Battery Bank Installations
IPS350, IPS400, IPS450, IPS500, IPS600
Binder: M B Date: 07-2007 Page: 1(2)
It has come to our attention that some of our IPS boat builders use / wish to use a common start battery
array for IPS installations. The following information is aimed at clarifying the differences between sep-
arate (twin/double) battery arrays (hereafter referred to as 'separate battery arrays') as opposed to a
common battery array.
In the installation literature Volvo Penta draws attention to the fact that IPS installation with a common
start battery array is NOT allowed. (Note: The sensor cable must be connected to the start battery array).
IMPORTANT! Common start battery arrays are not permitted for ISP installations.
The difference between separate battery arrays and a common battery array is described in the following
Separate start battery arrays
Port side Starboard side
1. Starter motor 6. Charge splitter
2. Auxiliary battery 1 7. Sensor cable (IPS)
3. Start battery 8. Sensor cable (AQ, Inb.)
4. Starter button 9. Alternator
5. Breaker
One array of start batteries (one or more parallel-connected batteries) is used for each engine.
This solution provides system redundancy and is moreover the optimum solution for IPS.
This arrangement must be used for IPS.
AB Volvo Penta
SE-405 08 Göteborg
Service Bulletin