Storing Frozen Food
Prepacked commercally frozen
food should be stored n accordance
wth the frozen food manufacturer’s
nstructons for a frozen food
storage compartment.
To ensure that the hgh qualty
acheved by the frozen food
manufacturer and the food retaler s
mantaned, the followng should be
1. Put packets n the freezer as
quckly as possble after purchase.
2. Ensure that contents are labelled
and dated.
3. Do not exceed “Use By”, “Best
Before” dates on the packagng. If
there s a power falure do not open
the door. Frozen food should not be
affected f the falure lasts for less
than 18 hrs. If the falure s longer,
then the food should be checked and
ether eaten mmedately or cooked
and then re-frozen.
Freezing Fresh Food
Please observe the followng
nstructons to obtan the best results.
Do not freeze too large a quantty at
any one tme. The qualty of the food
s best preserved when t s frozen
rght through to the core as quckly as
Do not exceed the freezng capacty
of your applance n 24 h whch s 5 kg
Placng warm food nto the freezer
compartment causes the refrgeraton
compressor to operate contnuously
untl the food s frozen sold. Ths can
temporarly lead to excessve coolng
of the refrgeraton compartment.
When freezng fresh food turn the
control toward MAX. Small quanttes
of food up to 1/2 kg. (1 lb) can be
frozen wthout havng to rotate the
temperature control.
Install in room +5C to +32C .
You may place fresh food to be frozen
n any part of the freezer.
Take specal care not to mx already
frozen food and fresh food.
Making Ice Cubes
Fll the ce - cube tray 3/4 full wth
water and place t n the Ice Bank.
Loosen frozen trays wth the handle
of a spoon, never use sharp edged
objects such as knves, forks. Store
ce-cubes n the Ice Bank.
Note: If freshly made ce cubes are
not consumed for several weeks
and stored n Ice Bank, they wll
slowly reduce n sze and eventually
dsappear completely.
A) Fridge Compartment
The frdge compartment defrosts
automatcally. The defrostng water
runs to the dran tube va a collecton
contaner at the back of the applance
(1). (see dagram) Durng defrostng
water droplets may form at the back
of the frdge compartment where
concealed evaporator s located.
Some droplets may reman on the
lner and refreeze when defrostng s
completed. Do not allow tems n the
frdge to touch the back wall as the
water droplets wll make them wet.
Do not use ponted or sharp edged
objects such as knves, forks to remove
the droplets whch have frozen.