9.1 Mobile dust extractor
CT mobile dust extractors, series CT 22,
CT 33, CT 44, CT 55
Fit the assembly set (module EAA CT22/
33/44/55: 495756) for the control cable
to the CT mobile dust extractor (see as-
sembly instructions).
CT mobile dust extractor series CT 26,
CT 36
Fit the assembly set (module EAA CT26/
36: 494896) to the CT mobile dust extrac-
tor (already fitted on CTM 36 LE and CTL
36 LE models).
Plug the control cable into the socket on
the extractor.
SRM mobile extractor and other brands
of extractor
Connecting the control cable is no longer
possible. If the dust extractor has an appli-
ance socket with automatic switch-on unit,
the mains cable on the EAA must be plugged
into this appliance socket so that the auto-
matic switch-on unit on the dust extractor
functions. However, note the maximum ca-
pacity of the appliance socket. Not all EAA
functions can be used. We therefore recom-
mend using a Festool mobile dust extractor.
Plug the extractor hose into the extractor
opening on the dust extractor.
We recommend using rotating adapter
D50 DAS-AS to connect the extractor
hose to the dust extractor.
If the EAA is quite far away from the mo-
bile dust extractor, part of the extractor
hose should be replaced by a plastic pipe
or a steel pipe designed for extraction
systems (diameter 50 mm). This reduces
the air flow resistance in the extraction
line and improves the suction power at
the EAA.
9.2 Stationary extraction system
Plug the control cableinto the socket on
the extraction system.
Plug the extractor hose into the extractor
opening on the extraction system (D75).
10 Power supply
Power and compressed air is supplied
through the energy box.
10.1 Power
All EAA versions have three sockets. Socket
[1-3] is connected permanently to the power.
The two sockets AUTO 1 [1-9] and AUTO 2
[1-5] are live when the selector switch [1-4]
is set to the "
" position. If the switch is
set to "0" or "MAN", the sockets are discon-
nected from the power supply.
10.2 Compressed air
EW versions
have a non-adjustable
connection for unlubricated compressed air
EW/DW versions
have a maintenance unit
(see Fig.[2]), consisting of a pressure regu-
lator[2-1], manual condensate trap [2-8]
and lubricator [2-6], two adjustable connec-
tions for lubricated compressed air [1-6] and
a non-adjustable connection for unlubricated
compressed air [2-7]. The flow pressure pre-
set at the pressure regulator is supplied to all
three connections. The two connections for
lubricated compressed air are for attaching
pneumatic tools.
The following is required for correct opera-
Risk of accident, electric shock
If tools are operated from all three sockets
simultaneously, the maximum power
available at each socket is 1200W.
If the mains cable on the EAA is plugged
into the appliance socket on a dust extrac-
tor (see chapter 9.1), always observe the
maximum capacity of the appliance socket
on the dust extractor. The total power
supplied via the output cables on the three
EAA sockets must not exceed the maxi-
mum capacity of the appliance socket on
the dust extractor.
Risk of accident, electric shock
The compressed air from this connection
cannot be adjusted, the pressure from the
in-house compressed-air system is sup-
plied to this connection. Festool com-
pressed air sanders should not be
attached via this connection.