Parts List
Code Quantity Component
A90135 1 Assembly kit (see check list)
A44017 2 Monet curve (plain ends)
A44018 2 Monet curve (reduced one end)
A40012 2 84” uprights
A30005 6 22 ½” spacer bars
A42007 1 Holemaker
Quantity Optional Component
1 Lattice panels 5 cells high x 4 cells wide
2 Lattice panels 4 cells high x 4 cells wide
18 Lattice ties
Assembly Instructions
1. Preparation
1.1. Tap an end plug into the standard end of the two 84” uprights.
1.2. Place two screws in each T joint as shown, but only tighten the screws enough to hold them in. Make
sure the screw points do not protrude into the inside of the joints as they will scratch the coating when
they are attached to the tubes. Note that the third screw hole in the joints will be used during final
1.3. Take the six 22½” spacers. Push T joints onto both ends of all of them. Lay each
assembly flat to ensure the joints are parallel, as shown below, then measure the
exposed tube and ensure that it is 18½” long. If the measurement is greater than this
you will need to use a rubber mallet to knock the joints home.
2. Assembling the roof section
2.1. Take the two Monet curves with a reduced end, two of the spacer bar assemblies from above and two
1” moisture seals. Connect the curves
together by sliding one spacer onto
each end as shown.
2.2. Slide a moisture seal onto the two
reduced ends.
2.3. Take the two Monet curves with
plain ends and attach a spacer to each
end in the same way.
2.4. Connect the two sections together.
2.5. Ensure that the moisture seals fully
cover the tube joins.
2.6. Position the spacers according to the
measurements in the diagram at the
end of these instructions.
3. Site preparation
3.1. Place the assembled roof section in the site you intend to install the arch, make sure that it is against the
wall and mark the positions of the two uprights. Remove the roof section and use the Holemaker
provided to make 15” deep holes at each of the marks. Ensure the holes are vertical and the same
4. Final assembly