MU-Thermocouple1 CAN – User Manual
Relevant products
Product Name Model Part number
MU-Thermocouple1 CAN
(measuring range J)
Metal-cased measuring unit
with 8 measuring channels
MU-Thermocouple1 CAN
(measuring range K)
Metal-cased measuring unit
with 8 measuring channels
MU-Thermocouple1 CAN
(measuring range T)
Metal-cased measuring unit
with 8 measuring channels
The cover page shows the product MU-TC1 CAN with thermocouple connectors for
the type K (green). Versions with assemblies for other thermocouple types have an
identical casing design.
Attention! Heed the safety instructions in section 3.1 on page 13
that explain the meaning of the warning sign printed on the
unit casing.
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ument version 1.7.0 (2020-03-20)