Design and Operation
In addition to the bar stock concept, there are
a number of other unique characteristics
about the Trimline design which contribute to
its risk reduction and reliability in operation.
Refer to illustration #1.
In the first stage of the two-stage design, the
high-pressure gas enters the inlet to the first stage
through a long, narrow passage (1) intended to
quench or reduce the intensity of any fire which
could come in from the inlet connection. That high-
pressure gas then reverses its direction and
comes out through the center of the first stage
nozzle (2), where it impinges upon the synthetic
seating material (3), which is embedded in the
small diameter end of the first stage piston (4).
The amount of synthetic material is kept to a mini-
mum, so as not to contribute unnecessary
amounts of fuel to a burnout. The piston design
provides the positive shut-off of an attached stem
while, at the same time, eliminating the need for
a diaphragm and simplifying regulator assembly.
Piston Controls 1st
Stage and
Diaphragm-2nd Stage
In the relaxed state, the first stage piston valve is
in the open configuration, as illustrated. The high
incoming gas pressure tends to blow against the
piston and it is, therefore, a pressure opening
valve design. The piston is sealed on both ends
with “0” rings. The gas exits the nozzle (2) and
enters the small hole on the side of the piston (5).
That hole transports the gas through the piston
to the delivery chamber (6) of the first stage.
That delivery chamber of the first stage is also
the inlet chamber for the second stage. As the
pressure builds, it exerts a force against the large
end of the piston (7) which now overcomes the
spring tension (8) and begins pushing the seat
(3) against the valve (2), closing the valve. If a
leak should occur at the first stage piston seat
(3), the pressure and resulting force on the large
end of the piston (7) will increase until it shuts off
due to brute force. It is this action that makes it
identical to the operation of an attached stem dia-
phragm design.
into the diaphragm chamber (12), where it rests
against the diaphragm plate (13).
Baffle Plate
Protects Diaphragm
Trimline single- and two-stage models both in-
corporate what is called a diaphragm baffle plate
(14). That plate screws into the body and sup-
ports the push rod for the second stage valve.
One end of the stem is supported very snugly by
the baffle plate, while the other end is of very loose
fit. The loose fitting end provides the valve orifice
(11) for gas passage. When the gas passes
through the orifice, it enters the cross drill hole
(15) which allows it to exit to the hoses and torch
without passing through the diaphragm chamber
The diaphragm baffle plate is another important
risk reduction feature in Trimline because it pro-
tects the diaphragm by keeping it out of the main
gas stream. In this way the neoprene diaphragm
(16) is not directly exposed to hot gases or fire
which could destroy it. Small bleeder holes (17)
are provided in the baffle plateto allow the dia-
phragm to function and respond to demand for
greater or lesser amounts of gas supply.
The single-stage Trimline Regulator contains all
of the component parts beginning with the sec-
ond stage valve slider (18) through to the pres-
sure adjusting screw.
The single- and two-stage Trimline Regulators
have brass bar stock bodies (19) which have con-
siderably less internal volume than do many
forged body designs of either our competitors or
other OXWELD and PUROX lines.
The zinc die cast cap (20), provides excellent met-
allurgical thread engagement while, at the same
time, minimizing tendencies toward corrosion and
galling. Linde had used zinc die castings in com-
bination with brass bodies for many years in our
PREST-O-LITE line Regulators. For added resis-
tance to abrasion and for appearance, the cap is
plated with a hard bright chrome.
The second stage seat design incorporates a syn-
thetic material (9) with a push rod (10) at its cen-
ter. This is a pressure closing valve, since incom-
ing gas tends to close the valve, That push rod
passes through the second stage valve (11) and
Better ColdBetter Cold
Better ColdBetter Cold
Better Cold
Weather Performance
Trimline Regulators incorporate fabric reinforced
neoprene diaphragms (16) that are one of the
thinnest Linde has ever made. The fabric gives
them high strength. These were developed to pro-
vide maximum flexibility in all temperatures and