Upon successful installation, your network name and password have
been defaulted to your equipment SSID (network name) and serial
number (password).
You can change your network name and password any time by signing in to
arvig.net.* If you haven’t created an Arvig® account previously, visit arvig.net
and click Register. Then proceed with the following steps:
1. Log in to your account at arvig.net.
2. Under Your Services,
click the drop-down
arrow and select the
Internet account.
(If you have more
than one internet
account, choose the
one with the correct
service address.)
3. A button will appear near the bottom of the Your Services section
labeled: Manage Your WiFi. Click the button to view your network status
and information.
You now have the
options to see your
password, or change
the network name or
password by clicking
Modify, or enable or
disable your WiFi. Once
you have made your
changes, click Save
Changes. If you don’t
want to make changes,
click Cancel.
Chat with us online at arvig.net!
Online instructions
877.290.0560 | arvig.net/managedwi
*There may be a delay after installation for you to be able to modify your network. If you would like to change your network name and password
before the feature is available, please contact the Arvig Help Desk. Based on Arvig service area; some restrictions apply. ©Arvig 2022 Item217