20 Introduction
BMC Configuration and Management Tools
Using the Remote Access Configuration Utility in
The Remote Access Configuration Utility in x9xx systems provides basic
BMC setup and configuration functions that can be accessed during system
boot. Use the utility for initial BMC setup and configuration only.
For advanced configuration tasks, you must use the Deployment Toolkit
SYSCFG utility or Server Administrator Version 2.0 or later.
NOTE: The Remote Access Configuration Utility is called the BMC Setup Module in
Dell PowerEdge x8xx systems, iDRAC Configuration Utility in xx0x systems, and
iDRAC6 Configuration Utility in xx1x systems.
Using Deployment Toolkit
The Deployment Toolkit (DTK) SYSCFG utility provides a powerful
Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE) and Linux
-line interface for locally configuring your system’s BMC as part of
an initial deployment. Use the DTK SYSCFG utility to set all supported
BMC features. Additionally, you can use the Deployment Toolkit utilities to
capture and replicate system settings on similar systems. See "Configuring
Your BMC Using the Deployment Toolkit Utility" on page 40 for more
information on how to install and set up the DTK SYSCFG utility.
Using the BMC Management Utility
The BMC Management Utility provides a command-line interface to your
remote management station to manage BMC-supported functions. Use the
BMC Management Utility to manage your BMC from a remote management
station and as your managed system’s emergency management console.
The utility gives you the option of using either a command line interface
(IPMI Shell) or a SOL Proxy to access and manage the BMC. To use the
BMC Management Utility, you must perform the following tasks:
• Configure BMC using the Remote Access Configuration Utility in
systems, the DTK SYSCFG utility, or Server Administrator.
• Install the BMC Management Utility on a management station.
See "Configuring Your Managed System" on page 25 for instructions on
configuring the BMC on a managed system in preparation for using the BMC
Management Utility.