MRD-455 | EMEA/APAC version (Hardware revision 1)

Westermo MRD-455 | EMEA/APAC version (Hardware revision 1) Software

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Release Notes for WeConfig 1.18.2. This document outlines the new features, improvements, and limitations of WeConfig, a tool for configuring and maintaining Westermo switches and routers. Key features include enhanced update options, firmware upgrade functionalities, and some usability fixes. I'm here to answer your questions about WeConfig based on this document.
  • What are the prerequisites for installing WeConfig?
    What protocols need to be enabled on managed devices to ensure full functionality?
    What is new in WeConfig 1.18 related to firmware upgrades?
    What is the new way to use SSH client?
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
1 About 2
1.1 Installation ....................................... 2
1.2 Usage .......................................... 2
2 News 4
2.1 UndockedWindows................................... 4
2.2 MSIBasedInstaller................................... 4
2.3 AutomaticUpdateOptions ............................... 4
2.4 UpdateNotications .................................. 4
2.5 FirmwareUpgrades................................... 4
2.6 SSHClient ....................................... 5
2.7 Usability......................................... 5
2.8 xRDFunctionality ................................... 5
2.9 PortableInstallations .................................. 5
2.10DeviceImport...................................... 6
2.11 3G and 4G Cellular Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Limitations 7
4 Fixed Issues 9
Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB 1
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
1 About
WeConfig is a Windows based tool for configuration and maintenance of Westermo switches and
For more information about Westermo and other product offerings see
1.1 Installation
The following prerequisites have to be fulfilled to successfully execute WeConfig:
WinPcap 4.1.3 installed or, Npcap 1.6 or later
If neither WinPcap nor Npcap is installed, WeConfig will run in a reduced mode and not all function-
ality will be available.
WeConfig will offer to install WinPcap if it believes the user would benefit from it.
WeConfig will only maintain compatibility with current and legacy versions of Microsoft Windows
that not has reached its EOL (End Of Life) date.
Note! If you are using Npcap make sure that you have acquired a valid license. Licensing details are
available at
1.2 Usage
The following may have to be enabled on the managed switches/routers to get full functionality of
IPConfig protocol
HTTPS (Web) must be enabled
Administrator password must be setup in the WeConfig Settings dialogue.
SNMP protocol. The read community has to be set.
The same read community has to be setup in WeConfig Project Settings dialogue.
LLDP protocol
SSH CLI access
The functionality dependent on the respective item above is described below.
Information gathering from the device, including topology information to be able to draw a
device map is performed using SNMP.
2 Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB
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The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
Basic Setup uses the IPConfig protocol to setup devices on devices running WeOS 4.32 and
older. On such devices, the IPConfig protocol must be enabled on the devices to use Basic
Backup, restore and firmware upgrade all use the HTTPS interface.
Upgrade with HTTPS-upload method uses the HTTPS interface.
To use SSH access an external SSH client must be set up in the Settings dialogue.
All configuration of WeOS devices depends on the use of SSH; hence, SSH must be enabled on
the target devices.
Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB 3
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
2 News
WeConfig 1.18 introduces the following new functions and improvements:
2.1 Undocked Windows
Undocked windows may now be put into the “always on top” mode, meaning that it will obscure the
main window. The setting is in the system menu of the undocked window (click the top right icon of
the window). The setting is remembered per window, and is persisted between restarts of WeConfig.
The default behavior of undocked windows is to not obscure the main window.
2.2 MSI Based Installer
In strict IT environments, where automatic updates of software are prohibited, WeConfig may now
also be installed using MSI. It is recommended to only use the MSI installer if required. MSI based
installations will never automatically update itself, but it will check for new versions on startup. If a
new version is found, the user is provided a link to download the new MSI file.
2.3 Automatic Update Options
The automatic update option Never has been removed. It was added for IT environments for where
automatic updates are prohibited. In such strict environments, the MSI based installer should be used.
Previous selected setting will be revered to On Approval, meaning that WeConfig will notify when an
update is available, and the user is given a choice to install or skip that update.
2.4 Update Notifications
When new versions of WeConfig are available, or have been automatically installed, we now provide
a direct link to the release notes for the new version. Clicking on it will open the link using the default
web browser.
2.5 Firmware Upgrades
Two warnings have been added:
When the user wants to perform firmware upgrade on multiple devices in full parallel, a warning
is shown to the user, requiring the user to confirm.
When the user wants to perform a regular (smart) upgrade on multiple devices, and the path from
the PC to the network is not known, the user is warned that the upgrade will be downgraded to
a sequential upgrade.
4 Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB
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The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
For WeOS 4 devices, WeConfig will default to take as few steps as possible to upgrade it to a target
version. This behavior can be turned off, to make WeConfig strictly adhere to best practices, and
always upgrade by stepping through all minor versions between the current and target version.
For WeOS 5 devices, WeConfig will default to best practices, and always upgrade by stepping through
all minor versions between the current and target version. This behavior can be turned off, but it is not
recommended. Use at your own risk.
2.6 SSH Client
PuTTY has until now been distributed together with WeConfig. From now on, WeConfig will rely on
the built in OpenSSH Client in Windows. It can be enabled under “Optional features” in Windows.
Custom clients may still be used.
2.7 Usability
New usability improvements around device configuration files:
When importing and exporting device configuration files, WeConfig will remember the direc-
tory imported from or exported to. The next time a device configuration file is imported, or
exported, the file dialogs will start in the last used directory.
WeConfig will now suggest more descriptive file names when exporting device configuration
It is now possible to right click multiple devices and open multiple device web pages and SSH sessions
in one click.
2.8 xRD Functionality
It is now possible to perform the following actions on xRD devices:
• Reboot
Factory reset
Download tech support file
2.9 Portable Installations
To avoid data corruption, WeConfig no longer allow to be started from a shared network drive in
portable installations. To ensure that WeConfig functions properly in portable installations, make sure
to copy the installation to a private folder that is not accessed concurrently by other users.
Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB 5
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
2.10 Device Import
When importing devices from CSV files, imported devices will no longer obscure existing devices in
the topology.
2.11 3G and 4G Cellular Diagnostics
It is now possible to monitor RSRP, RSRQ(4G) and RSSI (3G & 4G) on the Ibex product family.
6 Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
3 Limitations
Upgrade using HTTPS-upload is supported from WeOS 4.13 and later.
To upgrade an older WeOS version, TFTP/FTP method must be used. A TFTP or a FTP server
must be running on the WeConfig PC. The path to the TFTP/FTP root folder is setup in the
Settings dialogue.
Hostname and location is limited to 10 and 11 characters for factory reset/default WeOS 4
devices, due to limitations of the IPConfig protocol.
Conflicting IP addresses can only be identified on WeOS units, and only for the IP address
retrieved using the IPConfig protocol.
WeConfig does not identify if an IP Address is statically configured or retrieved from a DHCP
server. When setting an IP address using WeConfig, it is applied as a static address.
Non WeOS units have limited support in WeConfig.
Limited WeConfig SNMP trap support will be available when MS Windows SNMP Trap Host
server is activated. For WeConfig to provide as much SNMP trap support as possible, please
disable the MS Windows Trap Host server.
If alarm monitoring for SNR high/low is to function properly, the device’s firmware version
must be 4.18.0 or higher due to a limitation in earlier firmwares.
Some NICs (mostly low end USB NICs) discard LLDP frames. This means that WeConfig
cannot learn where it is connected in the network.
VLAN configuration is not supported on WeOS 4.13.4 or previous versions.
WeConfig might not show SNMP traps sent from routers.
Device connections might not be displayed correctly until 30 seconds after a link up/down event.
Configuration of passwords and password to access MRD devices must only contain character
(a-z, A-Z and 0-9), otherwise access to device may not work.
WeConfig is not able to configure Vipers with TTDP enabled on versions of WeOS prior to
WeConfig cannot detect powerline devices (DDW-002).
The ping and traceroute tools cannot be executed reliably from Falcon devices due to a model
specific limitation.
The functionality of WeConfig in portable mode is limited.
Optimization of firmware packages will not be done for WeOS 5.13.0 or higher.
Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB 7
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
When importing devices from CSV files, model name and firmware version is required in order
for a device to be properly identified. Unidentified devices are treated as “unknown devices”.
WeConfig is not able to identify connections between xRD devices.
Connections between MRD and BRD devices cannot be derived due to a firmware limitation.
WeConfig cannot be started from a shared network drive in portable mode.
8 Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB
Prepared by Document
The WeConfig Team Release Notes WeConfig 1.18.2
Approved by Date Document No
The Program Manager June 26, 2023 186018-g9853c1b
4 Fixed Issues
Issue Version Category Description
#0019055 1.18.0 GUI Critical VLANs are not blocked from deletion in WeConfig
#0019125 1.18.0 SYSTEM Double-click on project file does not open project in WeConfig
#0019133 1.18.0 GUI Function lost for stepwise firmware upgrades.
#0019157 1.18.0 SYSTEM Hardening/routing does not work at all for WeOS 5
#0019159 1.18.0 SYSTEM Wrongfully configured SSL port makes CLI interpreter fail on
aborted contexts.
#0019189 1.18.0 GUI Syslog tab is empty after releasing the window and closing
#0019211 1.18.0 SYSTEM Device icon are not displayed in an air gapped environment
#0019285 1.18.1 GUI Adding xRD devices manually crashes when typing in a version
#0019286 1.18.1 SYSTEM CSV imported devices have blank passwords
#0019290 1.18.2 SYSTEM Ibex: http password parameter changed
#0019294 1.18.2 SYSTEM Opening projects from WeConfig < 1.18 with “unknown de-
vices” is not possible
#0019300 1.18.2 SYSTEM Network Baseline report fails for WeOS devices - ports cannot
be shown on the report
Copyright © 2008–2023 Westermo Network Technologies AB 9