E wah Optional Remote Controller ]
Micro-Size CD Recorder for HighQuality DigitalRecording
TheCDis probablythe easiestway to Iisteeto music whereveryou go.Just about everyonehasa CD
playerthese days, so it would bewonderful if you could also record that high-quality digital sound
onto CDs,not just playit back.On this CD,you could recordonly the music you wantto listen, and
play it in your caror onyour portable playeras w5{Ias at home. if you usea CD-RWdisc,you can
record onit as manytimes asyou like.And of course,DENONmakessurethe quality ofthe sound is
nodifferentfrom that ofconventionatCDs.
• Sampling Rate Converter
• I Set Analog Stereo inputs and Analog Stereo Outputs
• 2 Sets of Optical Digital inputs
• Serial Copy Management System (SCMS)
• Synchronized one-touch recording of both ansiog and digital signals
(An/l track) *UD-M50 only
• Digital REC Volume
• Dual Speed Finalizing
• Text input and Display
*A portion of the text input on a commercially available disc suppolting
CD text maynot be correctly displayed on the CDR-MJO
• General
Power Supply ....................... 120 V 60 Hz, 15 W
Dimensions ............................ 210 (W) x 95 (H) x 318 (D) mm
83" (W) x 37" (H) x125" (D)
Weight .................................. 30 kg, 66 Ibs
Note: CD-R audio discs recorded on the CDR-MJO can be played on most, but not all, standard CD players CD-RW audio discs
recorded on the CDR-MJ0 cannot be played on models that do not support OD-RW Some DVD players cannot playback
CD-R and/or OD-RW audio discs - check your DVD player's owneCs manual for further information
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Single Cassette Deck with DolbyB noise reduction
The DRR-MJOis asiegle cassettedeckfeaturing ahodzonta_Ioadiegmechanismto ensuresmooth,
stabletapetravel,andthe DolbyBnoisereductionsystem.When connectedto the UD-MJOor UD-M50,
the DRR-MJO'sCD-SRSfunction letsyou start recordingCDsontotapeatthe singletouch of abutton.
The DRR-MJOalso provides a wealth of editing and playbackfunctions, including One-TouchAuto
Reverseand Music Search,to makethis deckatruly versatilemember ofthis system.
• Horizontal Loading Mechanism for Smooth, Stable Tape Travel
• Dolby B Noise Reduction System
• CD-SRS for One-Touch Recording from CD
• A Wealth of Editing and Playback Functions
• One-Touch Auto Reverse Operation
• Music Search
• Auto Tape Selector
• General
Power Supply ....................... 120 V 60 Hz, 10 W
Dimensions ............................ 210 (W) x 95 (H) x 318 (D) mm
83" (W) x 37' (H) x 125" (D)
Weight .................................. 30 kg, 66 Ibs
*Design and specifications are subject to change without notice
*"DOLBY" and the doubls-D symbol I1n are registered trademarks of DoJby Laboratories Licensing Corporation
19 CFiAP_NROAD¸ PO sex 857 niNE 5nool_ NJ 07058-9777 US,_
TEL: 973-396-081 ,vww ael aenon corf
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