
Fagerhult 73253-111 Owner's manual

  • Hello, I'm your chat assistant. I've reviewed the datasheet for the Fagerhult Pleiad G4 125 downlight. This document outlines the product's technical data, installation guidelines, and key features, such as its recessed mounting design, separate driver, and multiple light distribution options. I'm ready to answer your questions about this device.
  • What is the IP rating of the luminaire under a suspended ceiling?
    What is the IP rating of the luminaire above a suspended ceiling?
    What is the color of reflector?
    What is the minimum ambient temperature?
Printed from fag erh u lt.com 2022-11-19
Art.no. 73253-111
EAN 7320047823664
Efficient dow nlight w ith excellen t techn ical lighting properties. Ch oose betw een
several lu min ous fluxes, reflecto r option s and distribution an gles.
Installation Recessed mo u n tin g in u n ven tilated o r ven tilated su spen d ed ceilin gs.
Sepa rate driver an d in stalla tio n clip fo r ea sy a n d too l-free in stallatio n su pp lied as
stan da rd. An assemb ly p late mu st b e u sed w hen mo u n tin g o n so ft tile ceilin g s, see
accesso ries. Fo r detailed in fo rma tio n , see th e in stallatio n in stru ction s.
Con n ection Co n n ection in sep arate driver b ox. Sn ap -in termin al b lock 3x1.5 mmm²
(x2), on w ard co n n ectio n p ossible. 5x1.5 mm² (x2) w h en dimmin g . Can also be su p plied
w ith ch a ssis mou n ted sn ap -in co n n ector in th e b a llast w h ere a T-sp litter o r main s
cable an d p lu g are po ssib le. Th e lu min aire bo dy a n d d river are in terco n n ected w ith a
sn a p -in con n ecto r.
Design Lu min aire bo d y in cast alu min iu m. Visib le reflector rin g in w hite alu min iu m
(RAL 9003).
Reflecto r Reflecto r of matt metallised alu min iu m, w h ite (R AL 9003) or b lack (RAL 9005)
fin ish . Reflecto r rin g in w h ite a lu min iu m (RAL 9003). Len s of clear acrylic.
M iscellan eou s Th e lu min aire is su pp lied w ith du st protectio n o ver th e lig h t o p en in g .
IP 64 u n d er a su sp en ded ceilin g, IP 20 ab o ve a su spen d ed ceilin g. Lu min aire bo dy
Cla ss III. The su p plied d river mu st b e co n n ected to th e p rotective earth . Fo r loa d s in
th e su sp en d ed ceilin g system, fo llo w th e selected su spen d ed ceilin g su pp lier ’s
recommen d atio n . CLO (Co n stan t Ligh t O u tp u t) main tain s th e co rrect lig h t from th e
lu min aire fo r th e d u ratio n o f its rated lif e."
The articles listed below are exam ples.
Use Fagerhult Con figu re to adapt and optimise yo u r ow n version of Pleiad G4 125
by selecting CRI, co lour temperatures, o ptics, luminous flu x, accessories, etc.
Pleiad G4 125
Mediu m Beam, W ielan d G ST18i3 3-w ay male, B lack
Colour W h ite /b la ck Reflecto r Black
Weigh t, kg 0.3 Heig h t, m m 98
Diamater, mm 143
Con n ection W ielan d GST18i3 3-w ay
Pro tective class 1
IP ratin g 64 IP rating (above suspended ceilings)
M in. ambient temperature, °C -25 M ax. am bien t tem peratu re, °C 25
Bran d of d river Trid on ic
M CB B10A 25 M CB B16A 39
M CB C10A 41 M CB C16A 65
Rated supply voltage, V 220-240 Main s frequen cy, Hz 0, 50, 60
Effect, W 21 Po w er factor, 100 % 0.94
Su rge protectio n CM , kV/kA 2 Su rge protection DM , kV/kA 1
THD, % 12
Energy class E Light distribution Med iu m Beam
Lu men outpu t 1928 lm/W 92
Lu men maintenance L90 B50, h
100 000 Lum en maintenance 50 000 h L95
Lu men maintenance 75 000 h L93 Lu men maintenance 100 000 h L92
Lu men maintencan ce at 50 000 h
0.95 LED driver, h/max failure %
SDC M 3 CRI 90
CCT, K 4000