Heat Controller, Inc. MGD-B SERIES GAS FURNACE Owner’s Manual
G18D Series Gas Furnace OWNER’S MANUAL
Mortex Products Inc. / Fort Worth, TX 76106
G18D Owner’s Manual
The igniter warm-up period is extended to 27 seconds then,
24 VAC is sent to the gas valve solenoid opening the solenoid
and starng the flow of gas. If a flame is established for more
than 10 seconds during the retry the unit will connue to
operate normally and the control board will clear the ignion
retry counter. If a flame has not been established then the
control board will advance the retry counter and will connue
the ignion retry operaon. The ignion retry operao
n will
aempt to re-ignite the gas burner a total of three ignion
cycles during a call for heat from the thermostat. If the
burner flame has not been established aer the third ignion
retry cycle the control board will go into a so lockout for a
period of one hour. If there is s
ll a call for heat aer the one
hour lockout the furnace will iniate a normal start cycle. If
the problem has not been corrected the furnace wi
ll lockout
again aer the three ignion retries.
Call For Heat Removed
If the call for heat from the thermostat is removed from the
control board before the board can resume normal operaon
the control board will clear the ignion retry counter, will
clear a so lockout and will clear any fault codes.
Call For Heat Removed With Gas Valve Stuck Open
If the furnace is running normally and the call for heat from
the thermostat has been remove
d the 24 VAC signal to the
gas valve solenoid will be removed. If the control board
soware indicates a microamp signal is present at the flame
sensor indicang a flame is present the control board will
keep 115 VAC present to the combuson air booster motor,
115 VAC to the heat terminal for the indoor fan to kee
p the
indoor fan motor energized and will flash a error code of 5
flashes indicang a flow
of gas with no call for heat. The
furnace will connue to operate at this condion unl the
gas flow has been interrupted and the flame has been
The combuson air booster motor is located inside the white
plasc assembly aached to the 4” round galvanized pipe.
When the combuson air booster motor has been energized
the fans create a flow of air through the booster motor
assembly and the burner box that produces a negave
pressure at the top of the booster motor assembly and a
posive pressure at the burner box. A tube is aached to the
pressure port at the top of the booster motor assembly and
the top of the burn
er box that extends to the pressure ports
on the pressure switch, providing the negave and posive
pressures to the switch. If the pressures applied to the
posive and negave ports (Differenal Pressure) of the
pressure switch exceed -0.2” wc +/ .05” wc the switch
electrical contacts close providing a 24 VAC signal
back to the
control board thru the blue wires aached to the 9 pin plug
dicang to the control board soware the pressure switch
has closed.
When the pressure switch has closed the control board starts
a 30 second ignion warm up. This gives the hot surface
igniter 30 seconds to obtain its normal operang
temperature. Aer the 30 second ignion warm up, the
control board sends 24 VAC to the thru the brown wires on
the 9 pin plug to the gas valve solenoid for 10 seconds which
ill open the gas valve and start the flow of gas. The hot
surface igniter should ignite the flow of gas and start the
flame stabilizaon period. During the flame stabilizaon
period the flame sensor will send a microamp signal of 1.5
to 3.7 microamps (0.0000015 to 0.0000036 amps) thru the
yellow wire that is connected to the
9 pin plug on the control
board signaling to the control board soware that a fla
me is
present. The indoor blower me delay will start a 50 second
on delay aer the flame stabilizaon period has concluded
and the control board will place 115 VAC on the HEAT
terminal of the control board energizing the indoor fan in the
heang mode. The furnace will connue to operate unl the
call for heat from the thermostat has been sasfied. At this
point the gas valve solenoid will be de-energized, the burner
me will be exnguished and the control board soware will
start a 50 second indoor fan off delay. When the indoor fan
has de-energized the control board will indicate a steady
green light on the diagnosc indicator indicang the control
board is ready to resume normal operaon.
Ignion Retry
If the
burner flame has not been established or has been
interrupted when the thermostat is calling for heat; the
ontrol board will start the ignion retry operaon. During
the retry operaon the combuson air booster motor will
connue to operate. The control will start a 15 second purge
to vent any unburned gas from the heat exchanger.
1. Observe burner to make sure it ignites and to
observe the flame co
lor. With Natural gas, the
flame will be blue with yellow ps; with Propane
s, a yellow flame can be expected.
2. Allow furnace to heat up unl the blower cycles on.
(2-1/2 min.)
3. Turn wall thermostat down.
4. Observe main burner flame to make sure it shuts
5. Let furnace cool and blower turns off.
6. If any abnormalies should occur, such as the burner
failing to light or to turn off, the flame looks sooty o
it seems to be “floang” around inside the heat
exchanger, call a qualifie
d service technician for