Lampo DIODE ONE Full Colour User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the SAGITTER DIODE ONE LED color changer. This document provides comprehensive instructions on setting up, using, and maintaining the device. It covers various aspects, including installation, DMX signal connection, stand-alone operation, and available functions. You can find information about strobe, dimmer, and color temperature control. I'm here to assist you with any specific questions you might have about the DIODE ONE. How can I help?
  • What is the input voltage range for this projector?
    What is the maximum power consumption?
    Can this projector work in stand-alone mode?
    What type of cables should be used for the DMX signal connection?
USER’ S MANUAL release 1.0
This manual must be considered an integral part of the projector.
For additional information on these led devices with regard to the IEC 60825-1 standard, contact SEOUL Semiconductors.
Suitable for direct mounting on normally flammable surfaces
Rated maximum ambient temperature (indoor without high-temperature control)
Connection must be made to a power supply system fitted with efficient
earthing (EN60598-1 – Class I fixture)
Replace any cracked protective shield, dichroic filter or lens
Dimensions and weight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 2
Technical data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 2
Storage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 2
Admissible environmental conditions --------------------------------------------------------------- page 2
Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 3
Example of installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 3
Signal cable selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 4
EIA485 specifications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 4
Power supply connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ page 5
DMX signal connection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 5
Schematic menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 6
User’s interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ page 7
Functions menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ page 7
DMX control mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 9
Spare parts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ page 16
Dimensions & weight
Weight: 4,1 Kg
Technical data
- Aluminium body with cooling fins
- IP20 protection rate
- The projector can be installed and work in any position
- Double bracket to easy install
- Input voltage range: from 85Vac to 265Vac
- Frequency: 50-60 Hz
- 0,95 PFC electronically controlled
- Current controlled led
- Max power consumption: 44W (When all led are on at max power)
- 12 LEDs P5 full colour 3.6W by SEOUL Semiconductors (each led’s case contains 77 Lumen RGB dices)
- High quality 35mm PMMA lenses by FRAEN
- Works via signal DMX
- Works in stand alone mode (Master/Slave)
- On request can works in stand alone mode via infra-red remote control
The projector, in its original packing, must be kept in covered, dry areas with a temperature between –10°C and +50°C.
Attention, the projector will be damaged during the unpacking.
Admissible environmental conditions
The projector was engineered and produced to function in in-door areas with an air temperature ranging between -10°C and
+50°C thanks to inside high-temperature control, and with a humidity level between 30 and 90%.
When choosing the installation, please make sure that the device is not exposed to extreme heat or in small area.
The projector can be installed and work in any position, use diameter 10mm holes of the bracket to fix the projector or use the
double bracket to install on ground.
Unscrew the side knob to adjust the projector body angle.
With suspension projector, we suggest to install a supplementary safety steel chain or cable
Display interface and connectors there are on rear of projector.
In front of the projector there are a slots for accessory, it is possible to mounting frontal glass, diffuser or other …….
Example of installation
If only one projector is on stand alone mode the signal cable is not necessary.
If the projectors are driven by a DMX controller or projector Master drive other projectors Slave, they need to be connected
together, with DMX signal cable, following the instructions of this manual.
The DMX signal is generated by a DMX controller, the signal cable goes in and out from each projector up to the last one.
The projectors will execute the same scenes if the DMX addresses are the same (factory set is 1) or they can be driven one by
one if the DMX addresses are different from each other.
Default mode 7C d: each projector uses 8 DMX channels
Projector 1: DMX address 1 Projector 2: DMX address 9 Projector 3: DMX address 17………….
If the DMX controller is not switched on, the projectors can be in black-out mode, generate light at 15% (default setting) or
generate light at 100%. Change this parameter at – DM.DE of menu.
It is possible to use MASTER/SLAVE function: One projector (Master) functioning in stand alone mode with resident
programs and a group of projector (Slave) execute, thanks to dmx signal and signal cables, the same sequences of colours.
The projectors can be fed from different power sources, it is not necessary to switch on the projectors at the same time.
Signal cable selection
Use only shielded and twisted cables with EIA485 (RS485) standards. The cable must be low capacity and with an impedance
between 82 and 120 ohm. It is preferable not to use audio cables.
The wire size we recommend is 26 AWG or higher.
If the projector have cable clamps, the external diameter of cable must be compatible with cable clamps.
We suggest to use our selection signal cable or standard patch cable with compatible cannon XLR.
CAV99/040: Flexible signal cable for in-door.
One pair of cable plus shield and inside safety wire.
Impedance 120 Ohm.
CAV99/037: Polyurethane flexible signal cable for out-door.
One pair of cable plus shield drain wire and inside safety Kevlar wire.
Impedance 120 Ohm.
EIA485 specifications
It is preferable:
- Not to insert more than 32 projectors for each DMX chain.
- Not to use more than 150m of signal cable (low quality cable) or 300m of signal cable (good quality cable).
- Not to duplicate “T” way the signal cable, use a DMX Splitter.
Standard DMX controllers have only one signal out-put. If more than 32 projectors are used it is necessary to have a signal
SPLITTER, that will duplicate the signal in 2 or more lines.
If the signal cable is very long, it is necessary to install a signal AMPLIFIER on the DMX line (at least every 300m of good
quality cable), so that it will repeat the signal to the following projectors.
It is preferable, on the last projector of the dmx signal chain, to insert a resistor (from 82 to 120 ohm) between positive and
negative terminal (+ and -).
Always, use Male XLR 3 or 5 pin connector to connect the projectors to the DMX controller.
Solder on PIN 1 of the XLR connector the shield of the signal cable, on PIN 2 solder the negative (example: black wire of
cable) and on PIN 3 solder the positive (example: red or white wire of the cable). The sequences and the colours has to be the
same on the terminal connection blocks, do not change the sequences.
Power supply connection
It is advised to check the electric system before installation. From 85Vac to 265Vac (50 o 60 Hz).
Disconnect mains power supply before any operations.
Connect the fixture to the mains. See the table and the drawing for the colours of the connection cable.
Do not power the projector with a dimmer circuit
Protect the electric system with highly sensitive differential circuit breaker, 30mA.
When in doubt, consult a qualified electrician.
The projector is complete grounded, it is necessary to connect at grounding system.
The power unit has Weiland panel connector, male connector is included.
DMX signal cable connection
Projector has XLR 3pin panel connectors, complete the connection
with compatible standard cable with plug for DMX signal.
Pin 1: GND, shield
Pin2 : signal –
Pin3 : signal +
Schematic menu
Following the list of menu and submenu.
User’s interface
Use inside display interface to modify setting of the projector: change DMX
starting address, enable stand alone function.
Use the buttons + and - to surf the menu’s function.
To enter into the menu, you have to push the Mode button and after that you
can search for the desiderate function and push the Enter to enter in it.
Push the Enter button to directly change DMX starting address.
In the address view mode, for example A.001, if the point after the letter A is blinking the board is receiving DMX signal, if
the point is static there’s no DMX signal.
Functions menu
- A.001: (dmx address) DMX starting address (first channel).
Default value 001
Go into pushing Enter , choose the value with + and - and push Enter to confirm.
- DM.PA: (dmx patch) Patch of the board, from 1 to 14 dmx channel.
Default value 7C d
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose DM.PA with + and - and push Enter to enter in. Use + and - to select the
desiderate patch and push Enter to confirm
On the table below you can see the summary of the channels, go to page 9 to see the detailed functions.
DMX 7C d 1C 3C 3C d 4C 4C d 13C d
1 Green Dimmer Green Green Green Green Green
2 Red Red Red Red Red Green fine
3 Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red
4 Amber Dimmer Amber Amber Red fine
5 Strobe sync Dimmer Blue
6 Strobe Blue fine
7 Strobe delay Amber
8 Dimmer Amber fine
9 Strobe
10 Dimmer
11 CTC white
12 Fade speed
13 Frequency
14 Frequency fine
- DM.DE: (dmx delay). When DMX signal is missing, the board keeps the last DMX value received for a set period
according to this functions. After the programmed seconds, the board will execute the function according to DM.ST function,
so you can have: black-out, leds on at 15% or led on at 100%.
Default value 003 seconds
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose DM.DE with + and - and push Enter . Use + and - to select the desiderate
value and push Enter to confirm. Time is setted in seconds, the value start from UNL (unlimited) to 999.
- DM.ST: (leds state when DMX signal isn’t received). When the board is switched on and DMX signal is missing, the board
can do this functions: black-out, leds on at 15% or led on at 100%. Default value 15.ON
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose DM.ST with + and - and push Enter . Use + and - to select the desiderate
value and push Enter to confirm:
15.ON, (15% ON) r,g,b,a channels ON at 15%
A.ON, (ALL ON) r,g,b,a channels ON at 100%
A.OFF, (ALL OFF) r,g,b,a channels OFF
- MA.IR: (master infrared) Whit I.R. sensor cabled, the board can run one of the stored Chase or do a fixed colour, that can
be controlled by LED REMOTE. This IR device has 10m (free air) capacity. Default value ON
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose MA.IR with + and - and push Enter . Use + and - to select the ON or OFF
and push Enter to confirm.
With red button of the LED REMOTE, you can switch ON or OFF the leds (ATTENTION: when you switched OFF the led,
the board is still running!!! ), with P+ e P- you can choose the program or change the colour. This function allows to use the
MASTER/SLAVE function.
ATTENTION: Disable MA.IR function on Slave boards drives from Master board. Two boards in Master mode can do
several errors on DMX transmission.
- ST.AL: (stand alone) The board can run in Stand Alone mode with Master/Slave function.
Default value MS00
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose ST.AL with + and - and push Enter . Use + and - to select the macro
needed and push Enter to run it.
The board run in loop mode the Macro selected from M01 to M26 and output the DMX signal (master mode) for the other
board (slave).
To use Master/Slave function, all the boards need to be patched with the dmx patch 7C d !
Stand Alone mode remains also if power supply is interrupted.
Macro Mode Colour changing
time (seconds)
Colour holding
time (seconds)
MA01 SLOW rainbow without amber 20 5
MA02 MEDIUM rainbow without amber 10 5
MA03 FAST rainbow without amber 5 5
MA04 SLOW rainbow without amber 20 2
MA05 MEDIUM rainbow without amber 10 2
MA06 FAST rainbow without amber 5 2
MA07 Very SLOW rainbow without amber 40 NO
MA08 SLOW rainbow without amber 20 NO
MA09 MEDIUM rainbow without amber 10 NO
MA10 FAST rainbow without amber 5 NO
MA11 SLOW Random colours without amber 10 NO
MA12 MEDIUM Random colours without amber 5 NO
MA13 FAST Random colours without amber 2 NO
MA14 SLOW rainbow + amber 20 5
MA15 MEDIUM rainbow + amber 10 5
MA16 FAST rainbow + amber 5 5
MA17 SLOW rainbow + amber 20 2
MA18 MEDIUM rainbow + amber 10 2
MA19 FAST rainbow + amber 5 2
MA20 Very SLOW rainbow + amber 40 NO
MA21 SLOW rainbow + amber 20 NO
MA22 MEDIUM rainbow + amber 10 NO
MA23 FAST rainbow + amber 5 NO
MA24 SLOW Random colours + amber 10 NO
MA25 MEDIUM Random colours + amber 5 NO
MA26 FAST Random colours + amber 2 NO
- TEMP: (temperature) When NTC is connected, you can see heater’s temperature in Celsius degrees. The board has an
automatic control over the led’s power, so the leds are always under the safety temperature.
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose TEMP with + and - and push Enter to enter in. Push Mode to get out of this
- MAN: (manual mode) Function to control manually all the channels.
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose MAN with + and - and push Enter .
In this submenu you can choose the channel that you want to control and assign values from 0 to 255. The board run
immediately the chosen values. Dmx patch used is 13C d with 14 dmx channels and 16bit colours control, with value from 0 to
255 for each channel.
Use COMM function to put all the channel values to zero (reset).
When the board is disconnected from Main, the manual mode is reset!!
- DEF.r: (default reset) With this function you can restore all the default values.
Go to this submenu pushing Mode , choose DEF.r with + and - and push Enter and when the display shows “go?” push
another time Enter to confirm, push Mode if you don’t want to reset.
All the values will be restored to default, except the DMX address!
DMX control mode
Default mode: 7C d
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 3: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 4: AMBER, to control the light output of the amber leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
This channel is similar to a reset, it is used to synchronized the strobe effect of more projectors.
If during strobe mode the projectors aren’t flashing at the same time they have lost synchronism, use this channel to
synchronized them again.
To activate this function just modify the dmx value of this channel, then electronic board will generate one single synchronized
Example: During the execution of one program with Sync value 0, give a different value to the channel (example 10. The next
pulse will be given when the channel will use any values different from 10 etc…)
This channel sets the parameters of the strobe effect.
On the following table you have the dmx values, the strobe frequency (flash speed) and the strobe hold.
DMX value Strobe frequency
Strobe light hold
DMX value Strobe frequency
Strobe light hold
Da 0 a 9 0.00 0.00 34 0,32 0,07
10 2,00 0,16 35 0,30 0,06
11 1,88 0,16 36 0,28 0,06
12 1,76 0,16 37 0,26 0,06
13 1,64 0,15 38 0,24 0,06
14 1,52 0,15 40 0,20 0,05
15 1,40 0,15 41 0,19 0,05
16 1,28 0,15 42 0,18 0,05
17 1,16 0,15 43 0,16 0,05
18 1,04 0,14 44 0,15 0,05
19 0,92 0,14 45 0,14 0,05
20 0,80 0,14 46 0,13 0,04
21 0,76 0,13 47 0,12 0,04
22 0,72 0,13 48 0,10 0,04
23 0,68 0,12 49 0,09 0,04
24 0,64 0,12 50 to 54 0,08 0,04
25 0,60 0,11 F. 55 to 60 0,07 0,04
26 0,56 0,10 F. 61 to 65 0,07 0,03
27 0,52 0,10 F. 66 to 77 0,06 0,03
28 0,48 0,09 F. 78 to 84 0,05 0,03
29 0,44 0,09 F. 85 to 92 0,05 0,02
30 0,40 0,08 F. 93 to 124 0,04 0,02
31 0,38 0,08 125 0,04 0,01
32 0,36 0,07 F. 126 to 175 0,03 0,01
33 0,34 0,07 F. 176 to 255 0,02 0,01
This channel allows a time delay on the strobe frequency, to have a series of projectors executing strobe effects in sequence.
Example: set 4 projectors on dmx value 48 of the strobe channel will strobe at the same time with a frequency 0.1 seconds (see
the previous table). Setting the 4 projectors on the strobe delay channel: 1st projector dmx value 11; 2nd projector dmx value; 3rd
projector dmx value; 4th projector dmx value 19. After that the projectors will execute in sequence the strobe (lasting of the
flash is 0.04 seconds), every 0.2 seconds they will start the sequence from the beginning.
The strobe delay time has to be lower than the strobe hold time.
DMX value Delay (Sec.) DMX value Delay (Sec.) DMX value Delay (Sec.)
From 0 to 9 0.00 91 0,67 174 1,34
10 0,01 From 92 to 93 0,68 175 1,35
11 0,02 94 0,69 176 1,36
From 12 to 13 0,03 95 0,70 From 177 to 1,37
14 0,04 96 0,71 179 1,38
15 0,05 From 97 to 98 0,72 180 1,39
16 0,06 99 0,73 181 1,40
From 17 to 18 0,07 100 0,74 182 1,41
19 0,08 101 0,75
From 183 to 1,42
20 0,09 102 0,76 185 1,43
21 0,10
From 103 to 0,77 186 1,44
22 0,11 105 0,78 187 1,45
From 23 to 24 0,12 106 0,79 From 188 to 1,46
25 0,13 107 0,80 190 1,47
26 0,14
From 108 to 0,81 191 1,48
27 0,15 110 0,82 192 1,49
From 28 to 29 0,16 111 0,83 From 193 to 1,50
30 0,17 112 0,84 195 1,51
31 0,18 113 to 114 0,85 196 1,52
32 0,19 115 0,86 197 1,53
From 33 to 34 0,20 116 0,87 198 1,54
35 0,21 117 0,88
From 199 to 1,55
36 0,22 118 0,89 201 1,56
37 0,23
From 119 to 0,90 202 1,57
38 0,24 121 0,91 203 1,58
From 39 to 40 0,25 122 0,92 From 204 to 1,59
41 0,26 123 0,93 206 1,60
42 0,27
From 124 to 0,94 207 1,61
43 0,28 126 0,95 208 1,62
From 44 to 45 0,29 127 0,96 From 209 to 1,63
46 0,30 128 0,97 211 1,64
47 0,31
From 129 to 0,98 212 1,65
48 0,32 131 0,99 213 1,66
From 49 to 50 0,33 132 1,00 214 1,67
51 0,34 133 1,01
From 215 to 1,68
52 0,35 134 1,02 217 1,69
53 0,36
From 135 to 1,03 218 1,70
54 0,37 137 1,04 219 1,71
From 55 to 56 0,38 138 1,05 From 220 to 1,72
57 0,39 139 1,06 222 1,73
58 0,40
From 140 to 1,07 223 1,74
59 0,41 142 1,08 224 1,75
From 60 to 61 0,42 143 1,09 From 225 to 1,76
62 0,43 144 1,10 227 1,77
63 0,44
From 145 to 1,11 228 1,78
64 0,45 147 1,12 229 1,79
From 65 to 66 0,46 148 1,13 230 1,80
67 0,47 149 1,14
From 231 to 1,81
68 0,48 150 1,15 233 1,82
69 0,49
From 151 to 1,16 234 1,83
70 0,50 153 1,17 235 1,84
From 71 to 72 0,51 154 1,18 From 236 to 1,85
73 0,52 155 1,19 238 1,86
74 0,53
From 156 to 1,20 239 1,87
75 0,54 158 1,21 240 1,88
From 76 to 77 0,55 159 1,22 From 241 to 1,89
78 0,56 160 1,23 243 1,90
79 0,57
From 161 to 1,24 244 1,91
80 0,58 163 1,25 245 1,92
From 81 to 82 0,59 164 1,26 246 1,93
83 0,60 165 1,27
From 247 to 1,94
84 0,61 166 1,28 249 1,95
85 0,62
From 167 to 1,29 250 1,96
86 0,63 169 1,30 251 1,97
From 87 to 88 0,64 170 1,31 From 252 to 1,98
89 0,65 171 1,32 254 1,99
90 0,66
From 172 to 1,33 255 2,00
To control the dimmer of all Leds, from max power to OFF.
DMX value function
0 Led at max Power
From 1 to 254 Proportional light output decrease
255 Led OFF
Dimmer mode, one channel: 1C
to control the dimmer of all the leds, from max power to OFF.
DMX value function
0 Led at max Power
From 1 to 254 Proportional light output decrease
255 Led OFF
Three colours mode: 3C
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 3: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
Three colours mode plus dimmer: 3C d
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 3: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 4: DIMMER, to control the dimmer of all leds, from max power to OFF
DMX value function
0 Led at max Power
From 1 to 254 Proportional light output decrease
255 Led OFF
Four colours mode: 4C
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 3: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 4: AMBER, to control the light output of the amber leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
Four colours mode plus dimmer: 4C d
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 3: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 4: AMBER, to control the light output of the amber leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 5: DIMMER, to control the dimmer of all leds, from max power to OFF
DMX value function
0 Led at max Power
From 1 to 254 Proportional light output decrease
255 Led OFF
Advanced mode, 16bit colour resolution: 13C d
CHANNEL 1: GREEN, to control the light output of the green leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 2: GREEN fine, 16bit regulation of green leds
DMX value function
From 0 to 255 16bit regulation
CHANNEL 3: RED, to control the light output of the red leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 4: RED fine, 16bit regulation of red leds
DMX value function
From 0 to 255 16bit regulation
CHANNEL 5: BLUE, to control the light output of the blue leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 6: BLUE fine, 16bit regulation of blue leds
DMX value function
From 0 to 255 16bit regulation
CHANNEL 7: AMBER, to control the light output of the amber leds, from OFF to the Max Power.
DMX value function
0 Led OFF
From 1 to 254 Proportional Light output increase
255 Led at max power
CHANNEL 8: AMBER fine, 16bit regulation of amber leds
DMX value function
From 0 to 255 16bit regulation
This channel sets the parameters of the strobe effect.
On the following table you have the dmx values, the strobe frequency (flash speed) and the strobe hold.
DMX value Strobe frequency
Strobe light hold
DMX value Strobe frequency
Strobe light hold
Da 0 a 9 0.00 0.00 34 0,32 0,07
10 2,00 0,16 35 0,30 0,06
11 1,88 0,16 36 0,28 0,06
12 1,76 0,16 37 0,26 0,06
13 1,64 0,15 38 0,24 0,06
14 1,52 0,15 40 0,20 0,05
15 1,40 0,15 41 0,19 0,05
16 1,28 0,15 42 0,18 0,05
17 1,16 0,15 43 0,16 0,05
18 1,04 0,14 44 0,15 0,05
19 0,92 0,14 45 0,14 0,05
20 0,80 0,14 46 0,13 0,04
21 0,76 0,13 47 0,12 0,04
22 0,72 0,13 48 0,10 0,04
23 0,68 0,12 49 0,09 0,04
24 0,64 0,12 Da 50 a 54 0,08 0,04
25 0,60 0,11 Da 55 a 60 0,07 0,04
26 0,56 0,10 Da 61 a 65 0,07 0,03
27 0,52 0,10 Da 66 a 77 0,06 0,03
28 0,48 0,09 Da 78 a 84 0,05 0,03
29 0,44 0,09 Da 85 a 92 0,05 0,02
30 0,40 0,08 Da 93 a 124 0,04 0,02
31 0,38 0,08 125 0,04 0,01
32 0,36 0,07 Da 126 a 175 0,03 0,01
33 0,34 0,07 Da 176 a 255 0,02 0,01
CHANNEL 10 DIMMER, to control the dimmer of all leds, from max power to OFF
DMX value function
0 Led at max Power
From 1 to 254 Proportional light output decrease
255 Led OFF
This channel allows the user to choose different white hues stored in the board.
DMX value function
From 0 to 27 Not function
From 28 to 32 Candle (1900K)
From 33 to 37 40W Tungsten (2600K)
From 38 to 42 100W Tungsten (2850K)
From 43 to 47 Halogen (3200K)
From 48 to 52 Carbon Arc (5200K)
From 53 to 57 High Noon Sun (5400K)
From 58 to 62 Direct Sunlight (6000K)
From 63 to 67 Overcast Sky (7000K)
From 68 to 72 Clear Blue Sky (20000K)
From 73 to 77 Warm Fluorescent
From 78 to 82 Standard Fluorescent
From 83 to 87 Cool white Fluorescent
From 88 to 92 Full Spectrum Fluorescent
From 93 to 97 Grown Light Fluorescent
From 98 to 102 Black Light Fluorescent
From 103 to 107 Mercury Vapour
From 108 to 112 Sodium Vapour
From 113 to 117 Metal Halide
From 118 to 122 High Pressure Sodium
From 123 to 255 Proportional from 1000K to 40000K
This channel allows the users to force a fade time (from 0s to 0,5s) to the speed of the r,g,b,a,dimmer channels.
This function is very helpful for use the flash button of many consolle.
DMX value function
From 1 to 255 Fade from 0s to 0,5s
CHANNEL 13: FREQUENCY (advanced control)
This channel allows to change led control frequency from 244Hz to 1KHz, necessary for STUDIOS, THEATRES and for
DMX value function
0 FREQUENCY of 244Hz
From 1 to 254 Proportional frequency increase
255 FREQUENCY of 1000Hz
CHANNEL 14: FREQUENCY fine (advanced control)
Fine FREQUENCY regulation (16bit)
DMX value function
From 0 to 255 16bit FREQUENCY regulation
Spare parts
When ordering spare parts remember to mention the model, the serial number and year of production of the projector.
Call your area dealer or feel free to contact the manufacturer for any additional assistance. See spare parts list below.
LED036 1 Narrow 35mm lens 12°
LED037 1 Medium 35mm lens 30°
LED038 1 Wide 35mm lens 45°
SCH99/034 Power PCB
SCH99/038 Display PCB
SCH99/049 Interface keyboard
SCH99/033T PCB with DMX 3pin IN/OUT panel connectors
SCH99/033C PCB with DMX 5pin IN/OUT panel connectors
CON99/009 Panel connector for power supply
CON99/010 Plug for power supply
CON99/008 Clamp for power supply plug
The improper use of this projector, cancel the guarantee and our responsibility. All the information have been written and driven with
extreme care; however, we do not engage us any responsibility for contingent errors or omissions. We reserve the right to modify and/ or
improve our product as we retain necessary, without subsequent warning or notice. It is forbidden any complete or partial reproduction of
this handbook, if not expressly authorized.
Lampo Lighting Designers s.r.l., via Portogallo 4, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN), ITALY
This information only applies to customers in the European Union, according to
directive 2002/96/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 27/gen/2003 on
waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEE) and legislation transposing and
implementing it into the various national legal systems.
For other countries, please contact your local government to investigate the
possibility of recycling your product.
This equipment may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
handling of these products. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office,
your household waste disposal or the dealer where you purchased this product.
Questa apparecchiatura non deve essere smaltita come un normale rifiuto urbano, ma deve essere portata nel punto di raccolta
appropriato per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. Provvedendo a smaltire questo prodotto in modo
appropriato, si contribuisce ad evitare potenziali conseguenze negative per l’ambiente e per la salute umana, che potrebbero
derivare da uno smaltimento inadeguato del prodotto. Per informazioni più dettagliate sul riciclaggio di questo prodotto,
contattare l’ufficio comunale, il servizio locale di smaltimento rifiuti o il rivenditore presso il quale è stato acquistato il prodotto.
Das Gerät soll nicht als normaler Hausmüll entsorgt, sondern in Recycling Sammelstellen für elektrische and elektronische
Geräten abgegeben werden. Wenn dieses Produkt korrekt entsorgt wird, dann können die aus einem falschen
Entsorgungsverfahren entstehenden potentiellen negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt als auch auf die menschliche
Gesundheit vermieden werden. Für nähere Informationen über die Beseitigung von diesem Produkt, bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihr
Stadtamt, Ihr lokales Entsorgungsservice oder den Hersteller, der Ihnen das Produkt verkauft hat.
Este equipo no debe desecharse como si de residuos caseros se tratara. Deberá Ilevarse al punto de recogida de equipo
eléctrico y electrónico que proceda para su reciclaje. Deshaciéndose correctamente de este producto, usted ayudará a prevenir
potenciales consecuencias negativas para el medioambiente y posibles daños a la salud pública, que de otro modo se podrían
producir en caso de manejar de modo improprio o negligente este tipo de residuos. Para obtener información más detallada
acerca del reciclaje de este producto, por favor contacte con las autoridades locales, alguna compañia especializada en la
materia o con el distribudor de este producto.
Cet équipement ne peut être traité comme un déchet ménager. II doit être remis à un organisme de collecte agréé pour le
recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques. En vous assurant que ce produit est correctement traité, vous éviterez
de potentiels effets négatifs sur l'environnement et la santé humaine qui autrement pourraient être causé par un recyclage
inapproprié de ce produit. Pour avoir des informations plus détaillées concerner le recyclage de ce produit, prenez contact avec
votre Mairie ou votre organisme de collecte des déchets ménagers ou bien avec la société qui vous a vendu ce produit.
Este equipamento näo deve ser tratado como lixo doméstico. Em vez disso, deverá ser entregue ao lugar aplicável para coleta
de recicláveis de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos. Garantindo que estes produtos seräo desfeitos corretamente, você
ajudará a prevenir consequências potencialmente negativas, que poderiam ser causadas pelo manuseio inadequado deste
produto. Para maiores informaçóes sobre a reciclagem deste produto, favor entrar em contato corn o orgäo responsável de sua
cidade ou corn a revenda que the vendeu este produto.