
Fagerhult 51743-504 Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've analyzed the provided document about the Fagerhult Touch Midi luminaire. This datasheet covers the technical specifications, installation details, and key features of this track-mounted luminaire, including its integrated driver, wide beam light distribution and DALI/Phase-pulse control. I am ready to answer any questions you have.
  • What is the IP rating of the Touch Midi luminaire?
    What is the color temperature of the LED light source?
    What are the available housing colors?
Printed from fag erh u lt.com 2022-09-22
Art.no. 51743-504
Touch is a stylish and tim eless luminaire th at w ill fit smoothly into any retail
environmen t. The integrated driver gives clean feeling an d th e shop ceilin g will n o t
be cluttered with drivers aim ed in differen t direction s.
Installation Track mou n ted 3-p h a se track , Con trol track o r iTrack .
Design Ho u sin g in p o w der co ated alu min iu m, w h ite (R AL 9016) or b lack (RAL 9017).
In teg rated d river.
Dim min g D ALI/ph ase p u lse co n tro l
M iscellan eou s 930 LED is Belo w Bla ck Bo dy Lo cu s (BBBL), o th er colou r temp eratu re
on B lack B od y Locu s.
Touch Midi
W id e B eam, Co n tro l Track , D ALI/Ph ase-p u lse, B B B L
Colour Grey RA L 7038
Weigh t, kg 1.3
Installation Con trol Track Pro tective class 1
IP ratin g 20 Ligh t control DALI/Ph ase -p u ls e
Rated supply voltage, V 230 Effect, W 31
Light distribution W ide B eam Lum en outp u t 3158
lm/W 102 Lum en maintenance L90 B50, h
100 000
LED driver, h /max failure %
50 000 /10 SDC M 3
CRI 90 CCT, K 3000
Light so u rce LED Beam angle, ° 40°