Reminders Regarding Safe
The perform ance of this watercraft
may significantly exceed that of other
wate rcrafts you may have operated.
Make sure you read and understand
the content of this Operator's Guide
to becom e co m p letely familiar with
the controls and operation of the wa-
tercraft before embarking on your first
trip, or taking on a passenger(s). If you
have not had the opportunity to do so,
practice driving solo in a suitable traf-
fic fre e area to become accustomed
to the feel and response of each con-
trol. Be f u lly familiar with all controls
before a ccelerating above idle speed.
Do not assume that all PWCs handle
identically. Each model differs, often
Always keep in mind that as the throt-
tle lever is returned to the idle position,
less directional control is available .
To turn the watercraft, both steering
and throttle are necessary. Do not re-
lease the throttle when trying to steer
away fr om objects. You need t hrottle
to steer. If engine is shut off, direc-
tional control is lost.
Although most watercrafts have no
means of braking, advance ment in
technologie s now permit us to offer
models that are equipped with a brak-
ing system called t he iBR
Practice braking maneuvers in a safe
traffic-free area to b ec ome familiar
with handling under braking and with
stopping distances under various oper-
ating conditions.
Stopping distance will vary depending
on initial speed, load, wind, number
of riders and water conditions. The
amount of braking power commanded
by the operator using the iBR lever (in-
telligent Brake and Revers e) will also
affect stopping distance.
When braking, riders must brace them-
selves against the deceleration force
to prevent from moving forward on the
wate rcraft and losing b alance.
When o perating an iBR e quipped w a-
tercraft, be aware that other boats fol-
lowing or operating in close proximity
may not be able to s to p as quickly.
When at speed and t he brake is first
applied, a plume of wa ter will shoot up
in th e air b ehind t he wa tercraft which
may cause the operator of a following
watercraft to m o m entarily loose sigh t
of your PWC. It is important to inform
the operator of a watercraft who in-
tends to f ollow in a convoy formation,
of the braking a nd m aneuvering capa-
bility of your PWC, w hat the plume o f
wate r indicates, and that a gre ater d is-
tance should be maintained between
When ac tuating the iBR contro l lever
while the watercraft has some for-
ward speed, the braking mode will
engage and generate a deceleration
proportion al to the iBR lever position.
The more you pull in the iBR lever, the
greater the braking force becomes.
Be carefu l to gradually act uate the iBR
lever to adjust the intensity of the brak-
ing force, and to simultaneously re-
lease the thro ttle le ve r.
Keep the tether cord clip attached to
the operators' PFD or wrist (wrist strap
required) at all times and keep it free
from snagging on the handlebars to
help ensure the engine stops should
the operator fall off. After riding, re-
move the tether cord from the engine
cut-off switch to avoid unauthorized
use by children or others. If the op-
erator falls off the w atercraft and the
tether co rd is no t atta ched as recom-
mended, the watercraft engine will not
Ride within your limits and level of rid-
ing a bility.
Avoid aggressive maneuvers to reduce
the risk of loss of con trol, ejection and
collision. Understand an d resp e ct the
perfor mance of your watercraft.