EDGE Instructions Page 1 of 3
Quick Start Guide 2021-01
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Quick Start Guide
Prepare a Solvent
Turn on the EDGE. The EDGE should boot up to a “One Touch Methods” and “User Methods” screen. Add the appropriate solvent(s) to
bottles, cap using the caps provide with the EDGE, and run the solvent line through the cap. Ensure the bottom of the line is in solvent.
Select the System Menu icon. Enter the “Settings” menu, and go to “Bottle Setup.” Select the solvent placed in the lines, save, and
allow the solvents to prime. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the EDGE Manual.
Prepare System for Running
Select the System Menu icon. Select the “Tools” menu, and enter “Utilities.” Select “System Wash.” Select the desired solvent, and
allow the system to wash. The waste solvent should be collected by the waste assembly. For more information on how to do this,
please refer to the EDGE Manual.
Prepare a Q-Cup
Assemble the Q-Cup with the appropriate Q-Disc by placing the Q-Disc of choice in the bottom of the Q-Cup and then replacing the
bottom back on the Q-Cup’s body. Weigh any sorbents directly into the Q-Cup. Then, weigh the sample into the Q-Cup on top of the
sorbent. Do not add sorbents and sample above the fill line indicated in the image. Then, place a Q-Screen on top of the sorbents and
sample. For more information on how and when to use a Q-Screen, please consult the Q-Screen Guide. Place the Q-Cup and a
collection vial compatible with the EDGE in the EDGE rack.