Tektronix CSA 803C User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Service Manual
CSA 803C
Communications Signal Analyzer
The servicing instructions are for use by qualified
personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not
perform any servicing unless you are qualified to
do so. Refer to all safety summaries prior to
performing service.
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes
that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, OR 97070–1000
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
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EC Declaration of Conformity
Tektronix Holland N.V.
Marktweg 73A
8444 AB Heerenveen
The Netherlands
declare under sole responsibility that the
CSA 803C Communications Signal Analyzer
meets the intent of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low
Voltage Directive 73/23/ECC for Product Safety. Compliance was demonstrated to the
following specifications as listed in the Official Journal of the European Communities:
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC:
EN 55011 Class A Radiated and Conducted Emissions
EN 50082-1 Immunity:
IEC 801-2 Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
IEC 801-3 RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity
IEC 801-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity
IEC 801-5 Power Line Surge Immunity
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC:
EN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use
Tektronix, Inc. claims compliance to the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC for the following
products when they are used with the above named product:
Declaration of Conformity
with Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards
as Required under the Radiocommunications Act
Tektronix, Inc.
Tektronix Australia Pty Limited
80 Waterloo Road
North Ryde NSW 2113
Supplier Code: N60
declare under sole responsibility that the
CSA 803C Communications Signal Analyzer
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards:
AS/NZS 2064.1/2 Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment: 1992
Tektronix, Inc. claims conformity to the standards for the following products when they
are used with the above named product:
   
 
For applicationĆoriented questions about a Tektronix measurement
product, call toll free in North America:
1Ć800ĆTEKĆWIDE (1Ć800Ć835Ć9433 ext. 2400)
6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
Or, contact us by eĆmail:
For product support outside of North America, contact your local
Tektronix distributor or sales office.
Contact your local Tektronix distributor or sales office. Or, visit our web
site for a listing of worldwide service locations.
For other
In North America:
1Ć800ĆTEKĆWIDE (1Ć800Ć835Ć9433)
An operator will direct your call.
To write us Tektronix, Inc.
P.O. Box 1000
Wilsonville, OR 97070Ć1000
 
 
CSA 803C Service Manual
Table of Contents
Contacting Tektronix i.........................................
General Safety Summary xvii.....................................
Service Safety Summary xix.....................................
Operating Information
Sampling Head Installation and Removal 2Ć2..................
Power Information 2Ć4.......................................
Power Cord Information 2Ć5..................................
Memory Backup Power 2Ć6...................................
Operating Environment 2Ć6...................................
  
  
Packaging for Shipment 2Ć7..................................
Theory of Operation
System Functional Overview 3Ć3.................................
Acquisition System Block 3Ć3................................
Strobe Distribution Block 3Ć3.................................
Time Base/Controller Block 3Ć3...............................
Trigger Select Block 3Ć3......................................
Executive Processor Block 3Ć4...............................
Memory Management Unit Block 3Ć4..........................
Waveform Memory Block 3Ć4.................................
Front Panel Controls 3Ć5.....................................
I/O Block 3Ć5................................................
Waveform Compressor and Display Control Block 3Ć5.........
Power Supply 3Ć6...........................................
Typical Waveform Processing Cycle 3Ć6.......................
Table of Contents
Block Diagram Descriptions 3Ć7.................................
A1 M/F Strobe Drive Board 3Ć7...............................
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81&7,21 (&2'(5 =
17(51$/ /2&. $7( (1(5$725 =
21752/ 8))(5 =
A3 M/F Power Connect Board 3Ć8.............................
A4 Regulator Board 3Ć8......................................
#2/7$*(=$8/7 (7(&7 =
A5 Time Base/Controller Board 3Ć9...........................
,&52352&(6625 =
 (025; =
!5,**(5 =
!,0( $6( =
&48,6,7,21 ;67(0 17(5)$&( =
(025; $1$*(0(17 "1,7 " 17(5)$&( =
A7 CRT Socket Board 3Ć12....................................
(' 5((1 $1' /8( #,'(2 03/,),(56 =
(' 5((1 $1' /8( '-8670(176 =
219(5*(1&( '-8670(17 =
A8 CRT Driver Board 3Ć13.....................................
25,<217$/ :((3 =
#(57,&$/ :((3 =
,*+ #2/7$*( $1' 5,' #2/7$*( (1(5$725 =
(*$866 =
($0 855(17 ,0,7 =
5,' ,$6 =
A9, A10, and A11 Front Panel Boards 3Ć14......................
!28&+ $1(/ $-25 (18 (;6 $1' (18 7$786 6 =
 !28&+ $1(/ 66(0%/; =
 5217 $1(/ 21752/ 2$5' =
 5217 $1(/ 87721 2$5' =
A12 Rear Panel Assembly 3Ć16................................
 $7$ $1' ''5(66 86 =
7$1'$5'  == 21752//(5 =
5,17(5 257 =
A13 Mother Board 3Ć18.......................................
A14 Input/Output (I/O) Board 3Ć18.............................
 $7$ 8))(5 =
 (/$;(' $7$ 8))(5 =
!,0(5 21),*85$7,21 =
($/ !,0( /2&. =
(5,$/ $7$ 17(5)$&(   =
!21( (1(5$725 =
!(03!21( ($'%$&. 8))(5 =
Table of Contents
CSA 803C Service Manual
A15 Memory Management Unit (MMU) Board 3Ć20..............
  ;
"$7()13/  ;
,42.$: 05(3)$&( ;
,/( $4(10531..(3 05(3)$&( ;
9(&65,7( 31&(4413 # 05(3)$&( ;
,42.$:  ;
,&31231&(4413 ;
,5 $2  ;
"$7()13/ ,42.$:  ;
!,'(1 ,*,5$.;51;0$.1* 107(35(3  ;
A17 Executive Processor Board 3Ć22...........................
9(&65,7( 31&(4413 # ;
6/(3,& 1231&(4413 ;
64 10531..(3 ;
(4(5 ;
"$,5 5$5( ;
05(33625 10531..(34 ;
 10531..(3 ;
A18 Memory Board 3Ć24......................................
''3(44 $5&+(4 ;
''3(44 (&1'( $0' (/13: (.(&5 ;
4  $0' ! ;
(/13: $5$ 6))(34 ;
"$,5 5$5( (0(3$513 ;
"$,5 5$5( ,$*0145,&4 ;
(/13: 10),*63$5,10 ($'%$&- ;
$55(3: $&-62 ;
A19 Strobe/TDR Buffer Board 3Ć26.............................
531%( (04( (.(&5 ;
531%( (4-(8 ;
 6))(3 $0' (7(. +,)5 ;
A20/A21 Head Interconnect (Power Only) Boards 3Ć27..........
A22/A23 Head Interconnect Boards 3Ć27.......................
A26 M/F Acquisition Interconnect Board 3Ć27...................
A27 & A28 Acquisition System Boards 3Ć28.....................
31*3$//$%.( $,0 /2.,),(34 ;
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*+ (,!'$%+ 1
*+ &) 1
*!%  * )&,)* 1
Conventions in this Manual 4Ć11.............................
Menu Selections and Measurement Techniques 4Ć11...........
User Manual 4Ć11..........................................
)&)$% *+* 1
&-)1% !%&*+!* 1
Setup to Invoke PowerĆOn Diagnostics 4Ć14...................
Procedure to Invoke PowerĆOn Diagnostics 4Ć14...............
Diagnostics 4Ć15...........................................
SelfĆTest Diagnostics 4Ć15...................................
PowerĆOn Diagnostics Complete 4Ć16........................
$'#!% * 1
Setup to Calibrate a Sampling Head 4Ć17.....................
Procedure to Calibrate a Sampling Head 4Ć17.................
.+% !%&*+!* 1
Setup to Invoke Extended Diagnostics 4Ć19...................
Procedure to Invoke Extended Diagnostics 4Ć19...............
)+!# )% &#+ 1
Specifications 4Ć21.........................................
Setup to Check Vertical Reference Voltage 4Ć21...............
Procedure to Check Vertical Reference Voltage 4Ć21...........
&)!0&%+# )% #&" 1
Specifications 4Ć23.........................................
Setup to Check Horizontal Reference Clock 4Ć23..............
Procedure to Check Horizontal Reference Clock 4Ć23..........
)+!# ,)/ 1
Setup to Check Vertical Gain 4Ć25...........................
Procedure to Check Vertical Gain 4Ć25.......................
Setup to Check Offset Accuracy 4Ć28.........................
Procedure to Check Offset Accuracy 4Ć28.....................
/*+$ )+!#  &!* 1
Setup to Examine Vertical RMS Noise 4Ć31....................
Procedure to Examine Vertical RMS Noise 4Ć31................
-' + ,)/ 1
Setup to Examine Sweep Rate Accuracy 4Ć34.................
Procedure to Examine Sweep Rate Accuracy 4Ć34.............
Sweep Rate Accuracy 2 ns/div 4Ć35..........................
Sweep Rate Accuracy 1 ns/div 4Ć36..........................
Sweep Rate Accuracy 100 ps/div 4Ć36........................
Sweep Rate Accuracy 10 ps/div 4Ć36.........................
Sweep Rate Accuracy 1 ps/div 4Ć37..........................
Table of Contents
CSA 803C Service Manual
Triggering, External Direct 4Ć39................................
Specifications 4Ć41.........................................
Setup to Check Prescaler Triggering 4Ć41.....................
Procedure to Check Prescaler Triggering 4Ć41.................
Prescaler Triggering 4Ć41.....................................
Specifications 4Ć41.........................................
Setup to Check Prescaler Triggering 4Ć41.....................
Procedure to Check Prescaler Triggering 4Ć41.................
Internal Clock 4Ć43...........................................
Measurement Limits 4Ć43...................................
Setup to Examine Internal Clock 4Ć43........................
Procedure to Examine Internal Clock 4Ć43....................
Calibrator Output 4Ć45........................................
Measurement Limits 4Ć45...................................
Setup to Examine Calibrator 4Ć45............................
Procedure to Examine Calibrator 4Ć45........................
Test Equipment 5Ć3..........................................
Using These Procedures 5Ć6.................................
Conventions in this Manual 5Ć6.............................
Menu Selections and Measurement Techniques 5Ć6...........
User Manual 5Ć6..........................................
Power Supply 5Ć7...........................................
Measurement Limits 5Ć7...................................
Setup to Examine Voltage Supply 5Ć7.......................
Procedure to Examine Voltage Supply 5Ć7...................
Setup to Examine/Adjust Voltage Reference 5Ć9..............
Procedure to Examine/Adjust Voltage Reference 5Ć9..........
Setup to Examine/Adjust Regulator Reference 5Ć11............
Procedure to Examine/Adjust Regulator Reference 5Ć11........
Display 5Ć13..................................................
Measurement Limits 5Ć13...................................
Setup to Examine/Adjust the Display 5Ć14.....................
Procedure to Examine/Adjust the Display 5Ć14.................
Real Time Clock 5Ć20.........................................
Measurement Limits 5Ć20...................................
Setup to Examine/Adjust Real Time Clock 5Ć20................
Procedure to Examine/Adjust Real Time Clock 5Ć20............
Table of Contents
Preventive Maintenance 6Ć1......................................
Removing the Cabinet Panel 6Ć1..............................
Cleaning the Instrument 6Ć2..................................
Exterior 6Ć2..............................................
CRT 6Ć2.................................................
Interior 6Ć3...............................................
Visual Inspection 6Ć3........................................
Periodic Electrical Adjustment 6Ć3............................
Corrective Maintenance 6Ć5......................................
Power Supply Voltage Hazard 6Ć5.............................
Ordering Parts 6Ć5...........................................
StaticĆSensitive Device Classification 6Ć6.....................
Removing and Replacing FRUs 6Ć8...........................
Electrical LockĆOn of the Front Panel ON/STANDBY
Power Switch 6Ć13........................................
Power Supply Module Removal/Replacement 6Ć16..............
Fan Motor Removal/Replacement 6Ć19.........................
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Removal/Replacement 6Ć20...........
Acquisition Unit Removal/ Replacement 6Ć26...................
Battery Disposal and First Aid 6Ć27............................
Battery Disposal 6Ć27......................................
Emergency and First Aid Information 6Ć28....................
FRU Board and Assembly Removal 6Ć29.......................
A1 M/F Strobe Drive Board 6Ć31.............................
A3 M/F Power Connect Board 6Ć32..........................
A4 Regulator Board 6Ć33...................................
A5 Time Base/Controller Board 6Ć35.........................
A7 CRT Socket Board and A8 CRT Driver Board 6Ć37..........
A9 Touch Panel Assembly 6Ć40..............................
A10 Front Panel Control Board 6Ć42..........................
A11 Front Panel Button Board 6Ć44..........................
A12 Rear Panel Assembly 6Ć45..............................
A13 Mother Board 6Ć47.....................................
A14 Input/Output (I/O) Board 6Ć49...........................
A15 Memory Management Unit (MMU) Board 6Ć51.............
A17 Executive Processor (EXP) Board 6Ć53...................
A18 Memory Board 6Ć55....................................
A19 Strobe/TDR Buffer Board 6Ć57...........................
A20/A21 Head Interconnect (Power Only) and
A22/A23 Head lnterconnect Boards 6Ć59..................
A26 M/F Acquisition lnterconnect Board 6Ć62..................
A27 Acquisition Analog Board 6Ć64..........................
A28 Acquisition MPU Board 6Ć65............................
Table of Contents
CSA 803C Service Manual
FRU IC Removal 6Ć66.........................................
#/') 1 +1#/$!# +1#%/1#" '/!2'10 7)*8!( 0 8
'/*4/# +1#%/1#" '/!2'10 72) +8'+# !(%# 0 8
'/*4/# -%/"# /,!#"2/# 8
Cables and Connectors 6Ć75..................................
Interconnecting Pins 6Ć75.....................................
,5')86-# +"8#" ,++#!1,/0 8
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Checks After FRU Replacement 6Ć77...........................
Diagnostic Troubleshooting 6Ć79..................................
Diagnostics Overview 6Ć79....................................
Kernel Diagnostics 6Ć80.......................................
SelfĆTest/Extended Diagnostics 6Ć81...........................
51#+"#" '%+,01'!0 #+2 1/2!12/# 8
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Diagnostic Menus 6Ć84........................................
'%+,01'! #+2 /"!,-6 8
Diagnostic Terminal Mode (RSĆ232ĆC) 6Ć86.....................
System Mode (GPIB & RSĆ232ĆC) 6Ć87.........................
Battery Testing 6Ć89..........................................
Clearing NVRAM 6Ć90.........................................
Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Guide 6Ć90.......................
 *#  /#3'1',+0 8
,*-,+#+1 +" ,"2)# *#  /#3'1',+0 8
5#!21'3# 2 0601#* //,/ ,"#0 8
'0-)6 2 0601#* //,/ +"#5 ,"#0 8
'*# 0# /,!#00,/ //,/ +"#5 ,"#0 8
!.2'0'1',+ /,!#00,/ //,/ +"#5 ,"#0 8
Other Troubleshooting 6Ć101.......................................
Power Supply Module 6Ć101....................................
,"2)# /,2 )#0&,,1'+% 8
A4 Regulator Board 6Ć101......................................
CRT, A7 CRT Socket Board, or A8 CRT Driver Board 6Ć102.......
,"2)# /,2 )#0&,,1'+% 8
A13 Mother Board 6Ć102.......................................
Fuse Testing 6Ć103.............................................
Time Base Calibration Errors 6Ć106.............................
Acquisition Calibration Errors 6Ć108............................
  !!
 !"! ! $
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!  !
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  
Figure 6Ć21:ăRemoving/Replacing the A17 Executive Processor
Board 6Ć54...................................................
Figure 6Ć22:ăRemoving/Replacing the A18 Memory Board 6Ć56.........
Figure 6Ć23:ăRemoving/Replacing the A19 Strobe/TDR Buffer
Board 6Ć58...................................................
Figure 6Ć24:ăRemoving/Replacing the A20/A21 Head Interconnect
(Power Only) and the A22/A23 Head Interconnect Boards 6Ć60......
Figure 6Ć25:ăRemoving/Replacing the Front Subpanel Assembly 6Ć61...
Figure 6Ć26:ăRemoving/Replacing the A26 M/F Acquisition
Interconnect Board 6Ć62........................................
Figure 6Ć27:ăTop View of the A26 Mainframe Acquisition
Interconnect Board 6Ć63........................................
Figure 6Ć28:ăRemoving/Replacing the A27 Acquisition
Analog Board 6Ć64............................................
Figure 6Ć29:ăRemoving/Replacing the A28 Acquisition MPU Board 6Ć65.
Figure 6Ć30:ăFRU IC Detail 6Ć68....................................
Figure 6Ć31:ăIC InsertionĆExtraction Tool 6Ć71........................
Figure 6Ć32:ăMultiĆPin Connector Orientation and Semiconductor
Indexing Diagram 6Ć74.........................................
Figure 6Ć33:ăA17 Executive Processor Board Test Point and
Status LED Locations 6Ć94......................................
Figure 6Ć34:ăA15 MMU Board Test Point and Status
LED Locations 6Ć98............................................
Figure 6Ć35:ăA5 Time Base/Controller Board Status LEDs 6Ć99.........
Figure 6Ć36:ăA28 Acquisition MPU Board Status LEDs 6Ć100............
Figure 6Ć37:ăA14 I/O Board Fuse Locator Diagram 6Ć105...............
Figure 7Ć1:ăPowerĆCord Plug Identification 7Ć2......................
Figure 9Ć1:ăCSA 803C System Functional Block Diagram 9Ć1.........
Figure 9Ć2:ăA1 M/F Strobe Drive Board Block Diagram 9Ć1............
Figure 9Ć3:ăA4 Regulator Board Block Diagram 9Ć2..................
Figure 9Ć4:ăA5 Time Base/Controller Board Block Diagram 9Ć2........
Figure 9Ć5:ăA7 CRT Socket Board Block Diagram 9Ć2................
Figure 9Ć6:ăA8 CRT Driver Board Block Diagram 9Ć3.................
Figure 9Ć7:ăA12 Rear Panel Assembly Block Diagram 9Ć3.............
Figure 9Ć8:ăA14 I/O Board Block Diagram 9Ć4.......................
Figure 9Ć9:ăA15 MMU Board Block Diagram 9Ć4.....................
Figure 9Ć10:ăA17 Executive Processor Board Block Diagram 9Ć4.......
Figure 9Ć11:ăA18 Memory Board Block Diagram 9Ć5.................
Figure 9Ć12:ăA19 Strobe/TDR Buffer Board Block Diagram 9Ć5........
Figure 9Ć13:ăA26 M/F Acquisition Interconnect Board Block
Diagram 9Ć5.................................................
Figure 9Ć14:ăA27 Acquisition Analog Board Block Diagram 9Ć6........
Figure 9Ć15:ăA28 Acquisition MPU Board Block Diagram 9Ć6..........
  
   
Figure 10Ć1:ăCabinet 10Ć7.........................................
Figure 10Ć2:ăFront Panel 10Ć9......................................
Figure 10Ć3:ăChassis, Rear 10Ć11....................................
Figure 10Ć4:ăCircuit Boards 10Ć13....................................
Figure 10Ć5:ăAcquisition Module 10Ć16...............................
Figure 10Ć6:ăPower Supply 10Ć18....................................
Figure 10Ć7:ăAccessories 10Ć20......................................
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Tektronix CSA 803C User manual

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