Cleverio 40936 User guide

User guide

Cleverio 40936 is a wireless BBQ probe that lets you monitor the internal temperature of your food while you cook. With its smart app integration, you can choose the type of meat and desired doneness, and the probe will alert you when your food is ready. It also features an environment temperature sensor, so you can keep an eye on the ambient temperature of your grill or smoker.

Cleverio 40936 is a wireless BBQ probe that lets you monitor the internal temperature of your food while you cook. With its smart app integration, you can choose the type of meat and desired doneness, and the probe will alert you when your food is ready. It also features an environment temperature sensor, so you can keep an eye on the ambient temperature of your grill or smoker.

Wireless BBQ probe
Quick start guide
Item: 40936
Kom i gang
Sett termometeret inn i etuiet og lad etuiet helt opp med den medfølgende
kabelen. Vent til indikatoren blir grønn.
Koble til app
Søk etter Grill ProbE i App store eller Google Play for å laste ned appen.
2. Aktiver Bluetooth på enheten din og ta termometret ut av etuiet.
3. Trykk på tilkoblingssymbolet øverst til høyre.
4. Koble til “BBQ ProbeE xxxxx” i listen. Parkoblingen er vellykket når
tilkoblingssymbolet vises.
Bruke termometret
1. Sett termometret i den tykkeste delen av det du skal tilberede. Pass på
å skyve termometret helt inn til innsettingslinjen.
2. Åpne appen og velg en kjøttype og tilberedningsgrad. Du kan også
stille inn temperatur eller timer manuelt.
3. Start tilberedningen og vent til appen varsler om at maten er klar.
For mer informasjon se
Get started
Place the thermometer in the case and charge the case fully with the
included charging cable. Wait for the indicator to turn green.
Connect to app
1. Search for Grill ProbE in App store or Google Play to download the app.
2. Activate Bluetooth on your device and take the thermometer out of
the case.
3. Press the connection icon in the top right corner of the app.
4. Connect to “BBQ ProbeE xxxxx” in the list. The connection is
successful when the connection icon appears.
Use the thermometer
Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of your food. Make sure
to insert the probe beyond the insertion line.
2. Open the app and choose a kind of meat and cooking degree. You
can also set the temperature or a timer manually.
3. Start the cooking. Wait for the app to alarm you when the food is
For more information go to
Indicator Indikator
port Ladeport
Environment temperature sensor Sensor for omgivelsestemperatur
Insertion line Innsettingslinje
Food sensor Matsensor
Kom i gång
Lägg termometern i etuiet och ladda etuiet fullt med den medföljande
kabeln. Vänta tills indikatorn blir grön.
Anslut till app
1. Sök efter Grill ProbE i App store eller Google Play för att ladda ned
2. Aktivera Bluetooth på din enhet och ta ut termometern ut etuiet.
3. Tryck på anslutningsikonen i det övre högra hörnet.
4. Anslut till ”BBQ Probe xxxxx” i listan. Anslutningen har lyckats
när anslutningsikonen visas.
Använd termometern
1. Sätt in termometern i den tjockaste delen på det du ska tillaga. Se till att
sätta in termometern fram till insättningslinjen.
2. Öppna appen och välj en typ av kött och tillagningsgrad. Du kan också
ställa in temperatur eller timer manuellt.
3. Starta tillagning och vänta tills appen meddelar att maten är klar.
For mer informastion kan du gå till
Sensor for omgivande temperatur Insättningslinje Matsensor
Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity
Kjell & Company hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/
EU. Full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at www.kjell.
Forenklet EU-samsvarserklæring
Kjell & Company erklærer herved at denne enheten er i samsvar med
hovedsaklige krav og andre relevante forskrifter i direktivet 2014/53/EU.
Fullstendig tekst for EU-samsvarserklæringen finnes på
Förenklad EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse
Kjell & Company deklarerar härmed att denna enhet uppfyller väsentliga krav
och andra relevanta bestämmelser i direktiv 2014/53/EU. Hela texten i EU-
försäkran om överensstämmelse finns på
Box 50435, Malmö, Sweden
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Cleverio 40936 User guide

User guide

Cleverio 40936 is a wireless BBQ probe that lets you monitor the internal temperature of your food while you cook. With its smart app integration, you can choose the type of meat and desired doneness, and the probe will alert you when your food is ready. It also features an environment temperature sensor, so you can keep an eye on the ambient temperature of your grill or smoker.

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