Unit Overview3© Carson Dellosa • CD-109565
These hands-on activities may be used in
a whole-group or small-group setting, or
as centers students can rotate through.
They fully support the included lessons
and come with recording sheets to
guide students and provide formative
assessments. Use one, use a few, use
them all! Each lab comes with a teacher-
facing section with objectives, materials,
and prep that will need to be done
beforehand. The remaining section is
student-facing and designed to be placed
in the lab to guide students through the
steps if you intend to use the labs as
independent activities.
Look here for complete lesson plans to introduce
and teach the concepts within the unit. You
will find related standards, learning objectives,
step-by-step directions for engaging, hands-on
activities, and reflect-and-assess suggestions to
wrap up each lesson.
Inject a dose of fun (and learning!) into the unit
with a craftivity. Each unit includes one craftivity
that allows students to get creative and make a
tangible product that directly relates to the unit
This file includes all of the recording
sheets needed for the lessons and labs.
The first set of pages are designed to be
copied front and back, folded in half, and
stapled to create student journals for the
entire unit. If you are not using all of the
lessons and labs, you can use the second
set of recording sheets. Simply copy the
sheets for the activities you plan to do,
cut them in half (if needed) and staple in
the corner or along the edge to create a
personalized journal.
This resource includes a variety of
interactive elements to complete a
unit lapbook or to use individually on
interactive notebook pages. You will find
elements to match each included lesson.
Pick and choose to fit your class’s needs.
What’s included?
Interactive Notebook Pages
Journal & Recording Sheets
109565 Labs.pdf
109565 Lapbook INB.pdf
109565 Journal.pdf
109565 Lessons.pdf
109565 Craftivity.pdf