Dancing Eggs
The Card Game
A wobbl
ame o
or 2 - 4 pla
ers a
es 6 - 99
uthor: Roberto Fra
Martina Le
th o
ame: approx. 10 minutes
2 egg cards, 6 chicken cards, 1 wooden egg,
1 red action die, 1 color die, 1 set o
game instructions
Game idea
ho will be able to clasp the most egg cards in the various
positions thus winning the egg combat? Watch out it is not
s easy as it seems. The egg cards are diffi cult to hold on to
nd also may change owners from time to time. As soon as
omebody drops one of their cards, the game is over. Whoever
as the most egg cards wins!
istribute the six chicken cards in the room, with the side
howing the chicken face up. Make sure everybody can see
nd reach them easily. Shuffl e the egg cards and place them
n a pile in the center of the table, with the egg side facing up.
Also place the wooden egg in the center of the table where
verybody can easily reach it. Get the two dice ready.