Printed from fag erh u 2022-11-19 73253-111
EAN 7320047823664
Efficient dow nlight w ith excellen t techn ical lighting properties. Ch oose betw een
several lu min ous fluxes, reflecto r option s and distribution an gles.
Installation Recessed mo u n tin g in u n ven tilated o r ven tilated su spen d ed ceilin gs.
Sepa rate driver an d in stalla tio n clip fo r ea sy a n d too l-free in stallatio n su pp lied as
stan da rd. An assemb ly p late mu st b e u sed w hen mo u n tin g o n so ft tile ceilin g s, see
accesso ries. Fo r detailed in fo rma tio n , see th e in stallatio n in stru ction s.
Con n ection Co n n ection in sep arate driver b ox. Sn ap -in termin al b lock 3x1.5 mmm²
(x2), on w ard co n n ectio n p ossible. 5x1.5 mm² (x2) w h en dimmin g . Can also be su p plied
w ith ch a ssis mou n ted sn ap -in co n n ector in th e b a llast w h ere a T-sp litter o r main s
cable an d p lu g are po ssib le. Th e lu min aire bo dy a n d d river are in terco n n ected w ith a
sn a p -in con n ecto r.
Design Lu min aire bo d y in cast alu min iu m. Visib le reflector rin g in w hite alu min iu m
(RAL 9003).
Reflecto r Reflecto r of matt metallised alu min iu m, w h ite (R AL 9003) or b lack (RAL 9005)
fin ish . Reflecto r rin g in w h ite a lu min iu m (RAL 9003). Len s of clear acrylic.
M iscellan eou s Th e lu min aire is su pp lied w ith du st protectio n o ver th e lig h t o p en in g .
IP 64 u n d er a su sp en ded ceilin g, IP 20 ab o ve a su spen d ed ceilin g. Lu min aire bo dy
Cla ss III. The su p plied d river mu st b e co n n ected to th e p rotective earth . Fo r loa d s in
th e su sp en d ed ceilin g system, fo llo w th e selected su spen d ed ceilin g su pp lier ’s
recommen d atio n . CLO (Co n stan t Ligh t O u tp u t) main tain s th e co rrect lig h t from th e
lu min aire fo r th e d u ratio n o f its rated lif e."
The articles listed below are exam ples.
Use Fagerhult Con figu re to adapt and optimise yo u r ow n version of Pleiad G4 125
by selecting CRI, co lour temperatures, o ptics, luminous flu x, accessories, etc.
Pleiad G4 125
Mediu m Beam, W ielan d G ST18i3 3-w ay male, B lack
Colour W h ite /b la ck Reflecto r Black
Weigh t, kg 0.3 Heig h t, m m 98
Diamater, mm 143
Con n ection W ielan d GST18i3 3-w ay
Pro tective class 1
IP ratin g 64 IP rating (above suspended ceilings)
M in. ambient temperature, °C -25 M ax. am bien t tem peratu re, °C 25
Bran d of d river Trid on ic
M CB B10A 25 M CB B16A 39
M CB C10A 41 M CB C16A 65
Rated supply voltage, V 220-240 Main s frequen cy, Hz 0, 50, 60
Effect, W 21 Po w er factor, 100 % 0.94
Su rge protectio n CM , kV/kA 2 Su rge protection DM , kV/kA 1
THD, % 12
Energy class E Light distribution Med iu m Beam
Lu men outpu t 1928 lm/W 92
Lu men maintenance L90 B50, h
100 000 Lum en maintenance 50 000 h L95
Lu men maintenance 75 000 h L93 Lu men maintenance 100 000 h L92
Lu men maintencan ce at 50 000 h
0.95 LED driver, h/max failure %
SDC M 3 CRI 90
CCT, K 4000