10 Preface
An Introduction to Final Cut Express HD
Step 2: Set up
Thanks to the development of FireWire, setting up Final Cut Express HD is easy. You
simply connect your camera (via FireWire) to your computer, turn on your camera, set it
to VTR mode, and open Final Cut Express HD. When you open Final Cut Express HD, the
application recognizes the type of camera you have and knows how to control it.
Unless you upgrade your system or change components, such as the DV camcorder,
you should only have to set up your system once.
Verify that all of your cables are securely connected between your computer,
camera, and speakers, but never force a cable into a connection that doesn’t fit.
Step 3: Capture
is the process of digitally copying the video from the DV tape in your
camcorder to the hard disk on your computer. After creating a new project, you
capture your video using the
device control
capabilities of Final Cut Express HD and
your DV camcorder. (Device control is technology that allows Final Cut Express HD to
control a DV camcorder.) Final Cut Express HD makes capturing easy by allowing you
the flexibility of capturing individual clips or an entire tape.
Step 4: Edit
After you’ve captured the clips that will go into your finished program, it’s time to
begin editing with Final Cut Express HD. You do most of your editing in the Viewer,
Canvas, and Timeline; however, you organize your captured clips in the Browser. The
basics of editing involve organizing clips in the Browser; editing clips into your
sequence using the Viewer, Canvas, and Timeline; fine-tuning your edits using the
Final Cut Express HD editing tools; adding transitions such as cross dissolves to your
edits; and adding music tracks to your sequence.
Final Cut Express HD provides other tools to perform detailed editorial tasks, manage
files, and specify preferences and settings to customize Final Cut Express HD to how
you work.
Step 5: Effects
When you’re satisfied with the arrangement of the clips in your project, it’s time to
apply effects and filters such as a blur or a tint to the clips. Once you’re happy with the
effects you’ve applied, it’s time to add titles. Now your project is complete.
Step 6: Share
When your project is complete, you’ll want to show people your movie.
Final Cut Express HD provides you with a variety of
options for your completed
project. If you want to use your camcorder to view the completed project on your TV,
you can transfer your project back to DV tape using the Print to Video command. If you
want to make a DVD, you can use the export to iDVD feature. You also have the option
of distributing your edited video project on the web.