On the last page of these instruction manual a picture of the unit marked with symbols is located. Please
unfold and refer to this page in conjunction with the following instructions.
1. Mains connection
The units are factory connected to 400 V 50/60 Hz. They also can be used on 230 V 50/60 Hz and 500 V
50/60 Hz mains. The wiring instruction for reconnection is located inside of the machines near the input
terminal (460V 50/60Hz option).
Important! In case the machines are used with 230 V mains voltage, the mains
cable delivered must be replaced by one with a bigger cross section.
230 V 400/460/500 V
PLW 202 4 x 4 mm² 4 x 2,5 mm²
PLW 402 4 x 10 mm² 4 x 4 mm²
The mains plug must comply to country regulations and must be connected by an electrician. Check the
mains voltage before the machine is switched on.
2. Coolant
Pull the plastic plug of the cooling unit and check the water level. Liquid level should be about 3 cm (1“)
below the filling hole. If not, top up the tank using LoDuct cooling fluid.
Caution! Electrolytic corrosion may shorten the live time of the torch, when normal mains
water is used. Lo Duct contains glycol. Do not give access to children. Injurious to
health when drunk.
3. Gas connection
At the rear of the machine a cylinder mounting position is provided. The cylinders must always be secured
with the chains. Fit the regulators and the gas hoses for Ar/H2 and Ar to the cylinders. Connect the other
ends of the hoses to the corresponding connections clearly marked on the back side of the machines.
Open the valve of the bottle slowly and adjust the gas pressure to 6 bar.
Optional two different flow meter slide-in modules are available. It depends on the welding application
which type of flow meter slide-in module is required.
Welding gas: Pilot gas: Slide-in module Standard at
0 - 20 l/min 0 - 1,1 l/min 1 261 051 PLW 202
0 - 20 l/min 0 - 7 l/min 1 261 050 PLW 402