18 Introduction
SoundCloud upload
is an exciting Internet community for musicians, record
companies and anyone else who wants to distribute music and communicate
via songs. After registering with Soundcloud
, you can upload songs directly
from MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium to your personal profile. This takes
place via the menu "File > Export > Community Upload > Upload audio to
..." Then, you can embed the uploaded songs in a Soundcloud
player on other platforms such as Twitter or Facebook.
YouTube templates
is a video platform on the web, where most people go to find new
music. Even mufin.com analyses YouTube videos according to their sound and
suggests them to other users. Sometimes, there is no fitting video material for
a self-made song. Here is where the YouTube templates in the Media Pool
come in handy: Simply drag a fitting template into the Arrangement, enter the
artist name and song name in the Title Editor, and you can upload the video
directly (File > Export > Community Upload > Upload video to YouTube) to
present to the whole world.
Embedded MIDI editor
MIDI is a protocol for electronic instruments, which determines which
instrument should play in which pitch and for how long. A MIDI object is
independent of the actual instrument sound and tempo, and can be made as
fast or slow as desired, and connected with any intrument. The embedded
MIDI Editor of MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium opens as soon as a MIDI
object is selected by clicking on the Inspector in the Media Pool. There, you
can draw in individual sounds with a pen tool or play them using a keyboard to
the left.
Vita Solo instruments
Under Synthesizers in the Media Pool, you will find Vita Solo Instruments. Vita
Century Keys is a top-class grand piano. Vita Saxophonia is a saxophone
sound, which is hardly distinguishable from a professional instrument.
Mouse gestures
In MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium it is possible to dynamically control video
and audio effects using mouse gestures. To view a summary of all mouse
gestures, read Help.
Additional features in the Premium version:
• Larger sound archive: Over 3,500 new sounds and MIDI loops from all
genres can be accessed via the "Soundpools" button in the Media Pool.
• Essential FX: Even more effects modules