Get 1000 CFM
of Air Rhino power
Industrial hygienists recommend high capacity Air Rhino Systems
Du a l pu rpose ma ch in e w ith remova ble h o o d
Lightweight aluminum hood: easily detachable.
Can be used vertically with the hood for cleaning individual items.
or horizontally as room cleaner.
R emov a ble h ose a tta ch men ts
Removable 12" or 18" hose attachments for negative air work.
H ig h pow er a ir mov in g ca pa city
Motor separate from blower for easy maintenance.
2 speed fan.
Up to 1000 CFM cleaning power.
H ig h ef ficien cy f ilterin g sy stem
Pre-filter 24" x 24" x 4"
HEPA filter 24" x 24" x 12"
100 lbs. granular carbon filter .
E a sy f ilter ch a n ge
Door for easy access to filters and pre-filters
Con ven ien t h a n dlin g
Available in steel (160 lbs)
4 handles and wheels (2 sw ivel, 2 straight)
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 41"
The guarantee More filtration - More features - Less costly
Model 3000 Hood
Sm oke a nd o dor r e s t or a t ion.
Air p urif ica tion s y s t em
IAllerAir ndustries Inc.
Toll free; 1-888-852-8247 / Fax: 1-877-688-2193 w w w.allerair.com
F ir e a n d f lood,
R estora tion ,
M old sp or es
F ir e a n d f lood,
R estora tion ,
M old sp or es