Topcon GB-500 Operator’s Manual
3. The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no
responsibility for consequential damage, and loss of profits by
any disaster (earthquake, storms, floods, etc.).
The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no
responsibility for fire, accident, or any act by a third party, and/
or usage under other usual conditions.
4. The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no
responsibility for any damage, and loss of profits due to a
change of data, loss of data, an interruption of business etc.,
caused by using the product or an unusable product.
5. The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no
responsibility for any damage, or loss of profits caused by
usage, except for explained in the user manual.
6. The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no
responsibility for damage caused by wrong movement or action
due to connecting with other products.
Other Terms and Conditions
COPYRIGHT – All information contained in this Manual is the
intellectual property of, and copyrighted material of TPS. All rights
are reserved. You may not use, access, copy, store, display, create
derivative works of, sell, modify, publish, distribute, or allow any
third party access to, any graphics, content, information or data in
this Manual without the expressed written consent from TPS and
may only use such information for the care and operation of your
receiver. The information and data in this Manual are a valuable
asset of TPS and are developed by the expenditure of considerable
work, time and money, and are the result of original selection,
coordination and arrangement by TPS.