MAX 10 Analog to Digital Converter Overview
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10 devices feature up to two analog-to-digital converters (ADC). The ADCs provide the MAX 10
devices with built-in capability for on-die temperature monitoring and external analog signal conversion.
The ADC solution consists of hard IP blocks in the MAX 10 device periphery and soft logic through the
Altera Modular ADC IP core.
The ADC solution provides you with built-in capability to translate analog quantities to digital data for
information processing, computing, data transmission, and control systems. The basic function is to
provide a 12 bit digital representation of the analog signal being observed.
The ADC solution works in two modes:
• Normal mode—monitors single-ended external inputs with a cumulative sampling rate of up to 1
million samples per second (MSPS):
• Single ADC devices—up to 17 single-ended external inputs (one dedicated analog and 16 dual
function input pins)
• Dual ADC devices—up to 18 single-ended external inputs (one dedicated analog and eight dual
function input pins in each ADC block)
• Temperature sensing mode—monitors external temperature data input with a sampling rate of up to
50 kilosamples per second. In dual ADC devices, only the first ADC block supports this mode.
Related Information
• MAX 10 ADC Architecture and Features on page 2-1
• MAX 10 ADC Design Considerations on page 3-1
• MAX 10 ADC Implementation Guides on page 4-1
• Altera Modular ADC and Altera Modular Dual ADC IP Cores References on page 5-1
• How to Create ADC Design in MAX 10 Device Using Qsys Tool
Provides video instruction that demonstrates how to create the ADC design in MAX 10 devices using
the Qsys system integration tool within the Quartus
Prime software and how to use the ADC toolkit
to view the measured analog signal.
• How to Create Simultaneous Measurement with MAX 10 ADC, Part 1
Provides the first part of video instruction series that explains the differences between the MAX 10
Altera Modular ADC and Altera Modular Dual ADC IP cores. The video also demonstrates how to
create a simple simultaneous ADC measurement and how to place signal taps to measure the digital
code output for analog signal.
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