Aastra 470 User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Aastra 470 is a feature-rich business phone that streamlines communication and enhances productivity. It boasts a large, illuminated graphic display for easy navigation, programmable keys for one-touch access to frequently used features, and a speakerphone for hands-free conversations. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, Aastra 470 seamlessly integrates into any professional setting.

Aastra 470 is a feature-rich business phone that streamlines communication and enhances productivity. It boasts a large, illuminated graphic display for easy navigation, programmable keys for one-touch access to frequently used features, and a speakerphone for hands-free conversations. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, Aastra 470 seamlessly integrates into any professional setting.

Aastra Business Communication
Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
User’s Guide
Supported platforms:
Aastra 415
Aastra 430
Aastra 470
This user guide describes the integration of mobile phones on
Aastra 400 as well as the supported function codes used to exe-
cute functions.
eud-1331_en / 1.22 – R3.2 – © 02.2015
This document is no longer maintained. Please use
"MiVoice Office 400 Feature Overwiev" (syd-0595_en) instead.
You can download it from our Internet: www.mitel.com/docfinder.
2 Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
User information
Your product is supplied with a quick user guide, safety information and, where appli-
cable, with other product-specific information.
These and all other user documents are available for download from the Aastra 400
DocFinder as individual documents or as a documentation set.
Aastra® is a registered trademark of Aastra Technologies Limited.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All other trademarks, prod-
uct names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective pro-
The designations used in this manual for software and hardware are registered trade-
marks and are thus subject to the relevant regulations.
Document information
Document number: eud-1331
Document version: 1.22
Based on communication server software version: R3.2
Valid as of communication server software version: R1.0
Copyright © 02.2015 Aastra Technologies Limited
In PDF Viewer, click on this link to download the latest version of this document:
Document portal
DocFinder for the Aastra 400 com-
munication platform:
© The information, graphics and layouts featured in the user information are subject to copyright and may
not be duplicated, presented or processed without the written consent of Aastra Telecom Schweiz AG.
Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0 3
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
With your mobile or external phone you can dial in into the telephone system using a
special call number. Once authentication is effected you have the possibility to make
internal or external calls or to carry out specific function codes. Your system adminis-
trator provides you with an internal call number to be reached by other internal users.
Enter both call numbers in the following table:
Depending on how the integration of your mobile or external phone is configured,
the authentication is effected automatically by transmitting the mobile number (CLIP)
or manually by entering the internal call number and the phone PIN.
Automatic authentication
1. Select the dialling-in number.
2. After a ring back tone you obtain the internal dialling tone and you can now make
internal and external calls (provided you are authorized) or carry out the function
codes below.
Manual authentication
1. Select the dialling-in number.
2. After a ring back tone you obtain the authentication tone.
3. Enter your internal call number and press the key.
4. Enter your phone PIN and press the # key.
5. You obtain the internal dialling tone and you can now make internal and external
calls (provided you are authorized) or carry out the function codes below.
Dialling-in number No.:
My internal call number No.:
4 Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Supported function codes for mobile
or external phones
There are two levels of integration to connect mobile or external phones:
With level 1 you can only carry out function codes in prefix dialling, i.e. when you
have not yet set up a call.
With level 2 you can also carry out functions in suffix dialling, i.e. when you already
have set up a call or ringing connection. These functions are initiated with ""
and are greyed out in the table.
Ask your system administrator which level of integration is configured for your mobile
or external phone.
Aastra Mobile Client:
You can reach a deeper level of integration by installing the Aastra Mobile Client
application on your mobile phone. The Aastra Mobile Client is a FMC (Fixed Mobile
Conversion) application for mobile phones that integrates certain mobile phones into
a Aastra system and offers the most important telephony functions via its menu. Con-
tact your system administrator for more information. The user guides for the "Aastra
Mobile Client" are available on the Aastra 400 DocFinder.
Function Function code Integr.
Charge direct
Charge call charges to guest room 54 <xx> <yy> # 1
Charge call charges to guest room (if call is not made
from the guest room's phone)
54 <xx> <yy> <zz> # 1
xx = Number of consumed services, yy = Total amount in centimes, zz = Room number
Enter one missing item 51 <xx> # 1
Enter one missing items (if call is not made from the
guest room's phone)
51 <xx> 1 <zz> # 1
•Enter several missing items 51 <xx> <yy> # 1
Enter several missing items (if call is not made from
the guest room's phone)
51 <xx> <yy> <zz> # 1
xx = Item number according to FIAS, yy = Amount of consumed items (if entry is missing 1 is entered),
zz = Room number
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0 5
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Maintenance notes
Enter maintenance notes 53 <xx> # 1
Enter maintenance notes (if call is not made from the
guest room's phone)
53 <xx> <zz> # 1
Delete all maintenance notes #53 # 1
Delete all maintenance notes (if call is not made
from the guest room's phone)
#53 <zz> # 1
xx = Maintenance notes: According to your hospitality manager's indications, zz = Room number
Wake-up call
•Activate wake-up call 55 <hhmm> 1
Delete wake-up call #55 1
•Activate wake-up call daily 56 <hhmm> 1
Delete wake-up call daily #56 1
hhmm = Time in 24-hour format, zz = Room number
Cleaning status
Enter cleaning status 52 x # 1
Enter cleaning status (if call is not made from the
guest room's phone)
52 x <zz> # 1
x = cleaning status: 1 = Not cleaned, 2 = Cleaned, 3 = Inspected, zz = Room number
Activate red key function 73 [Parameter] # 1
Activate red key function
Announcement (normal)
Announcement (normal)
To a user with phone 7998 <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (normal)
To a user with audio file
7997 x yy <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (normal)
To a user with audio file and phone
7996 x yy <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (normal)
•To several users with phone
7998 <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (normal)
To several users with audio file
7997 x yy <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (normal)
To several users with audio file and phone
7996 x yy <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (normal)
To a group with phone 7988 <Gr. No.> 1
Announcement (normal)
To a group with audio file
7987 x yy <Gr. No.> # 1
Announcement (normal)
To a group with audio file and phone
7986 x yy <Gr. No.> # 1
Announcement (normal)
•Stop with audio file
7990 or 7980 1
Announcement (normal)
•Answer to group 89 1
Announcement (normal)
x = <1...9> Amount of repetitions of audio file; yy = <01...40> 2-digit file number
Announcement (normal)
Announcement (emergency)
Announcement (emergency )
To a user with phone 7995 <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (emergency )
To a user with audio file 7994 x yy <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (emergency )
To a user with audio file and phone 7993x yy <Dest. No.> # 1
Announcement (emergency )
Function Function code Integr.
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
6 Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
To several users with phone 7995 <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (emergency)
To several users with audio file 7994 x yy <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (emergency)
To several users with audio file and phone 7993 x yy <Dest. No.> <Dest. No.> ...
<Dest. No.> #
Announcement (emergency)
To a group with phone 7985 <Gr. No.> 1
Announcement (emergency)
To a group with audio file 7984 x yy <Gr. No.> # 1
Announcement (emergency)
To a group with audio file and phone 7983 x yy <Gr. No.> # 1
Announcement (emergency)
Stop with audio file 7990 or 7980 1
Announcement (emergency)
x = <1...9> Amount of repetitions of audio file; yy = <01...40> 2-digit file number
Announcement (emergency)
Announcement service
Announcement service
Recording with phone 911 xx # 1
Announcement service
Recording with audio device 921 xx # 1
Announcement service
Check recording #911 xx # or #921 xx # 1
Announcement service
Delete recording #911 xx # or #921 xx # 1
Announcement service
Activate welcome announcement 931 yy # 1
Announcement service
Deactivate welcome announcement #931 yy # 1
Announcement service
xx = File number <10...29>
yy = Welcome announcement <01...20> for Aastra 415/430
, yy = Welcome announcement <01...50> for Aastra 470
Announcement service
Brokering  2 2
Bro kering
Call back with free user (CCNR)
Call back with free user (CCNR)
Activate in suffix dialling  9 or  37 2
Call back with free user (CCNR)
Delete (from executing telephone) #37 1
Call back with free user (CCNR)
Callback message / message LED
Callback message / message LED
Activate in prefix dialling 38 <Dest. No.> 1
Callback message / message LED
Activate in suffix dialling  38 2
Callback message / message LED
Delete (from executing telephone) #38 <Dest. No.> 1
Callback message / message LED
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
•Activate CFNR 61 <Dest. No.> 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Clear CFNR #61 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Activate CFNR to last configured user 61 # 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Clear CFNR to last configured user #61 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Activate CFNR to preconfigured user 62 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Clear CFNR to preconfigured user #62 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Activate CFNR to general bell 68 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Clear CFNR to a general bell #68 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
•Protect against 02 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Allow to own set #02 1
Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)
Function Function code Integr.
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0 7
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Call waiting
Call wai tin g
•Activate  6 or  43 2
Call wai tin g
•Reject  0 2
Call wai tin g
•Answer with hold  2 2
Call wai tin g
Answer without hold  1 2
Call wai tin g
Answer with conference  3 2
Call wai tin g
•Protect against 04 1
Call wai tin g
Allow to own set #04 1
Call wai tin g
Change personal PIN 47 x y y # 1
Change personal PI N
x = old PIN, y = new PIN
Change personal PI N
Set up (predefined) 70 <Conf. No.> 1
Set up (variable) 71 <Dest. No. 1> to <Dest. No. 5> # 1
Set up in suffix dialling  3 2
Exclude internal conference parties in suffix dialling  #71 2
Transfer current call to another cost centre  78 <CC No.> 2
Control output (e.g. open door)
Control output (e.g. open door)
•Activate 74 <Call number> 1
Control output (e.g. open door)
Deactivate #74 <Call number> 1
Control output (e.g. open door)
Call number: Assigned call number in the numbering plan according to the indications of your system administrator.
Control output (e.g. open door)
Deactivate all active functions
(except log into/log out of user groups, status of CLIR
permanent and appointment orders)
00 1
Deacti vate al l act i ve funct i ons
Display/suppress own call number to destination phone (CLIP/CLIR)
Display /suppress own cal l number to destinati on phone (CLIP/CLI R)
Suppress call number display for this call
(CLIR per call)
31 <Dest. No.> 1
Display /suppress own cal l number to destinati on phone (CLIP/CLI R)
Suppress call number display for all calls
(CLIR permanent)
31 # 1
Display /suppress own cal l number to destinati on phone (CLIP/CLI R)
Deactivate CLIR per call #31<Dest. No.> 1
Display /suppress own cal l number to destinati on phone (CLIP/CLI R)
Deactivate CLIR permanent #31 # 1
Display /suppress own cal l number to destinati on phone (CLIP/CLI R)
Do not disturb
Do not disturb
•Activate 26 1
Do not disturb
•Deactivate #26 1
Do not disturb
Enquiry call  <Dest. No.> 2
Enquiry call
Follow me
Follow me
•Activate 23 <Dest. No.> 1
Follow me
•Delete #23 1
Follow me
Function Function code Integr.
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
8 Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Forwarding calls
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate call forwarding (CFU) 21 <Dest. No.> 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
•Clear CFU #21 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate CFU to last configured user 21 # 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Clear CFU to last configured user #21 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate CFU to preconfigured user 22 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Clear CFU to preconfigured user #22 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate forwarding if busy 67 <Dest. No.> 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Clear forwarding if busy #67 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate forwarding if busy on last configured user 67 # 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Clear forwarding if busy on last configured user #67 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Activate CFU to default message 24 <Text No.> # 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
•Clear CFU to default message #24 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
•Activate CFU to general bell 28 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Clear CFU to general bell #28 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
•Protect against 02 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
Allow to own set #02 1
Fo rwarding cal ls
General bell
General bell
Find with coded ringing (pers. ringing pattern) in
prefix dialling
81 <Dest. No.> 1
General bell
Find with coded ringing in suffix dialling  8 or  81 2
General bell
Answer coded ringing 82 1
General bell
Answer ringing signal 83 1
General bell
Home alone
Home alone
•Activate 49 <UG No.> 1
Home alone
Delete #49 <UG No.> 1
Home alone
Hold  2
•Activate  7 or  44 2
Reject  0 2
Answer with hold  2 2
Answer without hold  1 2
Answer with conference  3 2
•Protect against 04 1
Allow to own set #04 1
Lock / Unlock
Lo ck / Unlock
Lock the phone 33 <PIN> # 1
Lo ck / Unlock
Lock all phones of a user 33 <PIN> # 1
Lo ck / Unlock
Function Function code Integr.
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0 9
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Unlock the phone #33 <PIN> # 1
Lock / Unlock
Unlock all phones of a user #33 <PIN> # 1
Lock / Unlock
Unlock phone per call #36 <Dest. No.> <PIN> 1
Lock / Unlock
Making a call on a third-party phone
Maki ng a call on a th ir d-party phone
Business calls #36 <Dest. No.> <PIN> 1
Maki ng a call on a th ir d-party phone
Private calls #46 <Dest. No.> <PIN> 1
Maki ng a call on a th ir d-party phone
Music on hold
Musi c on hold
Recording with phone 914 #
Musi c on hold
Recording with audio device 924 #
Musi c on hold
Check recording #914 # or #924 #
Musi c on hold
Delete recording #914 # or #924 #
Musi c on hold
Park users in suffix dialling  76 2
Connect with parked call party #76 1
Personal call routing
Personal c all routing
•Activate 45 x 1
Personal c all routing
•Deactivate #45 1
Personal c all routing
x = Call routing <0...5>
Personal c all routing
Pick up a call (Fast take) 88 <Dest. No.> 1
Pick up a cal l (Fas t tak e)
Pick up a call 86 <Dest. No.> 1
Pick up a cal l
Activate presence status
27 x <hhmm> <ddmm> # 1
Activate presence status (without time/date) 27 x # 1
Activate presence status (only time)
27 x <hhmm> # 1
Deactivate presence status (reset to default value) #27 or 270 # 1
x = Profile number <0...4>: 0 = Available (default), 1 = Absent, 2 = Meeting, 3 = Busy, 4 = Not available
hhmm = time in 24-hour format, ddmm = date indication (day-month)
Private call with personal PIN #46 <Dest. No.> <PIN> 1
Private call wit h personal PIN
Remote control (Activate/deactivate function via
third-party phone)
06 <Dest. No.> <Function> 1
Remote control (Activate/deactivate functi on via third-part y phone)
Retrieve first call  1 2
Retrieve f ir st cal l
Ring alone
Ring alone
•Activate 41 1
Ring alone
•Deactivate #41 1
Ring alone
Switch phone network manually –
LCR (Least Cost Routing)
90 1
Switch phone network manually – LCR (Least Cost Routing)
Switch to switch groups 01...20
Switch to switch groups 01...20
Switch to switch group xx in position y 85 xx y 1
Switch to switch groups 01...20
xx = Switch group <01...20>, y = Position <1...3> 1
Switch to switch groups 01...20
Function Function code Integr.
Supported function codes for mobile or external phones
10 Mobile/External phones on Aastra 400 as of R1.0
eud-1331/1.22 – R3.2 – 02.2015
Text message (default text) with / without parame-
Text message (def ault text) with / with out param eter
•Send to a user 3598 <Dest. No.> <Text No.> [Param.] # 1
Text message (def ault text) with / with out param eter
•Send to a group 35 <Gr. No.> <Text No.> [Param.] # 1
Text message (def ault text) with / with out param eter
•Send to all 3599 <Text No.> [Param.] # 1
Text message (def ault text) with / with out param eter
User group (UG)
User group (UG)
Log into all user groups 4800 1
User group (UG)
Log out of all user groups #4800 1
User group (UG)
Log into a particular user group 48 <UG No.> 1
User group (UG)
Log out of a particular user group #48 <UG No.> 1
User group (UG)
Voice mail system
Voice mail system
Record greeting (x=1,2,3) 913 x # 1
Voice mail system
Monitor greeting (x=1,2,3,7,8) #913 x # 1
Voice mail system
Delete greeting (x=1,2,3) #913 x # 1
Voice mail system
Activate greeting (x=1,2,3) 933 x # 1
Voice mail system
Deactivate greeting (x=1,2,3) #933 x # 1
Voice mail system
Listen to voice message with Audio Guide #94 # 1
Voice mail system
Listen to voice messages without Audio Guide #916 # 1
Voice mail system
Greetings x:
1,2,3: personal greetings
, 7: global system greetings, 8: global overflow greeting
Voice mail system
as of R2.0
as of R3.2
Only on digital system phones
Function Function code Integr.
CE conformity
Aastra Telecom Schweiz AG hereby declares that
the Aastra 400 products conform to the basic
requirements and other relevant stipulations of
all our products are manufactured in conformity
with RoHS according to 2011/65/EU.
The product-specific declarations of conformity
can be found on the Aastra 400 DocFinder:
Exclusion of liability
Aastra® is a registered trademark of Aastra
Technologies Limited. Technical modifica-
tions and product availability subject to
change without notice.
Copyright © 2015
Aastra Technologies Limited
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Aastra 470 User manual

User manual
This manual is also suitable for

Aastra 470 is a feature-rich business phone that streamlines communication and enhances productivity. It boasts a large, illuminated graphic display for easy navigation, programmable keys for one-touch access to frequently used features, and a speakerphone for hands-free conversations. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, Aastra 470 seamlessly integrates into any professional setting.

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