MCS 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide
Welcome to the MCS Installation and Configuration Guide. This document will guide you
through the installation and set up of the MediaCentral Services (MCS) software components. It
provides step by step instructions to visually verify the hardware setup, install Linux and the
MCS software, and configure the software systems that will make use of MCS. It also provides
detailed steps for optional activities, for example: setting up a cluster of MCS servers, or
configuring for an iPad-only deployment.
Note: Beginning with version 2.0, the term “MediaCentral Services” replaces “Interplay
Central Services.” In addition, the term “MediaCentral Playback Services” replaces
“Interplay Central Playback Services.”
MCS is a set of software services running under the Linux operating system. MCS serves layouts
for applications, provides user authentication, manages system configuration settings, and
provides proxy-based playback of video assets over the network to web-based and mobile
MCS supports several different Avid Integrated Media Enterprise (IME) solutions, including
MediaCentral | UX, and Media Composer | Cloud, and Interplay | MAM. MCS installs on its own
set of servers, distinct from the IME solution it is supporting. Multiple MCS servers can be
clustered together to obtain one or more of high-availability, load balancing and scalability.
Note: Refer to the “MediaCentral Platform Services Hardware Guide” for detailed
information on hardware specifications and deployment options. The guide is available
on the Avid Knowledge Base
MCS 2.2 web page.
The installation and configuration steps vary depending on the deployment model, target
hardware, and optional steps. For example, installations on qualified HP servers can use an
express process involving a USB key and the Avid-supplied kickstart (ks.cfg) file. Kickstart files
are commonly used in Linux installs to automatically answer questions for hardware known in
advance. On non-HP servers you must install Red Hat Enterprise Linux manually.
Note: All decisions pertaining to hardware, deployment model, optional activities (such
as setting up a cluster), network connections (GigE vs 10GigE), must be made before
beginning the installation. If these decisions have not been taken, or, to verify a non-HP
server, please consult an Avid representative.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux — sometimes just called Red Hat, but referred to in this guide as RHEL
— is a commercially supported, open source version of the popular Linux operating system. No
matter what the deployment model and target hardware, the installation of RHEL is mandatory.
Note: MCS requires RHEL 6.5. Do not install any OS updates or patches if they are not
approved by Avid. Do not upgrade. Do not run the Linux yum update command. For more
information, see “
RHEL Vulnerabilities and Patches” on page 16.
For more information on Red Hat see “Working with Linux” on page 30. RHEL licensing and
support options are covered in the “MediaCentral Platform Services Hardware Guide”,
available on the
Avid Knowledge Base MCS 2.2 web page.