Locking / Unlocking
Press for 10 s�
The red LED lights for a short time,
then the yellow and green LEDs flash
alternately; after 10 s the LEDs go out,
the unit is locked�
Press for 10 s
After 10 s the LEDs go out, locking is
Check the safe functioning of the sensor� Display by LEDs�
LED green lights Unit is ready for operation�
LED yellow lights Output is switched�
LED red lights Error in object detection, e�g� maladjustment,
soiling of the lenses
LEDs yellow + red
Flash alternately, 2 Hz: output short-circuited�
Flash alternately, 1 Hz: internal malfunction,
(output is not switched)�
Function check output
(not for sensors with cable connection)
Switches in the case of incorrect object detection (error in object detection,
maladjustment, soiling of the lenses) after approx� 4 s, it switches back approx�
4 s after the object is again correctly detected�
Immediately switches in the case of a short circuit of the switching output, it
switches back approx� 2 s after the fault has been rectified�
Immediately switches in the case of an internal fault, it is only switched back by
turning off the operating voltage and then on again�
Keep the lens of the sensor free from soiling�
For cleaning do not use any solvents or cleaning agents which could damage the
plastic lenses�