Keypad/Reader. Second, create a Door Schedule and then create an Access Group. Finally,
create a cardholder so that they may access the doors. The information will be synced to the
controller as it is saved in the XTRON server; however, it could also be synced to the controller
manually if needed. It is very important that these steps are followed in order to properly set up
the XTRON.
Adding a Door Controller should be done from the client PC after the network cards have
been set up properly. Adding Door Controllers can be done from the XTRON Server, but not
recommended. Note that the Door Controller must be factory defaulted, have a static IP Address ,
and the time must be correctly set.
Log into XTRON and on the home page choose “Devices”. Click on “Add” and fill in the
information. “Device Name” is any name used to differentiate the Door Controllers.
“Controller Number” will be the unique number assigned to each door controller to maintain the
database (for example, if a Door Controller needs to be replaced, the same Controller Number can
be used and maintained without losing data of the previous controller). “IP” is the IP address of
the Door Controller. “HTTP Port” is the HTTP port of the Door controller (by default this value
is 80 unless it has been changed by the user). “User Name” is the user name required to log into
the Door Controller. “Password” is the password required to log into the Door Controller.