TF7050-M2 / TF7025-M2 BIOS Manual
ACP I Support
Phoenix-Award ACPI BIOS support Version 1.0b of Advanced Configuration
and Power interface speci fi cation (ACPI). It provides ASL code for power
management and device configuration capabilities as defined in the ACPI
speci fication, developed by Microsoft, Intel and Toshiba.
PCI Bus Support
This PHOENIX-AWARD BIOS also supports Version 3.0 of the Int el PCI
(Peripheral Component Interconnect) local bus specification.
DRAM S upport
DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM) is supported.
Supported CPUs
Using Setup
Use the arrow keys to highlight items in most of the place, press <Enter> to
select, use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to change entries, press <F1> for help
and press <Esc> to quit. The following table provides more detail about how to
navigate in the Setup program by using the keyboard.
Keystroke Function
Up ar row Move to previo us it em
Down arrow Move to next item
Left arr o w Move to th e ite m on th e left ( me nu b ar)
Rig ht arr ow Move to th e ite m on th e rig ht (menu bar )
Move Enter Move to the ite m you desired
Pg Up ke y Incr eas e t he nu meric val ue or ma ke c ha ng es
Pg Dn ke y Decrease the n um eric valu e or ma ke ch ang es
+ Ke y Incr eas e t he nu meric val ue or ma ke c ha ng es
- Ke y Decrease the n um eric valu e or ma ke ch ang es
Esc ke y Main Menu – Quit and not s a ve c hanges int o CMOS
Stat us P ag e S etu p Men u an d Option Pag e Set up Men u – E xit
Current page and r eturn to M ain Menu
F1 key General help on Setup navigation keys
F5 ke y Loa d pr e vious values fro m CM OS
F7 ke y Loa d t he opti mize d d efa ults
F10 ke y Sa ve all the CMOS c ha ng es a nd e xit