2. If you answered correctly, take a piece with that value.
3. If you answer incorrectly, do not take a piece.
4. If there are no pieces left for what you spun, try using a combination of equivalent pieces to make
up your reduced fraction. (For example, you reduced the fraction to . There are no pieces left, so
you may take two pieces or another combination equal to .)
5. If there are still no pieces available for you to take, your turn ends.
6. Play continues until all the pieces have been collected.
7. The player who collects the most pieces wins!
Special notes
1. In addition to spinning, if you can create exactly a whole pizza with your fraction pieces you have
collected, you may take any piece as a bonus on your next turn. (The whole pizza does not have to
be the same topping, but it must equal exactly one whole.) This may be done only once per pizza.
2. Each fraction on the spinner can be reduced to one of the pizza slices’ values. You may use a piece
of paper to help you.
3. Another player should check to see if your answer is correct. Use a piece of paper and pencil to
check or use the equivalency table on the back page of this guide.
The spinner
• If you spin TAKE 2, take 2 pieces if you answered correctly.
• If you spin FREE, choose any piece from the center piles.
Alternate game play
For a more difficult game, start with all the pieces fraction side down.
Game #6: Pizza Thief?
2-4 players
Skill: Equivalencies
Object of the game: To be the only player left with pieces remaining in your GAME PLAY PIZZA*!
Please be sure to read through all instructions before beginning.
Set up
1. Use game #6 spinner.
2. Choose one piece for your GAME PLAY PIZZA* and set it in front of you.
3. Put the remaining pieces off to the side, these will not be used in the game.
4. Sort the remaining pieces into piles by size with the fraction side up.
*Please Note: Game Play Pizza is referred to throughout the instructions. This is the pizza that you
start with and your opponents are trying to take away. The pieces that you collect when you spin do not
become a part of your Game Play Pizza. Once your Game Play Pizza is gone completely, even if you
have pieces left in your hand that you have collected from spinning, you are out of the game.