SX-2000 additional Installation Instructions for an EN 54-16 compliant System
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH
Control Preparation and requirements
10 manual fault reset - fault reset button on system manager SX-2000SM
(preparation in chapter 7, for the operation refer to
the text below this table);
- programming the fault reset function on a remote
microphone requires to install the remote
microphone in access level 2 (refer to the chapter
3.3.1 installation place);
- programming the fault reset function on a control
input requires to install the connected switch to be in
access level 2 (e.g. in a lockable box)
Table 3: Mandatory control in access level 2
Since the system manager SX-2000SM shall be installed in access level 1 but also
containing a fault reset button, its operation was modified to meet the access level 2
requirements (refer to chapter 7 also). It is necessary to proceed a 3-step sequential
procedure to make a fault reset on this button:
1. push the fault reset button start for a duration between 0,1 - 1,5 seconds and
release it
2. push the fault reset button within 2 seconds after the previous push start for a
duration between 0,1 - 1,5 seconds and release it
3. push the fault reset button within 2 seconds after the previous push start for a
minimum duration of 2 seconds and release it
When the pushing procedure does not cause the fault reset, then the done action was
probably wrong. Then wait for 2 seconds after the last button release and start the
sequence again.
3.2 Options requiring Controls in Access Level 2
All the listed functions in the next table belong to the option with requirements “VA
manual control” (§10). When applying any of the functions 11 - 14, then the functions 15
and 16 must be provided also.
Indication/control Requirement and Preparation
11 Manual reset of the
VA condition
Requirement: this function must be in access level 2.
The manual VA reset can be assigned to a button of an
emergency microphone. Please refer to the software
manual for further details.
If the emergency reset shall be made by an external
switch, then assign this function to a control input. The
connection to the switch should be monitored and the
switch shall be put into access level 2.
12 Indication of the
status of VA zones /
zone groups
The zone status is indicated by buttons assigned for zone
selection on a remote microphone. So assign the same
VA zones or VA zone groups to zone selection buttons as
are available for the manual controls (no. 11 - 14).
Table 4: Options requiring controls in access level 2