Programming the Control (cont.)
the lo_er halfot the di@a}. This infbnnation is sho_n
in tile normal run displa}.This isto inibm] the user of
the number of(laxsbeiore the salt lexelin the brine
rank i_aches Lex_l0. Thet_ willbe salt left in the sah tank, but it mav not be
sufficient to fldlyrecharge the svstetl].Salt should be added at this time to mokl
hard water.Tile _¢dueis updawd dailyand whellexer the SAtrt_Et value is
/VOTE..'E)rthe fip,t severalIx_eksof operation the DAYSTOEMPTYn>?provide
erratic opermion. For example, the bhle indicator light may flash,showing film
more saltis required _d/en the actual salt levelin file tank iswell aboxe file
LexelO.In sortieeases,file DAYSTOEMPTYm_,vexertincrease oxer a sexeral
week period.
It takes a couple ofmonths tOTtile _xvtters{)flenerto learn your_x_terusage
pattern. Once it does this, it willaccurately detennine actual salt usage pattern.
Dnring this first peri_xl, check s:fltlevelfallen blue indicator light fl>hes. If the
saltlexelin tile tank is at Lexel / or abort allo_ system to nm. Besure to reset
wmr saltlet elindicator each time wm add salt to the svswm.
Optionalgomrot& ings
The conti'ollel display has severalt_pfionsand f>atui'es.
ThetowsatYatagM,when enabled, will snnnd tile
heeper Mien tile BAYS TOEMPTYxalueis ]5 daxs ol I-I
less.NI change this setting, pless and t>ld the MOBE ,¢>/ kl f7
hnttnn fi_r3 seconds. ON (fi_ctor_defimlt) o: OFFv,ill
flashin the displa?.Pi'essthe EiP'it ol DO\XN •
huttons to toggle this>atui'e ON o["BEE Pressthe M0OEbutton to accept, and
the displa? willmow to $ALTEEF/CKNCK
When the $ALTEFF/C/ENCYfbm,i'e is ON, the unit _dll
operate at a s_0tefficient} of 4(X){)grains of hmdness U I7"- J
removed per pound ofsalt. This mtxte of operation is
tile most endear setting fiwsalt usage, because the
sxsteml_illtend to lecha:ge mole oiten, with less silt usage. Turning the
*eatme Ob'b'_[11tend to lengthen the time betv,een i'echmge cycles,which will
provide the most efficient usage ofx_ate];hut In;_ usemote salt. The degree of
diffbi'ence het_een these r_o tides is highly dependent on the _a>i" usage and
hmdne_ at a pmtieular installation.
NOTE:CalifbmiaRegnlafions_equirethis>aut> tobe ONti}17installationsin
_[bchange the setting, )['essthe [.P • o["DOWN • buttons to toggle the
>amre ON or OFE Press the M0OEbntton to accept. The disph? _ill mo_e to
This dh )layrontah> system d]agnostirs infi'}nnation I_1
to assistin trouhleshooting problems _dth the s}stem. !7 V'II"1
Seepage ]5fiwdetails. [hess the MOBEhutton to !_I_ 1_1
retu['n to the normal run disph).
These models h_e an op0nn to h_wethe run di@ff indica> diitewnt
inii_rmatbn. The hlfbm]ation displayed on the top half of the displ_3can
he changed to one of the fblh>ing:
Opemtion_dinfinmation aboutthe _te_ soiiene_is_wdl_d)leth:ough three
optillns in tile display
* CAPACHN" REMAINING - This is the percentage of water softening
capad V remaining, hmnediately aftei"a wgenecdtion, 1(10%shows.AswaWr
is used, the pe['centage willdec_w_lsetnttil the next regenerathln. Durh]g
legeneratbns, tile pelcentage increments upl_ard.
WhenPRESENTr/MEis displa)ed, pi'ess the _yg, '_"_"UI_.71 i_
• h,,tt,,n; SE ,illappealinthe °Z °Z i
displm..Tile value shown is between 0 and I(X) _ i I 1{I /
pelcent. This value is based on cmrent operating _ ......_'_......
"SS' <
( tpa¢it}:Pie 111;.,tile L,P • button xdllrettun
the screen to tile p_eviousdiq)la?.
AVERAGE DA_LY GALLONS - The figme displa)ed is tile avei'age
gallons ofa_ter tlsed h} the housetMd each (h_ o_er the past se_en<lay
P]ess.....tile DOWN • button tgain,to disi_l']x,the I .... I_o I-Ill- )
Averaoe Dadv Gallons.AOGwilla _)ear m tile <hs)lax'. - -
Tills _alue isnDdated exert mght at m[dmght. P['essmg/ / -I 7_ |
, • . ' ' ' ' -- L- I__
t,e • h.ttt,ltwt,lett l,ltlles,reentt,tlle ,,/--/............,I./
pe_ious displa!.
* FLOW RATE, GPM- When tlsing soft_;_teu this displa?,shou:_tile
flo_ :ate passing through the soffenei"(in gallons per minute). Ze> sho_s if
watei"is not passing thi'ough the soiiene,:
P_essthe DOWN • button agaia to disph) the flo_
rate. GEM_ill appear in the diq)la> This vahte is
updated exe]3 ½second. Pressing tile 1p • button
will _etum the sc:een to the p:e_ious displa5 P:essing
the DOWN • bum}n willwtum the screen to the
If time is lost on the disph? due to power interruptinn, the bhle indi(_to_ light
willflash4 times eveU second, undl the p_esent time ofda_ is ente:ed.
When the BAgS TOEMPTYdrq)s to 15, the bhle in& ato: light >rodBAYS TO
EMPTYin tile displU _ill flz_slle_ely seclmd allotthe alalm willheep ewl) 30
seconds (fl'om 8:(X)_51 to 8:00PM) to notifi_the use] that the unit is mnnh]g
lnx_on salt. Assoon asany button isp:e_ed, the alarm willstop beeping. Tile
bhle iadicatof light attd BAYSTOEMPTY_illcontinue to flash.Once salt is
added to tile hrh]e tank and the $ALTIZ_L is _eset, the BAYS TOEMPTYwiII
be _eset.
if the]e is an en'o["¢ode dete¢ted, the bhte indh ato] C i- I-
light willfl>h I times eer} second, the displ;*)willflash I
Errand the al;*m]*_illbeep ewn 30secon& (hxmt 8:00
AMto 8:00 P\i) to signal dl_t die softener ['e(luires
se[Mce.The alarm can be ulmed off b, pressing any htttton, hut the hhte
indicator light and disph} willc<m0nue tn fl>h.
Seepage 14fbr inti,Hnatbn to assistin tmnbleshooting em_: ctxtes. Once the
problem is coil ecw<l,disconnect the t:ansti_mte: fibre the wallBuffet
momentafil 5 and phtg itback in. The nounal displa willappeal: Tile motor
ma mn ibm"severalminutes, asthe unit _'esets.if the pu£lem is not coH'ected,
the enor code _ill wappeal in 6 minutes.
Ste;<l)_blue light h]di(atesth;_tthe unit [s_o:king lone]d}. The light flashes
_dten tile unit needs attention fi_tm file tlse]:
®Light flashes attd BAYSTOEMPTYflashes--check salt level and add salt
as required.
®Light flashes attd Err is in the displa)--electfical prol)lem with s)tem--
see })age 14.
®Light will also [lash when powei"to the unit has heen interrupted.
Check tile PRESENTTIMEsetting. ,9