
shouldbe loaded individually into the appropriateslots,especially long utensils shouldbeplaced inthehorizontal
posit ion a tthe fro nto fthe u pp erb aske t as sho wn.
Do no t le tany it emext end thro ugh bot tom.
Alw ays load shar putensil swith the sharp poi ntdown!
Plate racksof Basket
The b asketis fi tted with p late racks which
can be stow edhorizo ntal if r equire d.
Soup spoons
For ks
Se r v i n g for ks
Serving spoons
Kn i v e s
Dessert sp oons
Gravy ladles
Plate racks of Basket
When load bigger Dinner plates,
please fold the rack to left picture
showed location.
The maximum plate can be loaded
is 270mm(10 inches) diameter.
When load bigger Dinner PlatesWhen load bigger Dinner Plates
Loading the BasketLoading the Basket
Position the dishes and cookware so that they will not get moved by the spray of water.
Large serving bowl
Dinner plates
Soup plates
Dessert dishes
Cutlery basket
9 9
Means:need tofill rinseintotheRinse-Aid Dispenser.
*En5024 2:This program is t hetest cycle, the rin se-ai ddi spe nser
setting is r ecommen ded to Posi tion 6.
Starting a washcycle...
Draw out the basket(seethesectionentitled Loading theDishwasher ).
Po ur in th e deter g e nt (see t he sect ion e ntitl ed Salt,
DetergentandRinseAid ).
Insert the plug intothesocket.The powersupplyis 220-240
VAC 50HZ,the speci ficat ionof the socket is 10A250VA C.
M a ke s ur e that th e wa t er su ppl y is tu rn e don to full pr es s ure.
Pres sth eprogram b utto n, th ewash prog ra mwill b echan ged as follows di rection
If a p rog ram is s elec ted , the program ico nwilld is play i nt he L ED disp lay.
Th en press t he Star t/Re se t butt on,the d ishwash erbegin sto sta rt.
Inten sive->Nor mal-> Eco ->Gl ass->Rapid->Soak ;
When you pressthe Start/Resetbutton topauseduringwashing,
t h e p ro gram l ig ht wi ll s top b lin ki ng and t he d i shw as her w il l m oo ing
everyminute unlessyoupressthe Start/Res et button tostart.
For normally soil ed loads,
such aspots, plates,
Standard daily cycle for
suchas pots, plates,
Fortheheaviestsoiled loads,
such as pots,pans,casserole
dishesand dishes thathave
been sitting wi th dried food
onthem fo rawhile.
Ashorter wash for lightl y
soiledloads that donot
Forlightly soiled loads,
suchas glasses, crystaland
15g .
14 5
Pre- wash
Was h (6 0 )
Rins e
Rins e(70 )
Dryin g
Was h (5 5 )
Rins e
Rins e(70 )
Dryin g
Was h ( 4 5 )
Rin se
Rinse(60 )
Dryin g
0. 01
Pre -w ash
Was h ( 4 0 )
Rin se
Rin se
Pre-was h 5 0
Wash (70 )
Rins e
Rins e
Rins e(7 0 )
Dryi ng
15g .
To rinse di shes that yo u
pl anto wash la ter that day.
No r ma l
(or )3in1
(or )3in1
(or )3in1
It is d an gerou s to open th e door when was hi ng , be c a us e the hot water ma y s cald you .
Whe nthe wo rking cyc le h as fi nished, the b uzzerof dishwa sher will sound 8 second s,the nstop.Turn off
t he a ppli ance usi ng the O N/O FFbutto n, sh ut o ff th ewa te rsupp ly and op en t he d oor of t he di shwashe r.
Wait a fe wminut esbe fore un loadi ng t he d ishw asher to avo idha ndling t he di she sand ut ensils w hile t hey
are s til l h ot a ndmore suscept ible tobr eak age. The ywill al sodry be tter.
SwitchOff the Dishwasher
In t he digi tal d isplay appear s 0 ( remaining pro gramme tim e), only in this case the program me has ende d.
1.Sw itch off t he di shwasher byp ressin gthe ON/OF F butto n.
2.Turnoffthewater tap!
Openthedoor carefully.
Hot dishes are sensit iveto kn ocks. The di shes shou ld theref orebe a llowed to cool down arou nd 15 minutes
before removingfromthe appliance.
Open t hedish washer's door, l eave i tajar and w ait a f ew mi nutes before rem oving the dishes. In this way they
will be cooler and t he dryi ngwill b eimpr oved .
Itis norm althat t he dish washe ris we tinsid e.
will keep on working aft er10 secon ds.
I fyouopen the doo rwhen washing, the m achine w ill pau se.Whe nyouc lose the door , the mac hine
Aforgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotten dishes.
Close the door
After the spray arms stop working, you can open the
door completely.
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
Otherwise ,the detergentma yhavealready been
released, andthe appliancemay havealreadydrainedthe wash water. If this
isthe case, the detergentdispensermust be refilled (seethe section entitled
" Loadingthe Detergent ").
PressStart/Reset Button more than three seconds the machinewill be in stand
bystate ,then you can change the program to th e desired cycle setting(see
thes ectionentitled " S tartinga washcycle. . ." ).
NOT E : I f you o pen the do or du ri n g was hi n g, t he m a c hine w i ll p ause . Wh eny o u
closethe door a nd press the start/resetButton,the machine will keepon
worki ng after10 sec onds .
The LED display shows the s tate of the di shwasher:
a)The LED off------------------------------------- ---On s tand by
b)The LED on------------- ---------- ---------------Being paused
c)C olonicon in the LED blinking----------------------Running
You can modi fy the washingprogram, W henthe d ishwasher just
runs for a sho rttime.
Press the start/reset button
Press the start/reset button, the dishwasher will run
after 10 seconds.
The f ilter prev ent l ar gerre mna nts offo odo rothero bje ctsf rom gett inginsid e the pump.
The fil ter sys temcon sists ofa coarse filter, af lat ( Mai nfilt er)
an d a micro fil te r (fi ne fi l t er) .
Food andsoil particlestr apped bythisfilterarepulverized by a
special jet ont h e s p ray a r m and wa shed dow n t o drai n.
Largeritems,such aspiecesofboneor glass,thatcouldblock
the drain are trap ped in t hecoarse f ilter. To re mo veth eitems
caught b ythe filter, gentlysqueeze thetapon the top ofthis
filterandlift out.
Coarse filter
This filte rho lds s oi la nd f ood r esi due inth esumpa re a and
preve nts i t fro mbeing redeposit on the dishes du ring wash cy cle.
Fine filter
Thefilter efficiently
F or bes t per f orma n ce a n d re sul ts, t he f ilte r asse m bly mus t b e re gul ar ly. th i s rea s on, it i s a go od i dea to
r emo ve th ela rger fo od pa rti clestr app ingi nt he filte rafter e achwash cy cleb yrin sin gthe f ilte rand cu punder
r unn ingw ate r.To remove t he filte rassemb ly, p ul lon th ecu ph andle in th eu pwa rddir ect ion.
re mo vesfood part icle s from th ewa sh w at er,allowin git to be re- cyc lated duri ng t hecy cle .
Fo r
Never run th e di sh was he r w it hou t t h e f i lte rs i n pl ace.
T he di sh was her must n e ver be used w i t ho ut th e f il t er s.
Imp ro per repl ac ement of the f ilter may red uce the perform anc elevel of t he applia nce
and damage dishesand utensils.
the filter system will be installed.
If do it from step1 t o step 3, the filter system w ill be removed; while if do it from S tep 3 to Step 1,
Step1:contrarotate the Fine ,
Step3:lift the Main filter up
The cont rol p ane l can be clea ned by using a l ig htly dampen edcloth and dry tho roughly.
The exteri or use a goo dappli an cepol ish wax.
Neverus esh arp obj ects, scouring pads o rhar sh c lea ners ona ny p ar t of t he dis hwa sher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cut off el ectrica l pow erto the di shwasher.
2.Tur noff the water suppl yand d is connec t th ewater i nlet pi pe from the w ater val ve.
3.Drain water from t he inle tpipe a nd water valve. (Use a pan t ocatc hthe wa ter)
4.Reconnect the water inlet pipe t othe wa te rvalve.
5.Removethefilterat thebottomofthe tubanduseaspongetouseupwaterin sump.
pl ease take fros tprotection meas uresond ishw ash erin win ter. E fter wash ingcycles,
pl ease op erate as follow s
ach t ime a
- Inspec t t he filte rsfor blo ckin ge very t ime the dis hwa sher has bee nused.
- By uns crew ing the c oar sefi lter. you can remove thef ilter sys tem. Re move any food rem na ntsand
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
CleaningThe Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c lean t h e coa rs e filt er and t he fin e filter , us e a cl ean i n g bru sh. Re as sem bl e t hef il t er par t s as shown i n t h e f igu res
inth elas tpag ea ndr einse rt the e ntire assemb lyin t he dishwas her, position ing inits seat an d pressin gdownward .
Theentire filter assembly shouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning the filters, don't knock onthem. Otherwise, thefilterscould be
contorted andtheperformance ofdishwashercouldbe debased.
To cleantheedgearoundthedoor, youshoulduseonlya softwarm,
damp c loth. To avoi dpenetr atio nof wate ri nto th e door loc ka nd
electrical c ompone nts, do n otu sea spra ycl eaner of any kind .
Never u sea spr ay c leaner t ocl ean t he door panel as i tm ay dam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asive ag ent or s ome paper towe ls hould not be u se d bec ause o f the r isko f
sc r a t c hi ng o r l eav i ng spot s on the s tai n less stee l s urf a ce.
I f y ou r dishwa sher can n ot work be cau s e o f the i c e, ple a se c ont a ct pr ofess io nal s erv ice p ersons.
Itisrecommendthatyourun a washcycle withthe
dish washer e mpt yan dthe nr emove t heplu gfr omthe
socket, t urno ff t he wa te r supp ly and le ave the door of
t he app li a n c e s l i ght ly open. Th is will hel p t h e doo r
sealstoast longerandpreventodoursfrom forming
withi ntheappliance.
If the applian cemust be mo ved,tr yto keep i tin the
verticalposition. Ifabsolutelynecessary, itcanbe
positi oned on its back.
One ofthefactors that cause odorsto forminthe
dishwasher is foo dth atremain st rappe di n the seals .
Periodic clea ni ng with adamp sponge will p reve nt t his
f r o m oc cu rr in g.
Aft er ever ywash, turn offt hewater supp lyto the
applia nce and l ea veth e doo rs lightl yop en sotha t
m oisturean dodor sare not trapped ins ide.
Befo re cleaning or p erfo rming mainten ance, always
remove the p lug f romthe socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
donot use solventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly use a c lo th w ith w arm so apy wate r.
To rem ov e sp ots orst ains from the sur f ace of t h e
in teri or, u se a clot hda mpe ned wit hwa ter w ith a li ttl e
v inega r, o ra c lea ning pro duct mad es pecifical lyfor
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents orAbrasive Cleaning
Mov ing theAp plia nce
When it is notin needfor a longtime
Theinstallationof thepipes
and electrical equipments
should bedone by professionals.
ElectricalShock Hazard
Disconnectelectricalpower before
Failureto do so canresult in death
or e lectric al s hock.
Theinstallationposition of dishwasher shouldbe neartheexisting inletand drain
Oneside of the cabinet sink shouldbe chosen to facilitatetheconnection of drain
hosesof the dishwasher.
Cleaning the SprayArms
Thesprayarmscanbe easilyremoved forperiodiccleaning
of the noz zles ,to p reve nt p ossible c logging. Wa shth em
unde r running wat er a ndca re fu llyrepla cethem in th eir s eat s,
checking that theirrotary movementisinno way impeded.
G ra spthe mid dle of the spr ay a rm, pull it up ward st o rem ove
it.Washthearms undera jetof runningwaterandreturn them
care fully tot h e i r se at. Af t er r easse mb ly, c h eck that t he spra y
arms turn freely. Otherwise,check that they havebe en
insta lled c or rect ly.
Ensu rethe v oltag eand fr equenc yof thep owe rbe ing corresp ond sto
t hose on the rating pl ate. On ly in sert the plug into an elec trical so cke t which i searthed
pr op erly. I ft he el ectrical socket t owhi ch thea ppl ianc emustb econnecte dis not
appropriate fortheplug, replace the socket, ratherthan usingaadaptors or thelike as
they couldcauseoverheatingandburns.
Plea selook at th er ating labe l to knowthe rat ing v oltage and conn ect t he dishw asher to the appropr iate pow er s upply.
Use the r equ ired fuse 1 0 amp ,tim ed elayf use or c ircui tbreake rrecommend ed and prov ideseparate circ uit s ervi ng
only th is appl ia nce.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of
electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. This appliance is equipped with
a cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an
appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with all local standards and requirements.
For personal safety:
for pers onal safety:
Improper connection of the equipment earthing conductor can result in the risk of an
electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly earthed.
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If the plug does not fit properly to the
outlet, please have a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
and t he s ides, alo ngt he a djacent cabi nets orw all. T he dishwas her is eq uipped w ith wate rsupply
Posit ion theappli anc einthe d esired l ocatio n. The back should rest aga inst thewall behi ndit,
and drain hosesthat canbepositioned totheright ortheleftto facilitate properinstallation.
Connect the cold watersupplyhoseto athreaded3/4(inch) connectorandmake sure
that it is f ast ened tigh tly i npla ce. I fthe water pi pes aren ew orha ve n ot be en u sed for
an e xt ended per iodo fti me, le tthe wat er ru nto mak es ur eth atthe wa teri scl ear an d
free of impu rities. If t hisp recaution is n ot t aken ,th ereis a ris kth att he w ater in let c an
get blo cked and dam age t he a ppli ance .
Pleas ecl ose the hydrant aft erusing
Insert the drain hose intoa drainpipewitha minimumdiameter of 4cm, or let it
runintothesink,makingsuretoavoidbendingorcrimpingit.Usethespe ial
plastic support that comeswiththeappliance.Thefreeendof thehosemustbe
ata height lower than75cm andmust not be immersedin water toavoidtheback
flow ofit.
Thespecial plastichose support mustbe solidlyfastenedtothewall to
preventthedrainhose frommovingand allowing waterto spilloutside
If the s ink is 1000 h igher f romthe floor, t he exces swater i nho ses cannot b edrained di rectl y
into the sink.Itwill b enecessary todrain excess waterfromhosesintoabowl or suitable
conta iner that is he ld ou tside and lower t han the sink.
Connectthewaterdrain hose.Thedrain hose must becorrectlyfitted toavoid waterleaks.
Ensure that the waterdrain hoseis not kinkedor squashed.
If yo u nee d a dra i n hos e exte ns io n, obs e rve to us e a si mi lar d rai n h os e.
Itmustbenolonger than4metres;otherwise the cleaning effectofthe dishwasher couldbereduced.
Water Outlet
Extension Hose
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
Thefollowingthingsshouldbechecked before starting thedishwasher.
Thedishwasher is level andfixedproperly
T he i nle t va lv eis open
There is a leakage at theconnections oftheconducts
The wires aretightly connected
The poweris switched on
The inl et an d dr ain ho ses are knott ed
Allpackingmaterials andprintings shouldbe taken out fromthe dishwasher
The content of this manual is veryhelpfulto theusers.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.