DescriptionServer setting
An audit score indicates how well a system conforms to the ideal settings
specified in an audit.McAfee Policy Auditor allows you to change the scoring
Audit score
definitions to reflect your organization's determination of what constitutes a
passed or failed audit.
• Minimum High Score — Any score equal to or greater than this setting
means that the system passed the audit.The default setting is 80, meaning
that an audit score above 80 is assigned a score category of Pass.
• Audit Score – Fail — Any audit score equal to or lower than this setting
means that the system failed the audit.The default setting is 60, meaning
that an audit score below 60 is assigned a score category of Fail.
• Maximum Low Score — Any score less than the Minimum High Score
but higher than the Audit Score - Fail setting means that the audit had
mixed results: it neither passed or failed. By default, an audit score
between 60 and 80 is assigned a score category of Other.
McAfee Policy Auditor software provides four categories with default names
and colors that describe the success of an audit.You can change the names
Audit score categories
to fit your organization's requirements, but most users find the default names
appropriate and easy to understand.
• High — The system passed the audit.
• Low — The system failed the audit.
• Medium — The system has mixed audit results. Critical systems warrant
attention to fix the audit failures, while non-critical systems may be left as
• Unknown — McAfee Policy Auditor is unable to determine whether the
system passed an audit. Situations yielding a status of Unknown include
systems taken off the network or turned off.
Enables database maintenance features, including the rebuilding of indexes.Database Maintenance - allow online
rebuild of indexes
Specifies the amount of fragmentation that triggers index rebuilding and related
Database Maintenance - maintain
indexes whose fragmentation exceeds
this percentage
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, that database maintenance tasks run
before stopping.
Database Maintenance – stop
processing after this time
McAfee Policy Auditor supports the four standard eXtensible Configuration
Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) scoring models.These scoring models
are described in detail in Scoring Audits.
Default Scoring Model
Controls whether expired results are differentiated in a query.You can show
expired results as expired or differentiate them as follows:
Differentiate expired results in a query
• pass-expired — The results have expired but the last audit results
evaluated to pass.
• fail-expired — The results have expired but the last audit results evaluated
to fail.
• other-expired — The results have expired and the previous audit results
evaluated to a condition other than pass or fail.
Findings provide information about why checks failed in an audit.This setting
defines how long findings information is retained.
Findings data retention
• Enable findings data purging — Allow McAfee Policy Auditor to purge
findings information after older than a specified date. By default, this
setting is enabled.
• Purge findings data after — Specifies how long findings data should be
retained.The default setting is 12 months.
• Stop Data Maintenance after— If the FND: Purge Findings server task
runs longer than the time specified in this setting, it stops to allow other
Configuring McAfee Policy Auditor
Server settings and what they control
17McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6