Two WBC-attribute distribution scattergrams are provided on screen and in each
printed report. One scattergram displays the Forward Scattering (FS) vs. Wide-
Angle (WA) scattering. This presentation shows the lymphocytes, monocytes,
basophils, and neutrophils as four groups or clusters of cells. The second
scattergram displays the Super Wide-Angle scattering (SWA) vs. on-axis
Extinction (EX). This view of the optical data identifies the eosinophils.
The WBC impedance cuvette (WIC) is equipped with an optical absorbency
measuring system for determining the hemoglobin concentration using the
cyanmethemoglobin method.
The RBC system counts and groups red cells and platelets by size to provide size
distribution histograms for each on the printed report. Additional red cell and
platelet size information (MCV, Hct, RDW, MPV, PDW, and Pct) is calculated
and presented in tabular form both on the system and in the printed report. (Note:
In the U.S.A., PDW and Pct are for research use only.)
The system displays results on the monitor, in the Patient Report window of the
software. The system can also print results with a printer attached to the external
computer. If the laboratory is so equipped, results can also be transferred to a host
computer or laboratory information system (LIS).
In the Direct Mode, the system aspirates, automatically dilutes, and analyzes
EDTA-treated, whole-blood samples.
In the Sample Saver Mode, the system performs the analysis using only 80µL of
In the (optional) Autosampler Mode, the system sequences the operation of the
thirty tube ADVIA 70 autosampler, mixes the blood samples, pierces the tube cap
(septum), aspirates the needed amount of whole blood, automatically dilutes the
sample, and performs the analysis.
For a description of the scientific concepts used for determining parameters, see
Section 3 - Principles of the System.
Reagents, Calibrators, and Controls
Because the analyzer, reagents, controls, and calibrators are components of a
system, performance of the system depends on the combined integrity of all
components. The user must ensure that the products used with this instrument
have been tested and are certified by the manufacturer for use with the ADVIA
70 Hematology System. If in doubt, contact your technical service representative.