Kenmore 25379123990 Owner's manual

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Owner's Manual
n_isowner's Guideprovidesspecificoperatinginstructionsforyourmodel.Usethe air
conditioneronlyasinstructedin thisguide.Theseinstructionsarenotmeantto cover
every possiblecondition and situation treat may occur. Common sense and caution
must be practicedwhen instafling,operating, and maintaining any appliance.
Record Your Model and seriaJ Numbers
Recordin the space provided below the model and seda[ numbers. The serial plate is
located behind filter at the bottom of unit. Readingthe numbers may be easier by _sing
a flashlightor by remowng the cabinet front as instructedunder "Care and Cleaning."
Model Number:.
Serial Number.
Purchase Date:
P/N309000827 (11/99)
Important Safety
Avoid fire hazard or
electdc shock. Do not use an extension
cord or an adaptor plug. Do not remove
any prong from the power cord.
Grounding type
wall feces
under _'_
any drcumstances, )
cut, remove, l
or bypassthe )
_grounding prong.._
Power supply
cord with 3-prong
grounding plug
Read all instructions before using this air conditioner.
For Your Safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinityof
this or any other appliance. Readprc_luct labelsfor flammability and other warnings.
Prevent Accidents
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons when usingyour air
conditioner, follow basic precautions, including the following:
Besure the electrical service isadequate for the model you have chosen.
If the air conditioner isto be installed in a window, you witl probably want to
clean both sides of the glass first. If the window is a triple-track type with a
screen panel induded, you may went to remove the screen completely before
Be sure the air conditioner has been securely and correctly installed accordingto
the separate installation instructions provided with this manual. Save this
manual. Save this manual and installation instructions for possible future use in
removing or reinstallingthis unit.
When handling the air conditioner, be careful to avoid cuts from sharp metal fins
on front and rear coils.
Electrical Informationf13__=_amm
The complete electrical rating of your new room air conditioner is stated on the
serial ptate. Refer to the rating when checking the electrical requirements.
Be sure the air conditioner is properly grounded. To minimize shock and fire
hazards, proper grounding is important. The Dower cord is equipped with a
three-prong grounding plug for protection against shock hazards.
Your air conditioner must be used in a properly grounded wall receptacle. If the
wall receptacle you intend to use is not adequately grounded or protected by a
time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified electrician install the proper
Do not run air conditioner with outside protective cover in ptace. This could result
in mechanical damage within the air conditioner.
Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
Energy Saving Ideas
The capacityof the roomair conditioner must fit the room sizefor efficient and
Installthe room air conditioneronthe shady sideof your home. A window that
facesnorth isbest becauseit isshadedmost of the day.
Do not block air flow inside with blinds, curtains or furniture; or outside with
shrubs,enclosures,or other buildings.
Close the fireplacedamper, floor and wall registersso cool air doesnot escape
up the chimney and into the duct work.
Keepblinds and drapesin other windows closedduring the sunniestpartof the
Cleanthe air filter as recommendedin the section "Care andCleaning."
Properinsulation and water strippingin your home will help keep warm airout
and cool airin.
External house shading with trees, plants or awningswill help reducethe air
conditioner'swork load.
Operate heat producing appliances such as ranges, washers, dryers and
dishwashersduring the coolestpart of the day.
How and Why
Your room air conditioner provides the following functions to make hot weather
living more comfortable:
Cools and circulatesroomair.
Lowershumidityby removingexcessmoisture.
Filtersout summertime dust,dirt,andsome airborneimpurities.
The air conditioner performs thesefunctions bydrawing room air through a filter I_,
wh ch traps dust and dirt particles.Theair then passesover a cooling coil which !
refrigerates the air and removesexcessmoisture. The same air isthen returned to
the room --- cooler,drier and cleaner.Moisture removedfrom theroom air iscarried
to the outsideand evaporated.
Your air conditioner is designed tO be easyto operate and to provide plenty of
cooling power.
Normal Sounds
At thefront of theunit,
y_u may
of rushingair being moved
and off, you may hear a
"dicking" sound.
compressorsmay havea
the coolingcycle.
Unit may vibrateand make
noisebecauseof poorwall
orwindow constructionor
incorrect installation.
Pinging or Swishing
Dropletsof water hitting
operationmay cause
"pinging or swishing"
_Gurgling orhissing"
noisemay be hearddue to refrigerant
passingthrough evaporationduringnormal
Using Air Conditioner
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read
the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSbefore operating this appliance.
NOTE:Ifthe airconditioneristurnedoff,
wait 3 minutes before restarting. This
allows pressureinsidethe compressorto
equalize. Failure to follow these
Jinstructions may cause inefficient
To begin operating the air condffioner, follow these steps:
1. Plug inthe air conditioner. (To prevent electricar hazards, do not use an extension
cord or an adapter plug.)
2. Set the thermostat to the highest number (coldest or cooler setting).
3. Set the selector control to the highest COOL setting (see below).
4. Adjust the louvers for comfortable air flow (see Air Directional Louvers).
5. Once the room has cooled, adjust the thermostat to the setting you find most
Review the "Air Conditioner Features" section for other settings.
Air Conditioner Features,
The contmb featured in this manual are representational of the many models
available. Yourmodel may offer slightlydifferent features.
When in one of the COOLsettings,the airconditioner runs all the time, circulating
the air. Cooling starts only if the room temperature risesabove the coolnesslevel
selectedon the TEMPControl, and stopsoncethe setcoolnesslevelisreached.This
setting givesthe most evenroom temperatures.
FAN Mode
When in the FANsetting, the fan runs continuously to circulate air in the room
without cooling.
TEMP Control
TheTEMPControl servesasthethermostat toset thedegreeof roomcoolness.Turn
the knob clockwisefrom 1 to 9 to increasethe coolingtemperature.
HEAT (some models)
The HEATselectionprovidesquiet,efficientcirculation ofwarm air.Turnthe selector
to the HEATsetting and set the thermostatto the warmestsetting (1).When the
HEATsetting isselected,the thermostat maintainsthe temperaturebyautomatically
turning the heateron and off in responseto room temperature. Oncethe room is
warm, adjust the thermostat to a cooler setting. The fan runs continuously to
circulate air in the room.
Conditioner Features Air Directional Louvers
Air directional louvers control air flow direction. Your air conditioner has the louver
type described below.
(4 WAY)
4-Way Louvers
The 4-Way air directionallouversallow you to directair flow up or down, left or
rightthroughoutthe roomasneeded To adjustthe air directionallouversside-to-
side,usethe centerhandle asyoumove itside-to-side,
Care and Cleaning
RG. 1
Cleanyourairconditioneroccasionallyto keep it looking new. Besure to unplug
the unit before deaning to prevent shock or fire hazards.
Air Filter Cleaning
The air filter should be checked at leastonce a month to seeif cleaning isnecessary, aroma=
Trapped particles in the filter can build up and cause an accumulation of frost on
the cooling coils.
"• Grasp filter and remove by pu]ling the filter up and out (FIG. 1).
Wash filter with warm soapy water. Rinsethoroughly. GentJyshake excesswater
from filter. Be sure filter isthoroughly drybefore replacing.
Instead of washing you may vacuum the filter dean.
Reinstallthe fitter by sliding filter beck into place.
Cabinet Cleaning
Be sureto unplug the air conditionerto prevent shockor fire hazard. The cabinet and
from may be dusted with an oil-free doth or washed with a cloth dampened in a
solutionof warm water and mild liquid dishwashing detergent. Rinsethoroughly and
wipe dry.
Never use harsh cleaners,wax or polishon the cabinet front.
Be sure to wring excesswater from the doth before wiping around the controls.
Excesswater in or around the controlsmay causedamage to the air conditioner.
The cabinet front can be removed for more thorough cleaning,
Removethe two (2) screwsbehind the filter that hold the fTontframe to the unit.
Removethe knobs from the controls.
Pressfirmly on each side of the cabinetclose to the from. While pressing, gently pull
the front out and lift up to remove.
Clean the front in a sink using liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. Rinse
thoroughly and dry.
Replacecabinet front (reverseabove instructions).Replacethe screws.
'_Replacefilter. Plug in air conditioner.
Routine Maintenance
W',nter Storage
If you plan to store the air conditioner during the winter, remove it carefully from
the window according to the installation instructions. Cover it with plasticor return
dt to the original carton_ NOTE: To prevent rust or electrical connections from
being damaged, store air €onditioner in an upright position and a dry place.
A winter cover can be purchased from your dealer, The cover will protect the air
conditioner when it isleft in place through the winter,
Before performing any service,unplug the power cordfrom
the electricaloutlet.
After servicing,reversethefollowing proceduresto reinstall the air conditioner.
Cleaning the Cabinet Front
Removethe frontpanel.Washwith warm, sudsywater. Rinseand drywith asoft
cloth. Neverusesolvents,cleaningfluids,abrasivecleanersor strong detergents.If
thepackagingleavesa gumresidue,removewith a clothdippedinrubbingalcohol.
Repairing Paint Damage
Inspectweather-exposedparts (cabinetshell, mounting hardware, if used,etc.)
onceor twicea year,especiallyin areasnearoceansor where rustisa problem,ff
needed,touchupwith a goodgradeof extedorpaint.
Cleaning Inside the Air Conditioner
No liquid should get into the motor, electricalcontrolbox,or
1. Removefront panel.
2. With help and using the proper lifting methods to avoid personal injury, remove
the chassisfrom cabinet shell.* When removing the air conditioner from cabinet
shellor window, there may be water inside the base that may spill on the floor.
Be careful to avoid cuts from sharp metal fins on the front and rear coils.
3. Uquidsshould not get into electricalparts. Warp the fan motor, electricalcontrol
box, and electrical terminals in plastic. This will keep water or other liquid from
getting inside where it could danlage the insulation and cause serious _rouble.
4. Clean and hose out base, coils, and water pans. Clean at least once a year or
more often if the coils and panscollect dirt, sand, leaves, algae, or insects.
5. After cleaning, remove plastic protection. Wait 24 hours before starting the unit
again. This allows time for all areas to dry out.
NOTE: Water from rainfall or from normal use does not harm these components
sincethe water isnot asforcefully driven into parts as a stream of water from a
garden hose.
*HANDLE NOTE: If the air conditioner has a chassis handle, it isNOT intended for lifting
the unit. it is for sliding the chassisWITHINthe cabinet shell only (to aid in cleaning,
maintenance, etc.).
Room Air ConditionerTroubleshooting Guide
Cheek If ..,
The power supply cord isunplugged.
A household fusehasblown or circuitbreaker
The FanControl issetto OFF
Firmlyplugthe cord into a liveoutletwith propervoltage.
Replacethe fuseor resetthe circuit.Make surethe unit isplugged into a
propedy groundedreceptacleasdescribedin the OwnersManual
_rovidedwith the unit.
SetFanControl to the desiredsetting.
Check If ...
Too manyappliancesare beingused onthe
An extensioncord isbeing usedwith the unit_
The unitisbeing restartedimmediatelyafter
turningoff coolingcircuit.
T_ o,,
Unplugore relocate appliancesthat sharethe samecircuit.
IDo not usean extensioncordto run the air conditioner.
Waitthreeminutes after turningoff cooling unitbefore tryingto restart
Ch_k If .,4
Thefilter isdirtyor obstructedby debds.
The cotisaredirty or obstructeclby debris. Check
both insideevaporatorand outsidecondenser
There k excessivemoisture or heatinthe room
being cooled(cooking,hot showers,etc.)
The FanControl ison a PowerSaver/Energy
TheVent Control issetto OPENor EXHAUST.
TheTemperatureControl isnot at a coolenough
T_ °,,
Cleanfilter usingavacuumcleaneror washfilter in warm water and a
mild detergent.Drythoroughlybefore reuse.
Callthe local Searsstore to inspectand dean the coils and condensate
water passages. OR Iffamiliar with electrical appliances
_erformthe mcluireddeaning by carefullyfollowing the maintenance
instructionsprovidedwith the unit.
Iseexhaustventfanswhile cooking orbathing and try not to use
heet-preducing appliancesduringthe hottest part ofthe day.
UseNORMALsettings for best comfort. When the Power Saversettings
are in use,the fan doesnot circulate the room air continuously.
Setthe Vent Control to CLOSEDfor maximum cooling.
SettheTemperature Controlto a cooler setting.
If ... Then ...
The unitisnot leveled properly.Theunitshould Levelthe air conditionerto providea 1/4" downward slopeto the outside
sope sight y downwardto the outside. (Yzbubbleoncarpenter3level)to provideproperdrainage.Repositionor
shimthe cabnetasnecessary.DO NOTdri a hole in the drain pan.
If .,. Then ..
The currentunit replaced an oldermodel. Theuse of moreefficient components maycausethe unitto run longer
than anoldermodel, butthetotal energyconsumption will be less.Newer
unitsdo notemit the "blast"of cold airyou may be accustomedto from
older units,but this ISNOTan indicationof lessercooling capadty or
efficiency.Referto the effidencyrating(EER)and capacityrating (in
BTUs)marked onthe unit.
The unit isin a heavilyoccupiedroomor heat- Useexhaustventfanswhile cooking or bathing.Trynot to useheat-
)roducingappliancesare in useinthe room. producingappliancesduringthe hottestpart ofthe day.A higher capacity
unit ma)'be requireddepending]onthe sizeof the room beingcooled.
Condenser - You mayheardropletsofwater hitting Compressor - Themodern highefficiencycompressormay have
the condenser,causinga "pinging"or "clicking"sound, ahighpitched humor puLsaUngnoisethat cycleson and off.
Unit Vibra_qn - The unitmay vibrateand make noise Thermostat - Asthe coolingsystemcycles,the thermostat
becauseof poorwallor windowconstruction, mayclick.
Fen - Youmay hearair movementfrom the fan.
D/817 TPS-S4-- Room/_r conditioner T_Jbieshooting Guide -- aev_o_ "A" -- March 18, 1996 -- Page1 of 1 O Sears,Roebuck _ Co.
Full One-Year Warranty on Air Conditioner
Forone yearfrom date of purchase,when this air conditionerisoperatedend
maintained for normal room cooling accordingto instructionsin this owner's
manual,Searswillrepairit, free of charge,if defectivein material orworkmanship.
Full Five-Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System
Forfiveyearsfromthe dateof purchase,when thisairconditioner isoperatedand
maintained for normal room cooling accordingto instructionsin this owner_
manual,Searswillrepairthe sealedrefrigerationsystem (consistingof refrigerant,
connectingtubing, and compressor),free of charge, if defectivein material or
Warranty Service
Warrantyserviceisavailable bycontactingthe nearest servicecenterin the United
Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegaldghts, and you may have other rights whichvaryfrom
SEARS,ROEBUCKand CO. Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Sears Service
Maintenance Agreement
"We ServiceWhat We Sell" iso.urassuranceyoucan depend on Searsfor service.
Yourairconditionerhasaddedvaluewhen youconsiderthatSearshasserviceunits
nationwide,staffed with professionaltechnicianstrained on all appliances Sears
sells.Theyhavethe knowledgeand skills,tools,parts,and equipmentto insureour
pledgeto youthat _We ServiceWhat We Sell"
Sears Maintenance Agreement
Maintain thevalueof yourair conditionerwith a SearsMaintenance Agreement.
Searsair conditionersare designed, manufactured, and tested for years of
dependableoperation.Yet, anymodernappliance may requireservicefromtimeto
for yourairconditioner.
The Sears Maintenance Agreement
Isyourwayto buytomorrow's serviceat today'sprice.
= Eliminatesrepairbills resulting from normal use.
Allows for asmany servicecallsas required.
Providesan annual PreventiveMaintenance Checkat your request to keepyour
Air Conditioner in properrunning condition.
For more information, call 1-800-827-6655