Lights will not turn ON (LED does flash):
1 . P re s s and re l ease the button. If the lights turn ON, verify that the co r re c t
On Mode is sele c t ed in the DIP switc h e s .
2 . Check all wire connections, in particular, the Load co n n e c t i o n .
3 . Check to see if light level co n t r ol is enabled and natural light is holding
OFF light. Te s t by holding hand over the sensor le n s .
4 . If lights still do not turn ON, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i c al support.
Lights will not turn ON (LED does not flash)
1 . Check the wire connections, in particular, the Ground and Line
connections. Verify that connections are tightly secure d .
2 . P re s s and re l ease the button. If the lights turn ON, verify that the
Sensitivity is set to High/Auto.
3 . If lights still do not go ON, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i c al support
Lights will not turn OFF
1 . T h e r e can be up to a 30 minute time delay after the last motion is
d e te c ted. To verify proper operation, place the unit in any Fixed time
delay (any of switches 1, 2, or 3 in the ON position), then sele c t
A u tomatic time delay (switches 1, 2, and 3 in the OFF position) to
te m p o ra r i ly re e n a b le Te st Mode. Move out of view of the sensor. The
lights should turn OFF in approx i m a t e l y 15 seco n d s .
2 . Verify that the sensor is mounted at le a s t six feet away from any
h e a t i n g / ventilating/air conditioning dev i ce that may cause fa l s e
d e tection. Verify that there is no significant heat source (e.g., high
w a t tag e light bulb) mounted near the sensor.
3 . If the lights still do not turn OFF, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i c al support.
Sensing motion outside desired areas
1 . S e l ect Sensitivity – Low (dip switch 4 = ON) if nece ss a r y.
2 . Mask the sensor’s lens, used the opaque tape supplied, to limit the
f i e l d - o f - v i ew to the desired are a .
No response to repeated button presses
Rapid pre s sing of the Auto-ON/OFF button will cause a delay in pro p e r
functioning of sensor. If the sensor does not respond to pre s sing the Auto
ON/OFF button, wait for 10-15 seconds, and then pre s s the button once again.