Maxon LO-NOX™ Line Burners Datasheet

LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5803
Design and Application Details
Burner duct area displacement
For purposes of calculating operating air velocities
and resulting static pressure drops across the burner
assembly and profile plate, use the following equiva-
lent displacements:
Each 6" straight section: 0.35 ft2
Each 12" straight section: 0.7 ft2
Each 12" x 6" tee section: 0.75 ft2
Each 12" x 12" cross section: 0.85 ft2
For example:
A LO-NOX™ Line Burner assembly is made up of:
(2) 12" straight sections @ 0.7 ft2 displ. area
(1) 12" back inlet straight @ 0.7 ft2 displ. area
(2) 12" x 6" tee sections @ 0.75 ft2 displ. area
Total duct area displaced by this burner assembly:
(3 x 0.7 ft2) + (2 x 0.75 ft2) = 3.6 ft2
Volume (CFM)
Velocity (FPM) = Net Free
Area (ft2)
The net free area of the duct, and consequently the
profile opening surrounding the burner element can
be determined by inserting the air volume and/or the
desired operating velocity into this formula. The
burner displaces area in the duct and must be added
to the air handling area to determine the appropriate
profile dimensions.
Air stream velocity and resulting static pressure
drop affect performance and are achieved by means
of a silhouette profile plate within the duct.
A minimum profile plate width of 6" is required
surrounding all LO-NOX™ Line Burner
Air velocity over burner
Minimum - 700 SFPM
Optimum -1500 SFPM
Maximum -3000 SFPM
NOTE: Burner is not sensitive to velocity variations
within the desired range, but NOx levels may increase
by 33% if fired at 600,000 Btu/hr, ft and at 3000
SFPM velocity.
Total heat release and LO-NOX™ Burner footage
are normally selected from the tables given in the
Series “HG” Mixing Tube section of the Maxon
catalog (Section 3200).
Nominal burner capacity
Maximum: 550,000 Btu/hr per lineal foot
(requires 12" wc mixture pressure)
Minimum: 140,000 Btu/hr per lineal foot
(requires 0.8" wc mixture pressure)
Based on information given in catalog section
3200, and within the constraints of duct size and air
volume flows, a LO-NOX™ Line Burner assembly is
designed utilizing the available sections shown on the
following pages.
When ordering a burner assembly made up from
the module components, be sure to provide an
assembly sketch of the complete burner (as viewed
from the back, or upstream, side) including locations
of all accessories and/or individual component
Page 5804 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Design and Application Details
Manifolding and Ductwork Considerations
Manifolding and ductwork considerations are
extremely important in the design of LO-NOX™
systems. LO-NOX™ Burner systems can be
susceptible to noise generation. In order to minimize
the possibility of noise, we suggest the following:
Adjust burner with a “fuel-lean” air/fuel ratio
Burner element should be supported independently
from the manifolding
No flat transitions or turns should be made in
ductwork downstream of burner
All sheet metal ductwork should be rigidly fastened
and have adequate stiffeners attached
Burner inlet feed piping must be adequate to
provide a well-distributed flow of air/gas throughout
the burner assembly.
Be generous with inlet sections. Use enough to
achieve a uniform mixture pressure within the
Use more 12" -B sections, and fewer crosses
(which are most likely to generate noise problems).
Keep manifolding symmetrical, with an extension
beyond last “take-off” of at least 2 pipe diameters in
Use flexible connectors if assembly includes more
than 2 inlet feed sections.
Keep main header at least 36" back from burner
element to lessen chance of “shadow effect” on the
air flow across the burner.
Do not exceed the footage feed limitations shown
in the table below.
Section Description
LN = LO-NOX™ Line Burner
Mixing Plate Material
3 = #321 stainless steel
4 = #310 stainless steel
5 = Hastelloy-X
Section Code
6 = 6" straight section
12 = 12" straight section
T = 12" x 6" tee section
X = 12" x 12" cross section
12B = 12" back inlet straight section
BX = 12" x 12" back inlet cross section Number of (#30) drilled holes per lineal foot
120 = 120 holes (1.5564 in2/ft) discharge area
12" x 12" BK INLET SECTION LN 5 – BX – D – 120
Body Material
G = gray iron body
D = ductile iron body
Inlet flanges bolt directly to burner body casting
and accept threaded NPT piping. Chart above shows
maximum lineal feet of LO-NOX™ Line Burner that
may be fed by a given inlet flange.
LO-NOX™ Line Burner Designation
egnalftelnidne"2 .tf1
egnalftelnikcab"2 egnalftelnikcab"5.2.tf5.1
egnalftelnikcab"3 .tf2egnalftelnikcab"4 egnalfssorctelnikcab"3 egnalfssorctelnikcab"4.tf4
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5805
Fresh and recirculated air streams may be heated
with LO-NOX™ Burners supplied with a full premixture
of air and natural, propane, or butane gas.
A complete burner system to handle these
applications would include a LO-NOX™ Line Burner
assembly, Series “HG” Mixing Tube, MICRO-RATIO®
Control Valve and a combustion air blower. Your
Maxon representative can help you select from the
broad range of options available.
General Selection Procedure:
1. Calculate gross heat requirement.
2. Determine burner footage and inlet feed
3. Enter Table 1 under column with your capacity
needs for parameters of your application.
4. Select “HG” Mixing Tube size from Table 2 based
upon the volume of air required.
– Required heat release of 7,000,000 Btu/hr
From Table 1
A. Gross heat required: 7,000,000 Btu/hr
B. = 14 ft.
C. 14 ft. x 100 SCFM/ft = 1400 SCFM primary air with
differential mixture pressure = 14" wc
From Table 2
D. Since single 8" “HG” Mixing Tube is rated for a
maximum of 2500 SCFM, this requires (1) 8" “HG”
Mixing Tube with gas orifices from Table 3.
E. Select MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve
– For 1400 SCFM air = (84,000 SCFH)
– For 7000 SCFH natural gas
(See Maxon catalog bulletin 7000)
NOTE: Select gas control valve carefully to achieve
maximum operating flexibility within its adjusting
capability. Keep control valve size small so pressure
drop through fully open valve at maximum flow
capacity is within range of controllability.
F. If available inlet gas pressure is above 10 PSIG,
consider double stage regulation to minimize
Capacity/Selection Data
LO-NOX™ Line Burners with Series “HG” Mixing Tubes
7,000,000 Btu
500,000 Btu/ft
mumixaM yticapac esaelertaeh laenilreprh/utB XON-OLfotoof renruB
rianoitsubmoC deriuqer gnixiM"GH"hguorht repMFCS(ebuT fotooflaenil ]1[)renruBXON-OL
erutximlaitnereffiD erusserp ).c.wsehcni( neewtebderusaemsa dnatelnirenrub citatsrebmahc/tcud erusserp
gnixiM"GH" eziSebuT taderiuqeremulovrianoitsubmocMFCS ebuTgnixiM"GH"hguorhtmumixam
erusserpsagtelniGISP2nodesabwolebsgnillirD:ETON )telnisagebuTgnixiM"GH"taderusaem(
smetsysdeximerpyllufroF "GH"foeziS ebuTgnixiM sagforebmun( nisecifiro )sesehtnerap
rianoitsubmoC erusserp riataderusaem "GH"fotelni ebuTgnixiM
rofsgnillirdecifirosaG srenruBXON-OL
rof larutaN saG
rof enaporP saG
rof enatuB saG
Page 5806 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Envelope Dimensions (in inches)
Modular Burner Sections
6" straight
section 12" straight
section 12" x 6" tee
section 12" x 12" cross
Typical End Views
Tee and
Cross Sections
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5807
Envelope Dimensions (in inches)
Modular Inlet Feed Burner Sections
NOTE: 12B and XB back inlet
sections must be ordered with
one of the back inlet flange
sets shown below.
5.2 52.1
12" back inlet section 12" x 12"
back inlet cross
Back Inlet Flanges
Flange Sets for 12"
Back Inlet Sections Flange Sets for 12" x 12"
Back Inlet Cross Sections
Inlet flanges bolt directly to
burner casting and accept
either standard NPT or standard
ISO threaded piping of indi-
cated size.
NOTE: Refer to page 5804
for specific inlet feed capacity
LFB 2-1/2"
LFB 3"
LFB 4"
LFB 3" 4"
Page 5808 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Envelope Dimensions (in inches)
End Closures and End Inlet Flange Sets
NOTE: See catalog page
5804 for specific inlet
feed capacity limitations.
All open ends of a burner assembly must be closed off with one of these end closures,
or with a pilot end plate or pilot assembly as shown below and on page 5809.
flame rod
2" inlet pilot set
flame rod
UV scanner can be
mounted through straight-
in flame rod location. 1"
tap is bushed to 1/4" for
flame rod.
Flame rod ( if used) must be ordered separately
with all end plate and pilot sets.
Plain end
plate set
Pilot set
UV scanner can be
mounted through straight-
in flame rod location. 1"
tap is bushed to 1/4" for
flame rod.
Plain end plate
closure includes
1/8" NPT test
2" inlet
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5809
Dimensions (in inches)
Pilot Assemblies
NOTE: Order
18" long spark
electrode sub-
Order 18"
long spark
and 24"
flame rod
AIRFLO-PAK pilot arrangements
Direct mounted version includes 14mm spark ignitor.
Order electrode separately for externally mounted
version. Order flame rod (if used) separately.
Optional air/gas pilot mixers for all LO-NOX™ pilot assemblies
Pressure type with adjustable orifice
Atmospheric type
with fixed orifice
Atmospheric type
with adjustable orifice
External Mounting Plate Assemblies as used with AIRFLO-PAK pilot assemblies
External mounting plate assembly for internal spark
ignitor & internal flame rod
External mounting plate assembly for external
UV scanner & internal spark ignitor
External mounting plate assembly for external spark
electrode & external UV scanner
External mounting plate assembly for external flame
rod & external spark ignitor
Page 5810 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Dimensions (in inches)
External Mounting Plate Assemblies
External mounting plate details
A plate is included with all assemblies shown on
page 5809.
Mounting plate with two
(2) feed-through insula-
tors for internal mounting
of spark ignitor and flame
rod. Same size external
mounting plate used in all
assemblies shown on
page 5809.
Positioning mounting plate in relation to
LO-NOX™ Burner pilot location
Through-wall opening required
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5811
Accessory Dimensions (in inches)
Profile Plate Bracket
Provides support for
profile within closed burner
loop. On some applica-
tions, it may be necessary
to restrict air flow between
adjacent burner rows to
achieve design operating
velocities. This is done by
installing customer-fabricated profile plates on profile
mounting bracket(s). See sketch 1 below for use on
square openings (formed by adjacent cross-sections
of burner). Sketch 2 applies to rectangular opening.
Universal support bracket
Normally used in pairs as shown below. Mount to
burner assembly at any joint between sections.
Two versions available: zinc plated carbon steel for
maximum inlet temperature up to 750°F (399°C) or
#304SS for maximum inlet temperature up to 1600°F
Division plate
Provides isolation of burner
feed(s) where desirable.
Optional electrode cover
Protects porcelain insulator and
electrical connection from dirt
and moisture. May be used for
ambient temperatures up to
450°F (232°C).
Spark Ignitor
Spark Electrode
Flame rod identification
For those burners using flame rods, most
applications are covered by one of three sizes
(specific number depends on nominal length “N” of
rod extension). These may need cut to dimension “L”
specified in tables on pages 9908 and 9908A before
use in your particular application.
Page 5812 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Maintenance & Component Identification/Spare Parts
1 Burner body
2 Back up bar (straight)
3 Gasket, body (straight)
4 Back up bar (inside)
5 Gasket, inside
6 Back up bar (outside)
7 Flame protection rail (outside)
7a Flame protection rail (inside)
8 Support bracket gasket 18 GA
9 6" mixing plate
10 Corner mixing plate
12 M10 - 1.5 x 45 hex head cap screw
13 M10 - 1.5 finished hex nut
14 #10 -24 FLEX-LOK hex nut
15 #10 -24 x 1/2" indented hex head machine screw
16 #10 -24 x 2-1/4" indented hex head machine screw
17 Washer
18 #10 -24 x 3/8" indented hex head machine screw
Part Description To order replacement parts:
1. Identify specific LO-NOX™ Burner series/type
from burner assembly information plate pictured
2. Provide sketch of burner arrangement, as
viewed from back (or casting side) of assembly.
For example:
3. Specify quantity of each replacement item
required from table at left.
LO-NOX™ Line Burner Information Plate
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Maxon LO-NOX™ Line Burners Datasheet


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