Speed control
Fig. I
• Duringoperationandwhilstthemachine
is at rest the stroke rate (speed) can be
selected using the thumbwheel (6).
• Thestrokeraterequireddependsuponthe
material conditions. The optimal setting
should be determined in use.
• Afterworkingforlongerperiodsatlow
speed you should allow the machine to cool
down by running it at maximum speed with
no-load for approx. 3 minutes.
Sawing tips
• Adjustsawbladeandstrokeratetosuitthe
material to be processed. For right radius
curves it is best to use a narrow saw blade.
Apply coolant or lubricant to deal with the
sawing metal.
• Checkwood,chipboards,building
materials etc, for foreign bodies (nails,
screws etc.), before sawing and remove
them, if necessary.
• Clampmaterialwell.Donotsupportthe
workpiece with hand or foot. Do not touch
(danger of backlash).
• Putthefootplateonthesurfaceofthe
workpiece, and saw through it with constant
seizes switch the machine off immediately.
Spread the gap with a suitable tool and pull
out the saw blade.
• Afternishingwork,switchoffthemachine
and only put down after it has come to a
complete standstill.
Plunge cutting
Fig. E
• Plungecuttingmayonlybeusedonsoft
materials such as wood, aerated concrete,
gypsum plaster boards, etc.
• However,thisrequiresacertainpractise
and is only possible with short saw blades.
• Placethesawontotheworkpieceand
switch it on.
• Ensurethatthebottomedgeofthefootplate
rests on the workpiece surface as shown.
• Slowlysawintotheworkpieceatanangle,
moving the saw to a vertical position and
continue to saw along the cutting line.
• Switchthesawoffandliftofftheworkpiece
when the work is complete.
Flush sawing
• Elasticbi-metalsawbladesallowyouto
saw protruding objects (e,g, water pipes,
iron bars, etc,) nearby the wall.
• Applythesawbladedirectlytothewall
and bend slightly so that the footplate rests
against the wall.
• Switchthemachineonandsawoffthe
workpiece keeping constant lateral pressure
against the wall.
Rotatable handle
Fig. F
The handle can be rotated in 90° steps to the
machine housing. Slide the rotation button (3)
backwards and rotate the handle to the desired
position. Make sure the handle locks in position
before use.
LCD display
Fig. G
This machine is equipped with a LCD display.
• Toturnthedisplayon,pressthedisplay
button (10) once. To turn the display off,
press the display button again.
• Theclock(11)andminutes(12)remaining
icons indicate the number of minutes of
running time that are available before the
battery only)
• Thebatteryicon(13)indicatesthe
amount of charge remaining in the battery.
Each charge bar displayed indicates
approximately 10% charge remaining in the
battery. A total of 10 charge bars indicates a
fully charged battery.
• Pressthebacklightbutton(14)toswitchthe
switch the backlight of the display off.
Hex key storage
Fig. H
The included hex key can be stored in the
battery compartment.
Make sure that the machine is not live
when carrying out maintenance work
on the motor.