Assembly Instructions
Plant Sippers
2. Install the planter system and lay a base layer of
ller to help ensure the sipper will be level.
3. Lay your sipper(s) into the planter ensuring that
the sippers will be no further than 6-8” from the
expected depth of the plant roots.
4. Once the sipper(s) are in place, connect any of the
units that are to be part of the same system with
connector tubes and o-rings. If the system you are
creating isn’t a loop, make sure either end has a
rubber end cap.
NOTE: It is recommended that you use
some type of lubricant on the o-rings upon
5. Once the units have been installed and all
are level, be sure to pack the area around the
sipper(s) to keep the system in place and level.
Back ll over the top of the sipper(s) with soil.
6. Once the planter is lled, cut the ller pipe to
length by removing the top and cutting the
tube down with a box cutter or other kind of