recording and press “M” button to saving the record file.
Under main m enu, chose Photo and press power button to photo m ode,then c hoose the
picture and press power button to brows er the picture file
In the picture main m enu ,press M button to exit view the picture file.
Press step on the main menu ,then press power button to start pedom eter working, after
pedometer working, press power button will begin the new pedom eter work ing.
When using the pedometer ,press M button will enter into the submenu of pedometer
including: History ,Walk ,Runnin g.
Select Time in the main menu to stopwatch interface ,then press power button to start
timekeeping, when timekeeping finished,pres s power button to s top M button will
start a new tim ekeeping.
Choose and press Bluetoot h on the m ain men u to enter into bluetooth interf ace.
After enter into Bluetooth menu, the Bluetooth will automatica lly turn on and search
Bluetooth devices. BT dev ices will show in PAIRED DEV LIST. then choose the Blue tooth