Mitsubishi Electric R410A User manual

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A guide to
The facts on R410A refrigerant
A brief history of refrigerant
R410A in detail
Ensure correct system evacuation
When using copper pipework
The right tools
With more manufacturers introducing systems that use
R410A refrigerant, we’ve produced this booklet to explain
the hype that currently surrounds R410A and to present you
with the facts.
Handled correctly, many installers have already realised that R410A refrigerant
has some excellent benefits to offer. However, it’s being portrayed within
the industry as potentially dangerous to use or, it’s being labelled as the only
efficient refrigerant that’s available - which simply isn’t true.
Whilst R410A can provide some small advantages in efficiency, it is
technology itself that is the largest contributor towards the steady increase
in ever important COP’s. A good comparison can be made with cars and
fuel for example: The fact that a car can provide more miles per gallon
today than say, fives years ago, is due to technological advances in the car
rather than the fuel.
The same is true of direct expansion systems, with the need to focus on
efficiency as a whole, not simply the type of refrigerant. How the refrigerant
is used is of paramount importance and good system installation is crucial.
The skills required today, are no different to those that
have always been required and although the
equipment and subsequent numbers may
differ, the need for good practice remains
the same.
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on R410A refrigerant
Page 3
R410A refrigerant
has some excellent
benefits to offer
This guide aims to provide you with
a better understanding of R410A and to
subsequently improve your effectiveness
in today’s air conditioning industry.
Since 1985 it’s been well documented that
the ozone layer surrounding the earth
has been diminishing. Scientific evidence
suggests man-made chemicals are
responsible for creating the hole in the
ozone layer and that they’re likely to add
to global ozone depletion.
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) have been
used in many products which take advantages of
their physical properties. For example, Chloro
Fluoro Carbons (CFC’s), have commonly been
used as aerosol propellants and refrigerants.
However, since highlighting that the chlorine in
CFC’s attributes to the demise of the ozone layer,
the ‘Montreal protocol on substances that deplete
the ozone layer’ was negotiated and signed by
24 countries and the European Union in 1987.
The protocol calls for all parties to scale down the
use of CFC’s, halons and other man-made ODS.
Page 4
A brief
R22 is a Hydrochlor ofluorocarbon (HCFC)
R410A is a Hydr ofluor ocarbon (HFC )
Sys t e ms using R410A refrigerant ru n at a p ressure of appro ximate ly 1.6 times that
of similar s ys t e ms using R22 and the energy efficiency is compa rabl e. The R410A
re frigerant is a 50:50 mi xt ure of R32 and R125. It has a higher direc t Global W a rmi ng
Pote nt ia l (GW P) than R22 or R407c, but a much l o wer indi rec t GW P (CO 2
p rod u cti on at p ower sta ti on ).
R407c is a Hydrofluor ocarbon (HFC )
R407c is a mix of thre e re frigerant s: R32, R125 and R134a - al l of w hic h boil at a
different temperat ure. R407c ha s a range or glid e of approxi mately C compa red
with R410A which has le ss than 0. 17K. In R407c, R32 provi des the capa city,
R125 controls th e flamm ability and R134a reduc e s the pressure.
Pa ge 5
of refrigerant
R22 is a HCFC refrigerant (comprised of hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, and carbon)
and is the most common refrig erant used in the world today. T he air conditioning
industry is in the process of moving to HFC refrigerants
(comprised of hydrogen, fl uorine and carbon) as they have no chl orine content
a nd zero O zone Dep letion Potenti a l (O DP).
R32 50% R125 50%
Page 6
The phase change of R410A
mixtures takes place at
an almost constant temperature
during the liquefaction or
evaporation process.
The temperature glide
for R410A is less than 0.17K.
- Compression
- Condenser
- Expansion
- Evaporation
Refrigerant Volumic Refrigerating Effect KJ/m
R410A 6725
R407C 4688
R22 4358
in detail
R410A is a Zeotropic blend of two refrigerants
R410A has zero O z one De pl e t ion Pote ntial (O DP)
W ith the relatively high density and high eff icien cy of R410A , it is possible to reduce
t he size of system components such as c ondensers, compressors, evaporat ors and
piping, etc. As operating pressures are hig her compared to that of R22 and R407c
all system components m ust all be designed f or suitability with R410A.
W hen installing equip men t usin g R410A refrigerant , there are a number of s t andards
th a t m ust b e m et:
An est e r oil is use d for R410A (as with R407c)
Its im por tant to work with absolute cleanlin ess
A stren gth test i n accord a n ce with local cod e
R22 R410A
S uction 60psi 90 to 105 psi
Discharge 260psi 350 to 400 psi
Pa ge 7
To ensure problem-free operation of any air-conditioning system, it is
crucial to carry out thorough evacuation of the system. During the
evacuation any moisture is removed from all of the system components
and the pipework.
The importance of thorough evacuation
It is vitally important to thoroughly evacuate any refrigeration system in
order to prevent the following harmful effects:
Any non-condensible product left in the system can cause the
pressure in the condenser to increase and in turn, the
compression temperature to rise.
Moisture will result in adverse reactions in the refrigerant circuit.
The polyester oils used in the R410A refrigeration systems are
hydroscopic, which means that they absorb moisture from the air.
To prevent chemical reactions in the system, any moisture must
be removed at all costs.
Oxygen (air) reacts with the refrigeration unit oil and can lead
to faults such as compressor failure.
To be able to remove moisture from the system it must be evaporated.
The pressure in the pipework must be reduced to such an extent that the
ambient temperature is sufficient to evaporate the moisture.
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Ensure correct
system evacuation
Pa ge 9
Essential tips for good evacuation
Before evacuating a system, it is essential to check f or an y potential leaks. Such leaks
ma y be discov ered at bra zed or fla red joints. Eva cua tion can on ly star t once th e system
h a s b een p rop erl y pressu re tested a n d f ou n d to b e com p letel y lea kp roof .
Leak Testing
in 3 easy step s
S t ep 1 45 PSI (N 2) - Test for a m inim um of 3 minutes
S tep 2 220 PSI (N 2) - Te st for a mi nimum of 3 minutes
Step 3
450 PSI (N 2) - T e s t for a mi ni mu m of 24 h ours (i f us i ng R410A)
Triple e vacuation
S tep 1 Ev ac uate the sys t e m t o 1000 microns from b ot h servi c e val ves.
To measure the vacuum a vacuum g aug e must be used at
all times - do not u se a system man ifold gau ge
S t e p 2 Break the vacuum with O FN to 14 PSIG
S t ep 3 Eva cu a te to 500 m i cron s
S tep 4 Rep ea t Step 2
S t ep 5 Evacuate to the lowest pressure that the pump will achieve
(20 0 mi crons f or a mini mum of 1 hour)
S t e p 6 T he rise test mu st then be carried out for a minimum of 30 min utes
Pa ge 10
Page 11
Use only copper pipes with the correct wall thickness -
please refer to your usual copper pipe supplier for detail
Make sure you cut the copper pipe with a proper pipe cutter only
Remove any burrs with the utmost care
Make sure that no swarf or other impurities get into the piping
When brazing make sure that Nitrogen (OFN) is used at all times
Brazed joints must be bare and clean
The importance of correct brazing
Brazed joints should only be made using Nitrogen
(OFN) as without it carbon deposits are left on the
pipe surface. The carbon deposits are then washed
off of the surface of the pipe when the refrigerant
is circulated and it then travels with the
Carbon deposits can cause the refrigerant
and refrigeration unit oil to decompose.
This is likely to result in operation
defects and warranty will become null
and void.
When using
Page 12
The right tools are required in to enable the
refrigeration system to be properly
evacuated and dried.
These include:
R410A Manifold Gauges
Flaring Tool
Torque Wrench
Vacuum Pump
Refrigerant Weighing Scales
The right tools
Pa ge 13
R410A Re frigerant Mani fold
A solid man ifold gauge specifically used
for R410A.
Manifo ld gauge s with sight gauge s
should never be used due to the higher
operating pressures, u nless specified
for use on R410A.
N i trogen Pres sure Ga uge
A higher r ange N itr o gen R e gulat o r
must be used due to the hig her
pressu re testin g requiremen ts
wh en stren gth testi n g to con f orm
with local cod e.
Vacuum G auge
Vacuum Pump
A Vacu um pum p of suff icient quality and
working ord er to be u sed to p u l l th e
correct vacuum to neg ate any moisture
being present in the system (pu mp oil
needs to b e regu l arly cha nged ).
T he pressure gauge
T he refrigeran t ma nif old gauges are not suitab le for m easuring vacuu m.
A vacuum g aug e to be used to provide an
a c cura te ev actuat i on l ev el is req uired
Pa ge 14
A su ita bl e F la rin g tool to be u sed so a s
not to comprom ise the integrity of the
copper when flared.
Torque W rench
Torq ue wren c hes m ust b e u s ed a t a l l
times to tig hten flares in accordance with
manufacturers g uidelines.
O xygen f ree nit rogen for b razi ng
O FN to be used at all times during
brazing to prevent oxidation within the
copper pipework.
O xygen f ree nit rogen for s trength and l ea k t est
O FN to be u sed for strength an d leak
testin g with th e higher pressure regulator .
Refrigerant charging weighing scales
Any additional refrigerant required for
th e in s ta ll ed sy stem m u s t be wei gh ed in
the liqu id phase using cha rging scales.
Suitable v acu um measuring ga uges
T o d eterm ine a ccu ra tel y th e press u re i n th e sy stem a n d wheth er th e d esi red va cu um h a s been
a ttai n ed , a va cu u m or torr m eter is indispensab le. A professional evacuation requires such
an in stru m en t.
Pa ge 15
To ge t t he best from R410A
Use the correct t ools
A dhering to local code
Stren gth test to 1.3 x Ps (623 PSI)
Leak te st to 1.0 x Ps (478 PSI )
O b s erv e regu l ations (Hea l t h & Safety at work, press u re equ i pm ent etc.)
Use correct copper pipework with app ropriate wall thickness
Follow g ood working practice at all times (N itrog en brazing, proper evacuation, etc.)
The benefit s of working wit h R410A
Hi gher p res s ures
More ef fic i ent
Smaller pip e diameters
L ower r e fr iger ant c har ge
Sm all s y s tem si z e p er kW
Hi gher h eat t ran s fer coefficien t
V ery small te mpera t ure glide <0.17k
HF C z e ot ropic mixture of HF C-32 a nd HFC-125
High pressure - narrow glide
Hydrofluorocarbon blend with z ero O DP
Lower indirect g lobal warming potential ( C O
p rod u cti on at p ower sta ti on )
than R22 and R407c
If y ou follow the guidelin es con tained with in and carry out good refrigeration
pract ice s at all times , then w orki ng with R410A will be no d if ferent from w orking with
previous refrigerants.
Know it and use it!
Su mma r y
Page 16
All text, illustrations, diagrams and examples in this
guide are only intended to help with the handling
and proper use of the refrigerant R410A. The
information contained in this brochure has been
carefully researched and checked and is considered
correct at time of going to press.
Should you have any further queries regarding
installation and operation of the equipment
described in this guide, please contact us at:
Mitsubishi Electric Europe
Air Conditioning Systems Division
Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 8XB
Tel: 04 560 9100
Fax: 04 560 9130