This equipment complies with Pod
of the FCC rules. Located on
the equipment is o lobel that contoim, among other information,
the KC regiiotion number and ringer equivalence number
IRENI. If requested, this information must be provided to the tele-
phone compuny. The REN is used to determine the quantity of
devices which m be connected to the telephone line. Excessive
on the tele$me line may resuh in the devices not rin ing
in response to an incoming toll. In most, but not all oreos, tte
ofthe RENs should not exceed five 15.O).To be certain of the
number of devices thot may be conneded to the line,
mine by the total RENs, contod the telephone compony to deter-
mine the mmimum RENs for the calling area. This equipment
annot be used an the telephone corn anyprovided coin service.
Connection to Party line service
sdjed to ~tate ~oriffs.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company will notify ou in advance thot temporary
disconlinuonce of service may
required. If advance notice
isn't practical the telephone compon
notify the customer as
pussible. Also, you will be odlired of your right to file o
complaint with the KC if yqu believe
is necessary. The tele-
phone company may moke changes in its foriliiies, equipment,
operations, or procedures that could affect the oserotion of the
~ipment. If this h~pens, the telephone campony will provide
a vonce nohce In or er for you to make the necessary mod~fico-
lions in order to moinloin uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment,
please contod:
Privacy Technologier
7005 Codran
Phone 1-800-373-6290
This e uipment has been tested and found to comply wi~h the
limits!or o Uoss B digiiol device, pursuant to pori
of the F((
rules. Pese limits ore designed to rovide reasonable protection
harmful interference to roio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a partic-
ulor installation. If this equipment does couse interference to
radio or televirion reception, which con be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to corred
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving ontenno.
Increase !he seporotion between the equipment and
the receiver.
tonned the equipment into on outlet on o circuit dif-
ferent from thot to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/[Y
technician for help.
chon e mode by
user not oppraved by Privoy Technologies'
mn vo:d !e useh oulhorriy lo operate the egu;pment.
The industry Canada label identifies ceriified equip-
ment. This certification means that the equipment meets cer-
tain telecommunications network protective, operotionol
safety requirements as presuibed in the appropriate Terminal
Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The
Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to
user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it
is permissible to
connected to the facilities of the loco1
telecommunications compony. The equipment must also be
imtolled using on acceptable method of connection. The cuc
tamer should be aware that
with the above con-
ditions may not prevent degradation of service in some
Repairs to (edified equipment should be coordinated by a
representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or
aherotions made by the user to this equipment, or equip-
ment mo~functions, may give the telecommunicotions com-
pony couse to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electri-
cal ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines
and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, ore con-
nected together. This precaution
may be particularly impor-
tant in rural oreos.
CAUTION: Users should not atlempt to moke such connec-
tions themselves, but should
contact the appropriate electric
inspection authority, or eledricion, as oppropriote.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of this device is 0.0.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned
to each terminal device provides an indication of the maxi-
number of
allowed to be connected to o
telephone interface. The termination on an interface may
consist of nny combinntion of devices subied only to the
requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence
Numbers of all the devices does not exceed
The standard conneding arrangement (telephone jock type)
forth's equipment is modular iock type.