⦁HTTP Port*: The default port is 80. This can be changed to any network port that is not occupied.
⦁Use DHCP: When enabled the Controller will use DHCP to dynamically allocate an IP address instead of
using a static IP address. To use this there must be a DHCP server on the network you are attempting to
connect to.
-IP Address*: The Controller has a built-in TCP/IP Ethernet device and it must be programmed with a
valid TCP/IP address to allow communication. By default the IP address is set to
-Subnet Mask*: Used in conjunction with the IP address, a netmask must be configured to allow access to
the appropriate node on the subnet. By default this is set to a value of
-Default Gateway*: Used in conjunction with the IP address, the gateway can be configured to allow
access to a router for external communications beyond the subnet to which the Controller is connected.
By default this is set to a value of Set this to to prevent any external communication.
⦁DNS Server*: The IP address of the DNS server being used by the controller. This is required if a DNS name is
being used to connect to the Event Server below.
⦁Event Server 1*: The IP address or DNS name of the Event Server.
⦁Event Server 2/3*: Alternative paths to the Event Server (optional).
⦁Event Port*: The default port is 22000. This must match the port defined in Global | Event Server in the
Protege GX software.
⦁Download Port*: The default port is 21000. This must match the port defined in Sites | Controllers | General
in the Protege GX software.
⦁Control Port*: The default port is 21001. This must match the port defined in Sites | Controllers | General in
the Protege GX software.
⦁Hostname: If the controller is accessible via an external hostname it can be entered here. This is only
required if the DDNS or HTTPS options (below) are being used.
Dynamic DNS
⦁Enable DDNS: The controller has an in-built DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) application, which allows
it to dynamically connect to an external hostname even if its external IP address is not static. Check this
checkbox and enter the required details to activate DDNS.
⦁DDNS Server: Enter the name of the DDNS server which is being used. Currently Duck DNS
(www.duckdns.org) and No-IP (www.noip.com) are supported DDNS providers.
⦁DDNS Username/Password: Enter the required credentials for your DDNS provider.
-Duck DNS: The username should be left blank. The password is the Token generated by your Duck DNS
-No-IP: The username and password are the credentials used to log in to your No-IP account.
This feature is only available with controller OS version 2.0.25 or higher.
⦁Use HTTPS: It is possible to connect to the controller via HTTPS, by using a signed HTTPS certificate to
create an encrypted connection between controller and web browser. Check this checkbox and enter the
required details to enable HTTPS.
⦁HTTPS Port*: The default port is 443. This can be changed to any port that is not occupied.
⦁Use HTTPS Certificate: This option will prompt you to load an HTTPS certificate onto the controller. This can
be either a third-party certificate obtained from a Certificate Authority, or a self-signed certificate.
-Load Validation File: Click to browse and upload a validation file (.txt format) provided by the
Certificate Authority. This will be used by the CA to validate your domain name. Validating the domain
this way requires your controller to be externally accessible via a hostname on external port 80.
This step is not required when installing a self-signed certificate.
PRT-CTRL-DIN-1D | Protege GX DIN Rail Single Door Controller | Installation Manual 18