Download the Diode Dynamics app and connect via Bluetooth.
Phone App
How to connect to the app:
1. After installing the app from the app store, open the app on
your device.
2. Cycle the power to the Bluetooth controller by unplugging it
and plugging it back in or flick the power switch and wait a
few seconds, then turn it back on.
3. Wait for the app to detect the controller, it will pop up on
the app screen as a Bluetooth controller. If necessary, cycle
the power once more to refresh the controller.
4. Once the controller shows up on the app, click it and
connect. You have 30 seconds to select the controller once it
shows up on the app. After 30 second you will need to
refresh again to detect the controller again.
5. Note that if you mounted your controller behind a lot of
metal components, this may degrade the signal and range.