I. Introducon
• Specicaons
• Accessories
• Features
II. Installaon Instrucons
1. Installaon of the motherboard
2. Installaon of the power supply
3. Installaon of external drives
3.1 Opcal drives
3.2 Ulizing the external 3.5 inch bay
4. Installaon opons of HDD’s
4.1 Mounng of hard disk drives
4.2 Conversion and removal of the HDD-cages
5. Removing the front panel
6. Fan assembly
6.1 Front fans
6.2 Fans under the top cover
6.3 Fan at the boom of the case
7. The 2-channel fan controller
7.1 Connecng the fans to the fan control
7.2 Operaon of the fan control
8. Installaon of a water cooling soluon
8.1Installaon of a radiator or compact water cooling behind the front
8.2 Installaon of a slim radiator or compact water cooling under the top cover
9. The I/O-Panel
10. Connecng the front connectors to the motherboard
10.1 USB 2.0
10.2 USB 3.0
10.3 HD Audio
10.4 AC 97
III. Support